Monday, April 23, 2007

Events Leading To Armageddon

The recent shooting massacre at Virginia Tech in America is a foreboding of extreme violence that man is capable of. The Apostle warned in Romans 1:30 that man is capable of being 'inventors of evil things'. Just two days after this disaster, some 230 people were killed in a series of terrorist attacks and car bombs in Baghdad, Iraq. Could it be that violence will turn more gruesome, and God's covering of protection in general will slowly recede as we march towards the tribulation midnight hour?

During the great tribulation of three-and-half years, Israel is prophesied to face great persecutions and sufferings as a conglomerate of nations will descend upon Jerusalem to wage war against her (Zechariah 14:2). It will culminate in the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:16). The nation from the north of Jerusalem of the land of Magog (Ezekiel 38:2), probably Russia, will lead some Middle Eastern and eastern nations to attack Israel. This scenario is set to unfold as after the rapture of the church, Israel could lose much of her politicaal and economic support as most of her supporters were no longer on planet earth! Israel's arch enemies could take full advantage of the chaos in the Western world arising after the rapture, to take full advantage of her vulnerability in a last ditch attempt to wipe her out from the land of Palestine.

The Jews living in Judea - currently the West Bank - will have to flee for their lives as warned by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 24:15-21. At the present time, the West Bank has been
separated from Israel proper by a stretch of high security wall, leaving the Jews living there vulnerable to attacks during the great tribulation.

Revelation 11:1-2 states that the Temple Mount (temple of God) will be shared between the Jews and the Gentiles. Though currently under Jewish control, the outer court will come under Gentile control during the great tribulation. This could well be the antichrist who will head up the proposed international community to supervise the sharing of the Temple Mount.

In recent years, there were plans to rebuild the Temple Mount by the recently formed Sanhedrin in Israel. The Temple has to be rebuilt in order that the antichrist can perform his unholy acts in the holy place as was prophesied by prophet Daniel.

On the technological front, radio frequency identification (RFID) could well be the next phase of chip technology to replace the bar codes. It looks like this is another step forward to fulfill the 'mark of the beast' as prophesied in Revelation 13. Such spychips, as they are known, is set to become pervasive in corporate and individual lives. There are reports in America and Japan where such chips had been embedded under the skin of adults and children for medical and security reasons.

The good news is that, as a pre-tribulationist, I beleieve that all born again believers will be snatched away from planet earth, to appear before the Lord Jesus at the Judgment Seat of Christ. We as Christians are to give an account of our lives to the Lord and nothing will be hidden from Him. After their works had gone through God's refining fire (1 Cor 3: 12-15), those who deserves a reward will have the privilege to rule and reign with Christ in His coming Millennial Kingdom. All these happening somewhere in heaven while planet earth is going through burning fire (nuclear fallout at Armageddon?) during the seven years of tribulation - the time of God's wrath and judgment on earth!

Will Israel be annihilated with such great numbers of forces formed against her? At the last trumpet, the Lord Jesus will descend from heaven with His saints (glorified) and touchdown at the Mount of Olives, the same mountain where he gave His warnings to the Jews some two millennia ago! He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth; and with the breadth of His lips He shall slay the wicked (Isaiah 11:4). The enenies will be totally routed and one-third of the remnants of the land of Israel will be saved to enter the Millennial Kingdom (The promise Land)- albeit two millennia later!

Some sceptics may wonder why all these fuss about endtime prophecies when there is relative peace and prosperity in most parts of the world? In the days of Noah, there were corruption and violence (Genesis 6:11,13) that eventually brought about the Flood to judge the people of the earth. The Lord Jesus in Luke 17:26-30 warns that in the last days, just like in the days of Noah, people will go about their business as usual - eating, drinking and marrying - oblivious to what is about to happen. As Solomon penned in Ezekiel 1:9 "That which has been is what will be. That which is done is what will be done."

As bible believing Christian, it is my duty like a watchman to forewarn of the coming midnight hour. When the One (Holy Spirit) who restrains (evil forces) is taken out of the way (2 Thess 2:7), the salt and light of the earth will be no longer around. That will be the time when pandemonium strikes!

Adrian Fah is the author of The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Signs of the End of the World (Age)

There were three questions posed by Jesus' disciples about the end time signs and events. the first two were dealt with in my earlier articles. Now the third of the three questions was regarding the 'end of the world' (the word 'world' was used in the original King James Version of the bible). The correct translation should be the 'end of the age'. The 'end of the world' will come some one thousand years later at the close of the millennial age.

The one sign that the Lord Jesus highlighted was the 'abomination of desolation' spoken of by the prophet Daniel (Dan 9:27). This refers to the image of gold that the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar erected for the people to worship him. Those who refused to do so were punished by death on the burning fiery furnace (Dan 3:1-7).

Fast forward to Revelation13:15, the 'image of the beast' is the antichrist which will be placed at the Holy of Holies (the sacred part of the temple of God) for people to bow down and worship during the period of the seven year tribulation. Those who refused will be killed. God has set the typology of the golden image to be the end time image of the antichrist. For that which has been is what will be; that which is done is what will be done. And there is nothing new under the sun. (Eccl 1:9)

Besides this, there are other events that will be fulfilled to usher in the 'end of the age'.

1. The Rapture (1 Thess 4: 13-18)

But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, and the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words. (1Thess 4:13-18)

The rapture (catching away of the saints to heaven) will be a worldwide event where all the born again believers will disappear from the face of the earth. Their flesh and bones (dead and alive) will be translated into heavenly bodies at the 'twinkling of an eye'. Surely, the world will wake up and take notice of the fact that all Christians have suddenly disappeared without warning or trace of their whereabout. This will be one sure case of 'abduction by aliens' for the uninitiated, except they are 'abducted' by the holy angels of God. We are all forewarned!

All saved believers in Christ who had ever lived since the cross will be transported to appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Cor 5:10). They will all be required to give an account of their lives individually before the Lord (Rom 14:10,12).

2. The 144,000 Jewish Evangelists

Revelation 7 gives an account of the works of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists who will preach the Gospel of the Kingdom (different from the gospel of grace) as was done during the time when the Lord Jesus walked the earth in the first century. As a result, many will be converted as tribulation saints to enter the Millennium Kingdom of Christ after the seven year tribulation.
The world will certainly take notice of the large numbers of converts happening all over the world.

3. Rise of Antichrist (2 Thess 2)

The coming antichrist will sign a seven year peace treaty with Israel. There will be peace and prosperity in the first half of the seven year period. In the midst of it, there will be persecutions and conflicts as the antichrist will break the covenant and demanded worship and submission. It will eventually lead to the battle of Armageddon (Rev 16:16) where Russia will lead her allies (Middle Eastern and Eastern bloc nations) to invade Israel. The Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth to save Israel from destruction.

In the mayhem, God will send prophet Elijah (who was himself translated to heaven some twenty eight centuries ago) to prophesy for 1,260 days (three-and half years) with great signs and wonders as he had done more than two millenniums earlier. (Rev 11:3) He will come to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers (Mal 4:6). The meaning is not just literal but also spiritual, and that is to reconcile the children of Israel back to God and the Father to accept them again.

Elijah will be killed by those who opposed his mission but he will be raised to life again after lying dead for three-and-half days. Many will witness this event and fear fell upon them. (Rev 11:11)

As Christians we are called to be watchful for the signs that are like shadows appearing on the horizon. Do make the necessary preparations for when they do occurred, it will well be too late!

Adrian Fah is the author of The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Signs of The Second Coming of Christ

In my last article, I shared about the question raised by the disciples of Jesus and the answer given by our Lord on when will be the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.

In this article, I will discuss the second question the disciples asked and the response of the Lord to that question.

Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying,"Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the Age?" (Matthew 24:3).

For prior to the time of the seven-year tribulation when conflicts and sufferings will reach its climax for the nation of Israel (Matt 24:9), there will be at least three major signs that are the harbingers of Christ Second Coming.

1) Deception (Matthew 24:4,5,11)

In these last days, deception of every kind will be prevalent. The rise and influence of the New Age movement and the cultic offshoots of almost every major religion and its denominations are some cases in point.

Some make outrages claims, other will adopt extremist practices that will ultimately lead their followers towards the path of destruction. Those who are ignorant and gullible will be easy prey as they are being persuaded by what their itching ears like to hear.

2) Wars and Rumors of Wars (Matthew 24:6,12)

There will be prevalence of wars, rumors of wars, human conflicts and strife of every kind. As the end of the age draws closer, the love for one another will draw greater apart. Greed and self-seeking agenda will dominate to create animosity and suspicion.

The stage is set for the great showdown between the forces of good and evil as the destiny of Israel and the church comes closer to fulfillment.

However, born again believers need not be alarm. For those who are faithful to the Lord Jesus and abide in Him will be raptured to heaven before the dawn of tribulation, for their redemption draws near.

3) Natural Disasters / Global Warming (Matthew 24:7)

Natural calamities like earthquakes, famines and pestilences are widespread in various places. These are signs of the 'beginning of the end'...the beginning of sorrows (verse 8).

In today's context, I would say it includes global warming. For such phenomena has resulted in tsunami, freak weather patterns like widespread flooding in some areas and drought in others. As a result, mountain snow, glaciers and icebergs are starting to melt rapidly causing a steep rise in sea-level that could threaten civilisations along the coastal regions of the world.

Perhaps the one greatest prophetic sign that has been fulfilled is the budding of the fig tree - which symbolise the restoration of the nation of Israel on May 14, 1948. This happened after centuries of wandering of the Israelites among the nations of the world.

As a nation, Israel was set aside and the fig tree was cut down because of disobedience and unfruitfulness. However, the time will come during the Millennial Age when Israel will be restored to its glory as in the days of the united kingdom of David and Solomon in God's prophetic timeline.

The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 24:34 that 'this generation' - the generation that witness the coming together of all these prophecies - will not pass away till all these have taken place. Assuming the starting timeline is the restoration of Israel in 1948, the question to pose is , 'how long is this generation'?

Some bible scholars are of the view that one generation is forty years, as one generation of the Israelites wandered for forty years and perished in the wilderness. Or is it three score and ten, that is seventy years, for an average lifespan according to the Psalmist? Could it be one hundred and twenty years as in the days of Noah when the Spirit of God stipulated the lifespan of man to be so? (Genesis 6:3). But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be (Matthew 24:37).

No one really knows for sure what the period of time 'this generation' is. Even our Lord Jesus Christ, while on earth did not know the time of His return. I suppose it is the prerogative of God to keep it secret so that the church will be on her toes to keep watch and pray. All we do know is that the time of Christ Second Coming is drawing nearer now than when He first warned His disciples on the Mount of Olives, almost two thousand years ago.

The church of Jesus Christ should be prepared for His Second Coming to usher in His glorious Millennial Kingdom on earth for a thousand years, where righteousness and peace dwell. That is the blessed hope for all who long for His return (Titus 2:13).

Adrian Fah is the author of The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Jerusalem and the Temple

According to Derek Prince, a well-known bible preacher and writer, one primary purpose of prophecy is to help God's people visualise their divinely appointed destiny. Without a clear vision of their destiny, they will fail to rise up to claim their rightful place of victory in the spiritual battle against the forces of darkness. That is why Proverbs 29:18 warns that the people will perish without a prophetic vision of their destiny.

The prophet Jeremiah lamented in Lamentations 1:8-9 that Jerusalem fell because of her grave sins...for she failed to consider her destiny! History records that Jerusalem fell and was totally routed by the armies of Babylon in 586 B.C. The beautiful temple of Solomon was destroyed by the armies of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon at that time.

Some six hundred years later, the Lord Jesus Christ warned His Jewish brethren in Luke 19:43-44 "For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation."

Sitting upon the Mount of Olives, Jesus was rebuking the scribes and the Pharisees (the religious people of His days) and the people of Jerusalem for being guilty of the blood of the prophets sent by God to warn them of their sins and disobedience to the commandments of God. All these will result in the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, which had since been rebuilt after the demolition in 586 B.C. Though the prophecy was mainly for the Jews, the church of Jesus of Christ in the twenty first century can draw a lesson from these - that failure to understand their destiny will result in tragedy.

1) Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple

When Jesus warned in Matthew 23:38 "See! Your house is left to you desolate." His disciples asked Him privately, "Tell us, when will these things be?" (Matthew 24:3). The Lord Jesus answered, "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near." (Luke 21:20)

Following through in Luke 21:21, Jesus warned the Jews in Judea to flee to the mountains and those in the country not to enter Jerusalem. True to His words, the Roman armies under Cestus Gallus surrounded the city of Jerusalem in October 66 A.D. However, about a month later, for no apparent reason, the Roman armies withdrew. That left a window of opportunity for the Christian Jews to flee Jerusalem as was advised by the Lord Jesus.

In 70 A.D. the Roman general Titus besieged the city of Jerusalem, the temple and the city were burnt to the ground. Those who failed to heed the prophetic warnings of Jesus perished and the carnage left more than a million people dead. Those who were wise and heed the sign and prophetic warnings of Jesus given decades earlier, escaped the carnage. Not a stone was left standing in the temple mount after the destruction. Hence, the prophecies of Jesus concerning the city of Jerusalem and the temple were fulfilled.

2) The Abomination of Desolation

In the book of Daniel (Old Testament prophet) chapter 9:27, it is recorded that the Antichrist will desolate the temple of God in Jerusalem sometime during the second half of the seven-year tribulation period, also known as a time of Jacob's trouble. The seven-year tribulation is the seventieth week as prophesied in Daniel 9:24, which has yet to happen. It will be a time when God will deal with the nation of Israel in accordance to the laws of the Old Testament. Second Thessalonians 2:4 states that the Antichrist will sit on the temple and showing himself to be God for people to worship him.

However, to this day, the temple of Jerusalem has yet to be rebuilt since the destruction in 70 A.D. So for this prophecy to be fulfilled the temple mount will have to be rebuilt and probably to be destroyed again during the time of the great tribulation - the last days of this age.

It looks like the destinies of Israel and the church are converging...looking forward to the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to earth. Let us not waver, but watch and pray, so that we will not be found wanting and left behind 'because you did not know the time of your visitation'.

Adrian Fah is the author of the Book The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven

Monday, April 2, 2007

Signs of the Times

Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing Him (Jesus) asked that He would show them a sign from heaven. He answered and said to them, "When it is evening you say,'It will be fair weather for the sky is red'; and in the morning,' It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times. " (Matthew 16:1-3)

When one speaks of the Lord Jesus Christ second coming, the question that inevitably pops up is 'What are the signs that point to His return?' This is important because the Christian is specially commanded to 'watch and pray' for His second advent. For the reward of the crown of righteousness of the 'blessed hope' awaits those who long for His second coming (2 Timothy 4:8).
However, before we examine that, I would like to address the warnings and signs given through God's prophets of Old about His impending judgments well ahead of time. Yet the people in their respective generations failed to time and again heed the warning signs of their times. We need to look at these in order not to repeat the same foolish mistakes many of them made that eventually sealed their destiny. As the prophet Amos warned, " Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7)

1) The Flood

God instructed Noah (a righteous man of his time) to warn the people and build an ark to save himself and his family from the impending flood that God will bring to judge the earth due to evil and wickedness among the people. The people failed to heed God's warning and the great flood inundated the earth, destroying everything saved those inside Noah's ark.

2) Sodom and Gomorrah

Before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, God sent two angels to warn the people there of the impending destruction of the two cities due to sins and wicked deeds. The warnings were ignored and even scoffed at by the family members of Lot, Abraham's nephew. The two cities were totally destroyed and the fate of the residents sealed in history.

3) Pharaoh

Through His chosen prophet Moses, God warned Pharaoh to let the Hebrews to leave the land of Egypt so that they could gather to worship Him. However, Pharaoh constantly refused to concede to God's demands led to the unleashing of the ten plagues in the land of Egypt that resulted in untold sufferings to the Egyptians. Again, at the Red Sea, Pharaoh's army suffered total destruction as they chased God's people across the desert, despite seeing the hand of God at work for the Hebrews.

Similarly, long before the Messiah (Jesus Christ) was to come as the incarnate Son of God to dwell among men, warnings and signs were given well ahead of time. Yet they missed it all because they turned to the traditions of their fathers rather than the inspired Word of God!

Let's look at some of the signs of the times that preceeded the first coming of our Lord Jesus Christ some two thousand years ago.

1) Daniel's Prophecy

In the book of Daniel chapter 9:24-27, it was recorded the prophecy of the 'Seventy Weeks'.
Such is a prophetic revelation from God to mankind upon which all other bible prophecy hinges.
The 'seventy weeks' mentions in Daniel 9 refers to seventy times seven years, equivalent to four hundred and ninety years. In that context, 'weeks' refers to years because Daniel was thinking in terms of the seventy years in captivity by the Babylonians after which his people will be freed as written by prophet Jeremiah.

The 490 years timeline would start from the going forth to restore and rebuild the city walls of Jerusalem given in a decree by King Artaxerxes to Nehemiah to supervise the rebuilding efforts. This is a peiod of 483 years (69 times seven) between the issue of the edict to the time of the appearance of the Anointed One (Jesus Christ) as a Prince.

The issue is when is this time in the Lord's life to be considered as having presented Himself as Priest and King? Not at birth as He came a humble babe born in a manger. Not in the prime of His ministry as He would not put forth Himself as King even though He was anointed of the Holy Spirit. But at His entry into Jerusalem, four days before His crucifixion. The crowd hailed Him as their King as recorded in Luke 19:38, "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!" It is also a fulfillment of Zachariah 9:9. According to the Jewish calendar of 360 days in a year, the year B.C 445 when the edict was issued by King Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem to the time of Christ entry into Jerusalem in 32 A.D is 483 years.

But then is the balance of seven (7) years to make up the 490 years? The last seven years will be the time of tribulation (judgment on earth) when God will deal with the nation of Israel according to the laws of the Old Testament.

2) The Heavenly Sign

Balaam prophesied in Numbers 24:17 that a Star (the Messiah) will come out of Jacob and that a scepter (governmental authority) shall rise out of Israel. He will have power to destroy the enemies and punish the sons of lawlessness. These imply absolute power and authority which rightly belong to the King of the Jews (Jesus Christ). The wise men of the east knew this sign but not the scribes and the Pharisees.

3) The Scepter of Judah

In Genesis 49:10, Jacob told his son Judah that the scepter shall not depart from his tribe until Shiloh (Messiah) comes. As the scepter is a symbol of governmental authority, it has the power to discharge punishment for capital offence.

When Jesus was convicted of death sentence passed by the Sanhedrin, and brought before Pilate to be executed, Pilate told the crowd to judge Him according to Jewish laws. To which the Jews replied that they could not execute the death sentence as the scepter had departed from Judah since Shiloh had come. (John 18:31)

It would be obvious to anyone who had studied the Word of God that the signs all point to the presence of the Messiah. Yet they failed to see and understand the signs of the times. In like manner, it would be tragic for the church of the twenty-first century to repeat the same mistakes of our spiritual forefathers of generations passed.

Adrian Fah is the author of The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven