As a young Christian, I often heard preachers and other more mature believers in the Lord uttered the cliche - 'born again' believers in the Lord. My understanding then was that every Christian who has placed their trust in Jesus Christ as personal Saviour is a 'born again' believer who will eventually enter heaven upon death. But as I study into the Word of Scripture, I discovered that that isn't what it means.
What then, does Jesus mean when He told the Pharisees named Nicodemus, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.'? (John 3:3). It is absolutely crucial that you understand this truth because your destiny hinges on it. If a believer is being 'born again' at the point of conversion, then the Kingdom of God must be here now. But the Word of God clearly teaches otherwise - that the Kingdom of God will come after the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Revelation 11:15).
Colossians 1:18 tells us that 'Christ is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead'. This verse tells us that Jesus is the first to be resurrected from the dead. All other believers who are resurrected after Him are Christs' brethren (Rom 8:29) - born into God's family as sons of God. This will happen after Jesus Christ return to earth at His Second Coming. The only qualifying condition is that they must have the Spirit of Christ living in them and be led by the Spirit of God, otherwise they are none of His (Rom 8: 9-16). Because the same Spirit of God that raised Christ from the dead will also raised all true believers into spirit body at resurrection (verse 11). The account in 1 Cor 15:44-54 makes this absolutely clear. To be 'born again' is to be resurrected into spirit body of immortality, incorruptibility, having the 'divine nature'. That is why one who is born again of God does not sin, for His seed (Holy Spirit) remains in him, and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God (1 john 3:9). If a believer is 'born again' at conversion, this verse just does not make sense because all Christians still sin after conversion!
God's plan is to have 'many sons' - born after His firstborn Son Jesus Christ. If He intends to stop at only ONE SON, the word 'firstborn' and 'brethren' are superflous (Rom 8:29) and the phrase 'sons of God' - Rom 8:14 - quite misleading! But all these truths Satan and his demons are fighting tooth and nail to keep the church from understanding - otherwise he will cut short his reign into the pit (Rev 20:2-3). For when the gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven (God) is being preached in all the world as a witness, the end of the church age will come to usher in the return of Christ (Matt 24:14).
So the truth being told, one is born again at the resurrection - then and only then, will he/she sees the Kingdom of God. For flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption (1 Cor 15:50). It has to be YOU with a new spirit body that will never die (1 Cor 15:54), one that is fully led by the Spirit of God, of which we are now experiencing only an earnest (a guarantee - Eph 1:14), the fulness of which after we are born again!
The Apostle Paul's statement in 1 Corinthians 15:50 states that we are to become spirit in order to inherit the Kingdom of God. Since humans are made of flesh and blood - from the dust, Gen 2:7 - they must be born again into spirits before they can enter the Kingdom of God. Like in a physical birth, a child is being delivered from his/her physical mother, in a spiritual birth the believer is being delivered from his/her spiritual mother - the church. The Lord Jesus likens this to wind in John 3:8, indicating that born again believers in the spirit body will also be invisible! Perhaps, the Kingdom of God will also be invisible to the natural but only those born of spirit will be able to see and enter into it.
Note that Nicodemus understood who Christ was and His authority from God when he said in John 3:2 'Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him'. Why do you think that the Pharisees still resent Christ when they knew who He was? The most probable explanation was that they feared the loss of power and authority that was given to them by the Romans if the message of the Kingdom (Government) of God, which was preached by the Lord Jesus was accepted by the masses. Similarly, many today understood the teachings of Jesus Christ about the Kingdom of God, yet they prefer to cling on to their traditions and beliefs for fear of losing their positions, power and status. That is why the Lord Jesus emphasised strongly, 'YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN' (John 3:7).
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Reward of the Saints
Many Christians know that they are 'destined for glory'. But what is it and what form it will take, most have no clue what it's all about. Some may hazard a guess, like 'riding in the clouds', 'walking through streets of gold in heaven', or 'just loiter around in heaven - free and easy - perhaps at the bosom of Jesus'. But none of these is what the bible teaches.
Before I dwell into reward, we need to be absolutely clear what is salvation. I used to think that I am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. This is only half the truth. We are 'saved by His (Jesus Christ) life (Romans 5:10). While we are reconciled to God and justified by His blood (Rom 5:9) of all our past transgressions and sins, He saved us completely based on our repentance - turning from our evil past (kingdom of darkness) to FUTURE obedience on God's laws and commandments (Kingdom of Light).
This is made possible because God's Spirit dwells upon those who repent and obey Him (Acts 5:31-32). In other words, the authority and works (fruits) of the believer is dependent upon the power of the Holy Spirit which is conditional on repentance and obedience on the part of the Christian. And not dependent on some 'soaking meeting' or 'Holy Spirit meeting' to prop up dwindling spiritual power. This will NOT work and is unbiblical, but can cause confusion and deception in the body of Christ! Don't get me wrong, those who are not full of God's Holy Spirit but are nevertheless believer of Jesus Christ, will not lose their salvation, though they could lose their reward if their lives are found to be unfruitful - like being deceived into doing the wrong kind of work in the name of the Lord ( Matthew 15:13-14; Mark 7:7; 1 Cor 3:15).
Salvation is by grace through faith, even the saving faith itself is a gift. 'For by grace are you saved through faith, and that (faith) not of yourself; it (faith) is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast' (Ephesians 2:8-9). That is why there is another level of faith, 'For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith (the faith of Christ) (Rom 1:17). But that will be the subject of another blog.
Make no mistake, a Christian is one who has the Holy Spirit leading and guiding him/her. 'For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God' (Rom 8:14) - for we are not in the flesh but in the Spirit (verse 9). From these verses alone, we gather that God the father is building His divine family with Jesus as the Firstborn and born again believers (resurrected in the First Resurrection) are His brethren (Rom 8:29), being the church of the firstborn (Hebrews 12:23). Satan is absolutely mad that he was not offered as member of God's divine family but puny man can have it! You read it right, you and I can be part of God's divine family - literally - when Jesus Christ returns to rule and reign in the Kingdom of God during the Millennial Age. Not even the angels in heaven were given the privilege. This is clearly reveals in Hebrews, beginning with chapter 1 (more about that in future blog). David's writing in Psalm 8 shows his understanding of things to come (little wonder he is a man after God's own heart and will be resurrected - because he is stiil sleeping in the dust, Acts 2:34 - in the First Resurrection to rule and reign over Israel).
The Holy Spirit dwells in the minds of believers to renew and guide us into the truth - for only the truth will set us free (John 8:32). Free from what? - from the deceptions of Satan and his demons. God's plan for believers (potential sons) is not either faith or works, but FAITH AND WORKS - in order to qualify us for the Kingdom as part of His divine family which He is working now to expand to include all believers who will heed His calling and commandments.
In a sense, the church is currently being judged - 'For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God' (1 Peter 4:17). What is the purpose of God's judging His people now if our character, conduct and works make no difference to Him. God is sieving out His chosen ones - the overcomers - to be part of His 'A' team in His government! No one is fit to rule and reign in the Kingdom of God if he/she cannot be ruled or refuse to submit to the government of God which is based on the laws and commandments of God as stipulated in the holy scriptures. Do not be like the stubborn mules in the parable of Luke 19:14. Christians must learn to 'grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ' (2 Peter 3:18). For one's status, position, office, rank and glory will depend on your character building and works accomplished - assessed when you are resurrected or walk (transformed) into the Kingdom of God, whichever comes first. That is your destiny - for your future quality of life depends on what you do NOW!
John 15 records the words of our Lord Jesus Christ on the night before the betrayal. He kept the Passover with His disciples and taught them the importance of bearing fruit. However, the believer must understand God's role in the building of character, good works and righteousness (Rom 10:3). Doing our own thing or God's work in our own way will amount to nothing as far as reward in the life to come is concern. God is the potter and we are the clay. Let His Holy Spirit work in and through us to produce the Godly character (partakers of the divine nature) He desires of us first before we can be useful for the extension of His Kingdom both now and in the age to come. For we must seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things (our current needs and future rewards) shall be added to you (Matt 6:33).
Before I dwell into reward, we need to be absolutely clear what is salvation. I used to think that I am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. This is only half the truth. We are 'saved by His (Jesus Christ) life (Romans 5:10). While we are reconciled to God and justified by His blood (Rom 5:9) of all our past transgressions and sins, He saved us completely based on our repentance - turning from our evil past (kingdom of darkness) to FUTURE obedience on God's laws and commandments (Kingdom of Light).
This is made possible because God's Spirit dwells upon those who repent and obey Him (Acts 5:31-32). In other words, the authority and works (fruits) of the believer is dependent upon the power of the Holy Spirit which is conditional on repentance and obedience on the part of the Christian. And not dependent on some 'soaking meeting' or 'Holy Spirit meeting' to prop up dwindling spiritual power. This will NOT work and is unbiblical, but can cause confusion and deception in the body of Christ! Don't get me wrong, those who are not full of God's Holy Spirit but are nevertheless believer of Jesus Christ, will not lose their salvation, though they could lose their reward if their lives are found to be unfruitful - like being deceived into doing the wrong kind of work in the name of the Lord ( Matthew 15:13-14; Mark 7:7; 1 Cor 3:15).
Salvation is by grace through faith, even the saving faith itself is a gift. 'For by grace are you saved through faith, and that (faith) not of yourself; it (faith) is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast' (Ephesians 2:8-9). That is why there is another level of faith, 'For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith (the faith of Christ) (Rom 1:17). But that will be the subject of another blog.
Make no mistake, a Christian is one who has the Holy Spirit leading and guiding him/her. 'For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God' (Rom 8:14) - for we are not in the flesh but in the Spirit (verse 9). From these verses alone, we gather that God the father is building His divine family with Jesus as the Firstborn and born again believers (resurrected in the First Resurrection) are His brethren (Rom 8:29), being the church of the firstborn (Hebrews 12:23). Satan is absolutely mad that he was not offered as member of God's divine family but puny man can have it! You read it right, you and I can be part of God's divine family - literally - when Jesus Christ returns to rule and reign in the Kingdom of God during the Millennial Age. Not even the angels in heaven were given the privilege. This is clearly reveals in Hebrews, beginning with chapter 1 (more about that in future blog). David's writing in Psalm 8 shows his understanding of things to come (little wonder he is a man after God's own heart and will be resurrected - because he is stiil sleeping in the dust, Acts 2:34 - in the First Resurrection to rule and reign over Israel).
The Holy Spirit dwells in the minds of believers to renew and guide us into the truth - for only the truth will set us free (John 8:32). Free from what? - from the deceptions of Satan and his demons. God's plan for believers (potential sons) is not either faith or works, but FAITH AND WORKS - in order to qualify us for the Kingdom as part of His divine family which He is working now to expand to include all believers who will heed His calling and commandments.
In a sense, the church is currently being judged - 'For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God' (1 Peter 4:17). What is the purpose of God's judging His people now if our character, conduct and works make no difference to Him. God is sieving out His chosen ones - the overcomers - to be part of His 'A' team in His government! No one is fit to rule and reign in the Kingdom of God if he/she cannot be ruled or refuse to submit to the government of God which is based on the laws and commandments of God as stipulated in the holy scriptures. Do not be like the stubborn mules in the parable of Luke 19:14. Christians must learn to 'grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ' (2 Peter 3:18). For one's status, position, office, rank and glory will depend on your character building and works accomplished - assessed when you are resurrected or walk (transformed) into the Kingdom of God, whichever comes first. That is your destiny - for your future quality of life depends on what you do NOW!
John 15 records the words of our Lord Jesus Christ on the night before the betrayal. He kept the Passover with His disciples and taught them the importance of bearing fruit. However, the believer must understand God's role in the building of character, good works and righteousness (Rom 10:3). Doing our own thing or God's work in our own way will amount to nothing as far as reward in the life to come is concern. God is the potter and we are the clay. Let His Holy Spirit work in and through us to produce the Godly character (partakers of the divine nature) He desires of us first before we can be useful for the extension of His Kingdom both now and in the age to come. For we must seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things (our current needs and future rewards) shall be added to you (Matt 6:33).
Sunday, February 3, 2008
The Judgment Seat of Christ
In my last few blogs, I shared with readers about the Kingdom of God which is God's Government on earth during the Millennial Age - to be inaugurated after the Second Coming of Christ. In this blog I am going to share about the Judgment Seat of Christ which will precede Christ's rule. This Judgment is all about rewards or loss of rewards and has nothing to do with salvation - since only saved believers of the church age will appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ. This is because all who appear there will have the same foundation, which is the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross (1 Cor 3 11).
Please note that salvation is not the end of the Christian race, but rather the beginning! The end will come at the Judgment Seat of Christ where every will, work and word will be judged through the 'baptism of fire'. This is precisely what John the Baptist meant in Matthew 3:11 when he said that the Lord Jesus will come to baptise His disciples will the Holy Spirit and fire. So Charismatics beware - you folks ought to know what you are singing and asking - otherwise you are unknowingly pronouncing curses upon yourselves !
Understand this, while salvation is secure (it cannot be easily lost except like when it is renounced or adopt another faith subsequently), reward can be easily lost if one is foolish enough and lack wisdom. When the Scriptures say that it is a gift not based on works, that something is salvation and cannot be easily lost (Ephesians 2:8-9). Conversely, when something needs to be attained through works, that is a reward which can be easily lost (2 John 8). As Christians we must learn to clearly divide the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).
Make no mistake, not all believers will inherit the Kingdom of God. For many are called (unto salvation) but few are chosen (to rule and reign in the Kingdom of God) - Matthew 20:16b; 22:14. But only those who have received a reward, whose works are counted as gold, silver and precious stones (1 Cor 3: 12-15). Those whose works are wood, hay and straw will lose their reward though they themselves will be saved, even through the fire. This is consistent with what the Lord taught His disciples on numerous occasions, especially through the parable of the wedding feast in Matthew 22: 1-14 and the parable of the minas (talent) in Luke 19:12-27. Jesus also told His disciples that He (Son of Man) will come in the glory of His Father and reward each according to his works (Matt 16:27; Rev 22:12).
The Apostle Paul again in 2 Cor 5:10 reiterated that all Christians must appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ. Again in Hebrews 2:2, the writer (whom I believe is Paul) reminded us that everyone who appears there will receive exactly what he deserves. So there can be no miscarriage of judgment - unlike judgments handed out by leaders and governments of this world!
God is loving and gracious, sometimes He chastened us for our own good so that we will not lose our reward but rather 'yield the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it' (Hebrews 12:5-11). Hence, it is a very good idea to do our own soul searching periodically to cleanse out the 'skeleton in our closet' (2 Cor 11:31-32). Sadly, many failed to heed the example of Esau when he sold his birthright to his younger brother Jacob for a pottage (typology for the trinkets of this world) and found to his deep regret that there is no tears left for repentance. When we appear before Christ, it will be too late for any remedy, and those who lost their reward will be marginalised in the outer darkness with weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt 22:13)!
That is why chastisement and the fear (reverential) of the Lord will drive the foolishness out of believers into wisdom and right living (righteousness) - Proverbs 22:15. This is what kingdom living will be like in the Age to come under the government of the King of kings and Lord of lords - the kings and lords are the saints who will rule and reign with Him!
Please note that salvation is not the end of the Christian race, but rather the beginning! The end will come at the Judgment Seat of Christ where every will, work and word will be judged through the 'baptism of fire'. This is precisely what John the Baptist meant in Matthew 3:11 when he said that the Lord Jesus will come to baptise His disciples will the Holy Spirit and fire. So Charismatics beware - you folks ought to know what you are singing and asking - otherwise you are unknowingly pronouncing curses upon yourselves !
Understand this, while salvation is secure (it cannot be easily lost except like when it is renounced or adopt another faith subsequently), reward can be easily lost if one is foolish enough and lack wisdom. When the Scriptures say that it is a gift not based on works, that something is salvation and cannot be easily lost (Ephesians 2:8-9). Conversely, when something needs to be attained through works, that is a reward which can be easily lost (2 John 8). As Christians we must learn to clearly divide the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).
Make no mistake, not all believers will inherit the Kingdom of God. For many are called (unto salvation) but few are chosen (to rule and reign in the Kingdom of God) - Matthew 20:16b; 22:14. But only those who have received a reward, whose works are counted as gold, silver and precious stones (1 Cor 3: 12-15). Those whose works are wood, hay and straw will lose their reward though they themselves will be saved, even through the fire. This is consistent with what the Lord taught His disciples on numerous occasions, especially through the parable of the wedding feast in Matthew 22: 1-14 and the parable of the minas (talent) in Luke 19:12-27. Jesus also told His disciples that He (Son of Man) will come in the glory of His Father and reward each according to his works (Matt 16:27; Rev 22:12).
The Apostle Paul again in 2 Cor 5:10 reiterated that all Christians must appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ. Again in Hebrews 2:2, the writer (whom I believe is Paul) reminded us that everyone who appears there will receive exactly what he deserves. So there can be no miscarriage of judgment - unlike judgments handed out by leaders and governments of this world!
God is loving and gracious, sometimes He chastened us for our own good so that we will not lose our reward but rather 'yield the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it' (Hebrews 12:5-11). Hence, it is a very good idea to do our own soul searching periodically to cleanse out the 'skeleton in our closet' (2 Cor 11:31-32). Sadly, many failed to heed the example of Esau when he sold his birthright to his younger brother Jacob for a pottage (typology for the trinkets of this world) and found to his deep regret that there is no tears left for repentance. When we appear before Christ, it will be too late for any remedy, and those who lost their reward will be marginalised in the outer darkness with weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt 22:13)!
That is why chastisement and the fear (reverential) of the Lord will drive the foolishness out of believers into wisdom and right living (righteousness) - Proverbs 22:15. This is what kingdom living will be like in the Age to come under the government of the King of kings and Lord of lords - the kings and lords are the saints who will rule and reign with Him!
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