Thursday, April 30, 2009


The first three of the four gospel books of the New Testament recorded the OLIVET PROPHECY delivered by Jesus Christ in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. The Apostle John recorded this pivotal prophecy in the book of Revelation at the island of Patmos. Chapter six of Revelation records the seven seals, with the first four known as the four horsemen of the apocalypse. In this blog I shall focus on the first - the white horse.

Since only Christ is qualified to unlock the seven seals, only He and He alone can interpret the prophecy. Revelation 6:1-2 reads, 'Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, "Come and see." And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow, and he went out conquering and to conquer.' Many were and continue to be deceived into thinking that the white horseman here refers to Christ. Though Christ wil return to Earth on a white horse (Rev 19:11), He has a sword and not a bow and has many crowns, not just a crown. The four horsemen of the apocalypse will bring great calamities upon the Earth. Conversely, the true Christ of Revelation 19:11-15 will bring everlasting peace, joy and love once His enemies were destroyed.

There are some fraternity within Christiandom who views the white horse of the first seal represents the Church. However, the true church of God was never called to subdue and conquer nations. The true church of God is to be like a 'mother' to teach and nurture those who are called (Galatians 4:26). What this white horse in Revelation 6:1-2 represents is not all other religions, but counterfeit christianity - a false Christ , a false gospel and a false church - but all done in the name of Jesus Christ to make them look and feel authentic! Such is the state of spirituality as we march towards the close of the church age. 'Because many false prophets have gone out into the world' (1 John 4:1). Though the other three horsemen will cause great physical sufferings, but the first horseman is the deadliest because it is religious deception. This means that many had and will continue to fall prey without even knowing that they were being deceived! It will get so bad in the last stage of the end times that they cannot even tell the truth from falsehood. Notice too that Christ gave these warnings to His close inner disciples at the Mount of Olive (hence the term Olivet Prophecy) when asked to give the sign of His coming, and of the end of the age (church age) - Matthew 24:1-3. Sadly, many still believe that they are following the true faith of Christianity and 'heaven bound for eternity'. Hence, the severe warning from Christ in Matthew 24:5, 'For many will come in my name, saying I am the Christ, and will deceive many.'; Matthew 24;11-12,' Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.' ; Matthew 24:24, 'For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.'

The truth of the matter is that all those who are deceived will 'be delivered up to tribulation to be killed' (Matthew 24:9) Tragically, many will undergo the Great Tribulation to suffer the wrath of Satan with no covering of protection! Though it happened in history in A.D. 70 when the Roman army conquered Jerusalem, that was only a type of greater sufferings and catastropies to come just before Christ's return. Such is Christ warning to us amplified multiple fold for our time and echoed in the book of Malachi and by Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2. The falling away will come first with the son of perdition revealed before the Lord Jesus Christ returns.

The true Christ in Revelation 19 will come with a sword in His mouth, representing the Word of God. Unlike the white horse in chapter 6 with a bow in his hand trying to conquer and subdue people and nations with man made systems and movements. Alas, little did they know that what they are doing is outside the government of God - they are in the outer courts! Meaning that they are not being led by the Spirit of God, but fighting a losing battle on their own man-made righteousness which God will not accept as it is not based on faith. Since only what is promised in the Word of God is to be claimed by faith. What is not based on the promises of His Word, God is not obliged to fulfill.

Note also that this white horse came in first of the four horsemen of the apocalypse as deception started almost immediately after the death of all of Christ's Apostles around A.D. 100. It gets worse as the centuries draw by until Christ's return. Whereas the white horse in Revelation 19 refers to the time at the close of this church age when the true Christ will be revealed with His resurrected saints born again into spiritual god beings as the sons of the living God into the Family of God with God the Father as the Head of the God Family. Together with Christ, they will rule the earth for a millennium and then the whole of the universe for all of eternity (Rev 20:4 & 6). That will be the time when the prophecy of Romans 8:19 will be fulfilled, 'For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.' Only at resurrection is the flesh changed to spirit to inherit the kingdom of God because 'flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God' (1 Cor 15:50)! Sadly, it looks like most Christians just don't get it. Little wonder that Christ called the little flock that will get to inherit the kingdom of God (Luke 12:32).

The false counterfeit Christianity of this world has its origin in Nimrod and his wife Semiramis who introduced the Babylonian Mystery religion. The name 'Babylon' originates from the Hebrew word 'Babel' which means 'confusion'. Centuries later, the Babylonian Empire became the center of the Babylonian Mystery religion. Bible prophecy tells us that there will yet be a last attempt to revive the great Babylonian Mystery religion.

Bible history tells us that Simon Magus (the word 'magus' means 'sorcerer' or 'magician') who was once the leader of the Samaritian Babylonian Mystery religion, was probably the founder of the heretical movement. Among the well-known Christian writers and scholars who followed or were influenced by the heretical movement are Justin Martyr, Jerome and others in the centuries that followed. Simon Magus carried the title of 'Papa', 'Father' and even 'Pope'. This is in direct contradiction to Christ's command in Matthew 23:9, 'Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your father, He who is in heaven.'

The heretical movement believed in the doctrine of the 'immortal soul', 'going to heaven when you died' and 'eternal burning in hell'. But all of these are contrary to what the Bible teaches. The Bible clearly states the the soul who sins shall die (Ezekiel 18:20a). The Apostle Peter in Acts 2:29 tells us that 'David is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day.' If David being a man after God's own heart is not in heaven, probably none of us is going to make it there! Job knew that he would be 'changed' and David was confident that he would' awake', Daniel was told he would 'rest and arise to his inheritance' and so was the Apostle Paul. Similarly, none of the great men of faith had received their promises of eternal life, for they all died in faith (Hebrews 11:13). This truth is authenticated by Christ when He told Nicodemus thus, 'No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.' (John 3:13). This means that all who had died in faith are still 'resting in peace' (RIP) awaiting the first resurrection, if they so qualified!

The word 'hell' is nothing but a 'tomb'. And all who died will end up there. The concept of hell and hell fire was invented by man to scare people into following their false religion. Christ mentioned the danger of hell fire in Matthew 5:22 is actually in the context of total destruction and not ongoing suffering in hell. Many misguided preachers will quote Mark 9:43-48 to justify their story. These verses refer to hell and hell fire that is not quenched and worms that die not. These are translated from the Greek word 'gehenna' represents the Valley of Hinnon. The term was mentioned in several Old Testament verses (2 Kings23:10; Jer 19:6; Nehemiah 11:30) and refer to a place near Jerusalem where the fires were kept burning to consume the trash and corpses thrown in there. This rather deep and long ravine have bushes and trees on it ledges. Some of the corpses thrown there never made it into the fire below, but caught among the trees and bushes on the ledges. Hence, they were not burned up but decomposed by maggots. Such maggots or worms died not but later developed into flies. The fire below was not quenched as it always had things to burn up! Similarly, the parable of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16:19-31 is not referring to eternal burning in hell fire. If that was so, how could water from the tip of Lazarus' finger be sufficient to quench the inferno (verse 24)! So quoting verses out of context without a proper understanding of the background could end in deception.

There is not a single verse in the whole of Scriptures that says the lost will suffer eternal burning in hell. Such man -made half truth and falsehood are part of Satan's grand plan of deception. Man can be sadistic but not our loving heavenly Father. Theologians and evangelists down the centuries have portrayed God the Father as the ultimate terrorist! What the Bible does say is that anyone who is unrepentant after given all the revelations of God's truth in the second resurrection will be annihilated forever (the second death) in the lake of fire (Rev 20:14-15)! Only a merciful and loving God will put them out of their misery.

There are many believers of Christianity who have no idea that what they believe are mainly half truths or even completely false. Christ warned that they are spiritually blind (Rev 3:17), because they are being misled and deceived. The Lord Jesus Christ is giving them one final chance before this church age draws to a close. Christ is standing at the door of their hearts and knock (Rev 3:20). If they would respond to the truth and be set free, they will still have their inheritance in the kingdom of God (Rev 3:21). Your eternal destiny is at stake!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


The main theme of the book of Zachariah is about God's temple. It is a type of God's church in today's context. Zachariah chapter 3 records what transpired between God, His angel and Joshua the high priest. Joshua was in filthy garment, typifying corruption that had infiltrated the church. God told the high priest (equivalent to modern days minister of the Word of God) to remove the filth. If this condition if fulfilled, rewards and greatness will come - 3:7. Zechariah could not understand the prophecy he wrote (What are these? - 4:4; 4:5; 4:11; 4:12; 4:13), much like Daniel, because all these are for the end times before the Second Coming of Christ!

God shows Zechariah a 'flying scroll' (5:1 & 2), with exact measurement of 20 cubits long (30 feet) by 10 cubits wide (15 feet). If we let the Bible interprets the Bible, we see similar measurement in 1 Kings 6:22-27 inside the holy of holies - the heart of the temple where God dwells. The two cherubim, with outstretched wings measured the same dimension, guarding the mercy seat - where God's throne is!

What is the significance of this? Inside the ark, under the mercy seat were three items - the Ten Commandments, Aaron's rod and manna. The ten commandments represents God's law, the rod of Aaron typifies authority and hence, the Government of God and the manna signifies God's Word and His revelation. God is reminding His church to focus on His law, the coming kingdom of God and the prophecies inscribed in His Word! God is also telling us that the flying scroll came from the inner court, His throne room and not from any man! The specific dimensions is a testimony of that truth.

Chapter 5 verses 3 and 4 go on to pronounce curses on those who claim to be God's ministers but who misuse God's tithes (Every thief shall be expelled) shall be expelled from the inner court of His temple. And every minister who swearth falsely using the name of God flippantly shall also meet with the same fate (Every perjurer shall be expelled). This is God's plan to first start with His own ministers, leaders and members in His church so that they can be qualified to teach and rule when Christ returned to set up His kingdom (Government) on earth. For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God (1Peter 4:17). God found the ministers wanting because they had led many to 'stumble at the law' (Malachi 2:8) and commandments.

In Zechariah 5:5-8, God is measuring His church ('woman' is a symbol of church) and found wickedness (verse 8). Those who failed to measure up to qualify to be in the inner court will be left in the outer court to be trampled under foot to undergo persecutions and sufferings in the Great Tribulation for three-and-half years (Revelation 11:1-2; 12:17). There are two churches (two women) - one Philadelphian and the other Laodicean. The former is in the inner court and the latter in the outer court. This prophectic vision is reiterated by the Lord Jesus in Matthew 24:40-42 thus,'The two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.' Just before the onset of the Great Tribulation, God will send the Philadelphians to a place of safety (counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass -Luke 21:36c), while the Laodiceans will have to undergo the Great Tribulation. Though many will repent during the Great Tribulation, they will lose their physical lives in order to gain eternal life (buy gold refined in the fire -Rev 3:18). Similar teachings by the Lord Jesus are found in Luke 17:35-36.

The Philadelphian church continues to focus on doing God's work - that of prophecy (Revelation 10:11- 'prophesy again' ) and proclaiming the coming kingdom of God in these end times. The Laodicean church main focus is on the present physical and material well-being and they are 'rich and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing' (Revelation 3:17). Hence, the Lord will spew them out of His mouth with no covering of protection when the Great Tribulation comes (probably a nuclear World War III)!

Basically, the prophecy of Zechariah's flying scroll is about measuring the two different churches - one in the inner court and the other in the outer court. The 'flying scroll' has now taken wings and gone international, having been taught by Herbert Armstrong for decades to warn the church and the renegades. The question for the reader to do some soul searching is this: Are you in the inner court where God is now measuring and judging you to qualify you as sons of God to inherit His coming kingdom; or are you in the outer court awaiting the Great Tribulation, if you are still living then when He comes? The choice is one entirely yours to decide - but the right one will make a difference to your eternity destiny!