Many Christians will not believe in a time of the Great Tribulation that will occur, setting the stage for Christ Second Coming. Revelation 7:9-17 mention the "Great Multitude" of people coming out of the Great Tribulation and will not have to undergo the Day of the Lord - the latter is a one year period of God's Judgment upon the earth. The use of future tenses will and shall in these verses indicate that the conversion of this Great Multitude happens only at Christ's Return. The Great Multitude came out of the Great Tribulation are not sealed with the Holy Spirit (as no mention of such), unlike the 144,000 who are sealed with the Holy Spirit which is specifically mention (Rev 7:4).
In Scriptures, the multitude refers to people of all nationality, race and tongue as can be seen in Exodus 12:38. There is no doubt that this refers to a large group of people all all segments of society and could number in the millions, ten of millions or more. The Lord Christ was very specific in His commandments to His first disciples to 'make disciples of all nations' (Matthew 28: 19-20), not just believers who believe that He is the Son of God Who died for their sins. Disciples are more than just believers as disciples are expected to live out Christ's words and commandments in every facet of their lives.
The 'Great Multitude' refers to in Revelations 7:9 are Christian believers and non-believers living at the time of the Great Tribulation from all corners of the globe, but they do not make the grade as disciples of Christ as they fall short of God's standard. They do not have the Spirit of God indwelling within them (no mention of having being sealed) but they repented during the Great Tribulation (time of Satan's wrath) and hence will not have to undergo the one year period of God's Judgment known as the Day of the Lord. The Great Multitude will be protected from the plagues set to unleash upon earth during the time of God's Judgment. The future tenses of will and shall indicate that their conversion is completed only at Christ's Return.
The number is inumerable as the exact figure of people that falls within this group has yet to be determined, kind of fluctuating as more people truly repented and experience true conversion while some have fallen away. This will intensity as the time of Christ's Return draws near. What this means is that some will be added to the list and some will drop out of salvation. Clearly, this shows that the doctrine of once save always saved cannot hold water.
When Christ returns, the resurrected saints will be born again as immortal spirit beings to rule and reign with Christ as the King of kings. But there will also be human beings who survived the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord moving into the Millennial Kingdom. The Great Multitude of people who have just being converted will serve under the sons of God as lords, with Christ as the Lord of lords. They will form part of the structure of human government of each nation on earth under the Family of God, which consist of Christ and the born again sons of God.
It is worthy to note that during the two-and-half year of the Great Tribulation, the Two Witnesses (Rev 11:3) sent by God will have warned the nations to repent to escape the coming Judgment of God. Those who understand Bible prophecies but have not believed and obeyed will repent in time to be part of the Great Multitude. Before the onset of the Great Tribulation, many Christians have been overwhelmed by 'the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful' (Mark 4:19). Sadly, only in adversity will people repent and turn to the true God for help and salvation.
In Scriptures, the multitude refers to people of all nationality, race and tongue as can be seen in Exodus 12:38. There is no doubt that this refers to a large group of people all all segments of society and could number in the millions, ten of millions or more. The Lord Christ was very specific in His commandments to His first disciples to 'make disciples of all nations' (Matthew 28: 19-20), not just believers who believe that He is the Son of God Who died for their sins. Disciples are more than just believers as disciples are expected to live out Christ's words and commandments in every facet of their lives.
The 'Great Multitude' refers to in Revelations 7:9 are Christian believers and non-believers living at the time of the Great Tribulation from all corners of the globe, but they do not make the grade as disciples of Christ as they fall short of God's standard. They do not have the Spirit of God indwelling within them (no mention of having being sealed) but they repented during the Great Tribulation (time of Satan's wrath) and hence will not have to undergo the one year period of God's Judgment known as the Day of the Lord. The Great Multitude will be protected from the plagues set to unleash upon earth during the time of God's Judgment. The future tenses of will and shall indicate that their conversion is completed only at Christ's Return.
The number is inumerable as the exact figure of people that falls within this group has yet to be determined, kind of fluctuating as more people truly repented and experience true conversion while some have fallen away. This will intensity as the time of Christ's Return draws near. What this means is that some will be added to the list and some will drop out of salvation. Clearly, this shows that the doctrine of once save always saved cannot hold water.
When Christ returns, the resurrected saints will be born again as immortal spirit beings to rule and reign with Christ as the King of kings. But there will also be human beings who survived the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord moving into the Millennial Kingdom. The Great Multitude of people who have just being converted will serve under the sons of God as lords, with Christ as the Lord of lords. They will form part of the structure of human government of each nation on earth under the Family of God, which consist of Christ and the born again sons of God.
It is worthy to note that during the two-and-half year of the Great Tribulation, the Two Witnesses (Rev 11:3) sent by God will have warned the nations to repent to escape the coming Judgment of God. Those who understand Bible prophecies but have not believed and obeyed will repent in time to be part of the Great Multitude. Before the onset of the Great Tribulation, many Christians have been overwhelmed by 'the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful' (Mark 4:19). Sadly, only in adversity will people repent and turn to the true God for help and salvation.