Sunday, February 26, 2012


Most people live their lives with no clue why they were born to live life on planet earth. Their common assumption is that they are simply the product of their parents' union and a cog in the order of life and death that plague all mankind. Philosophers, evolutionists and educators are in constant debate about the meaning and purpose of life - but never come to the knowledge of the truth! But only those who truly search the Bible will understand that there is a transcendent life purpose determined by the Godhead, currently composed of two Supreme Supernatural God Beings, Who are working to build a divine Family of immortal and powerful god beings to restore  the government of God on earth (by default ceded to Satan and the demons) during the millennial age and then the universe during the age of eternity.

The world's religion has held back God's gospel message since the time of the first century church. As the gospel message of the kingdom of God involves God's government and God's family ruling His kingdom, Satan has a vested interest in thwarting the true gospel from reaching the masses. In this church age, Satan is still sitting on his throne (2 Cor 4:4), but all these is about to change. He knows his days are numbered as he lost his right to govern to Jesus Christ some two thousand years ago (Matt 4:3-11). Christ is now in heaven awaiting His inauguration with the coming kingdom of God when He returns to earth (Luke 19:12). Christ true disciples are to live by faith with hope and love (1 Cor 13:13)   while awaiting His return. But faith and hope will fade away when the perfect comes (1 Cor 13:10) as His true disciples will be born again as immortal god beings into His divine family, and only love will remain for all eternity - hence the  greatest of these three virtues is love!

God's divine family involves the very purpose of your life and mine. But the wise men of this world (Satan's kingdom of darkness) refuse to know and scoff at God's revelation, choosing to go in cahoots with Satan and his demons to deceive the people of the world. The Apostle Paul had to rebuke the Corinthian church of the first century for being carnal, like babes in Christ choosing to feed on milk rather than solid food, with envy, strife and divisions among them (1 Cor 3:1-3). Unfortunately, such rebuke is still relevant in the twentieth-first century. For many know not that the goal of a Christian is to receive an immortal spirit body at the resurrection to fulfill the very purpose of being - to bear the image of the heavenly Man ( which is Christ Himself  - 1 Cor 15:49)

But God's spiritual creation of man is still work-in-progress, basically unfinished. Job understood the purpose of God for his life for 'All the days of my hard service I will wait, till my change comes. You shall call, and I will answer You. You shall desire the work of Your hands.' (Job 14: 14-15). He knew that God was at work within him to prepare him for eternity. God is the potter, we are the clay (Jer 18:6).  For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them ( Eph 2:10). However, God is only working among those whom He has called in this church age. Even then, only relatively few of those who are called will eventually qualified to be in the first resurrection (Matt 20:16b; 22:14) to inherit the kingdom of God ( little flock - Luke 12:32 ) to become members of God's royal divine family. The rest of humanity will have to wait till when Christ returns and Satan bound to be in the qualifying process.

To build the very character of God is the very reason you and I exist. However, it is hard work as it takes time, effort, discipline and experience to acquire godly character. But the Spirit of God is helping those whom He has called in the process. Those who try to do so on their own effort will not make it. Our role is to obey by yielding to Him and let God accomplish His purpose in and through us. It is Christ in us (Gal 2:20; 4:19; Col 1:27; Eph3:17; 2 Cor 13:5) that does the character building process which the Heavenly Father guides through the Spirit of God indwelling in the mind of those He has called. Those who are carnal will not qualify (Gal 5:19-21; Eph 5:5; 1 Cor 6:9-10). Make no mistake, only members of God's royal divine family (they have to become inheritors, not just heirs, to see and enter the kingdom of God) will rule the earth during the millennial age and the whole universe in the age of eternity! (Hebrews 2:5-11).

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


The human mind is incredibly superior beyond the size of the physical brain. No animal in the animal kingdom can come close to the power of the human mind in terms of its creativity and power of analysis. What is so unique about the human mind is due to the 'spirit in man' that gives it the edge over all other earthly creature. Animals have brains, but no intellect. They operate mostly on instinct, but no ability to develop moral characters, let alone Godly ones.

God's purpose for creating man is to reproduce Himself with Godly spiritual character that will be perfect like Him and will not sin once he is born of God - 'born again' (1 John 3:9). But such spiritual character cannot be canned, it has to be developed through time, experience (trials and tribulations) and discipline. Hence, the purpose of mortal human life on earth is to accomplish God's plan for mankind.

For this to happen, God has placed in man a human spirit (1 Cor 2: 11). Although the human spirit does not impart life in that it cannot think, feel, see or hear, but the human spirit records every thought, character and knowledge through the five senses. Notice that it is the spirit in man that enables him to acquire human knowledge; but it is the presence of the Holy Spirit implanted in his mind that empowers him to understand spiritual knowledge (1 Cor 2:11). That is why mankind in general, without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in their mind is unable to understand the spiritual truth about the kingdom of God (spiritual knowledge)  because they are not spiritually discerned (1 Cor 2: 14).

All matter in the physical is transient and changeable. But the spiritual is immortal and unchangeable. Once the rebellious angels decided to rebel against God's righteous law, there is no turning back. Although the demons do not die as they are immortal spiritual beings, they will lose their sense of purpose without hope and joy for all eternity. For man, they have a choice to make - to follow God's way with the hope of eternal life or be annihilated in the second death (Obadiah 16; Malachi 4:1) from which there is no hope of resurrection. If God had made man spirit being right from the start, that would be the greatest of all tragedies for those who refuse to repent from Satan's way of life. That explains why God had to seal off the tree of life from man after the Fall (Genesis 3:24), or else man would partake of it and  live eternally in sin!

The indwelling of the 'spirit in man' infuses him with a human mind that differentiates him from an animal. The indwelling of God's Holy Spirit allows the Spirit of God to connect with the mind of man to impart spiritual understanding and character. That makes him a true believer and a Christian as he is being led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9). As the true believer allows the Spirit of God to impart more spiritual knowledge and understanding through bible study, prayer and obedience, the character of Christ is slowly being formed in him as he partakes of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:3-4). Like a foetus growing to full term, he will be 'born again' at the first resurrection when Christ returns to become an immortal spirit being (son of God) to be like Christ (1 John 3:2). Their role is to ultimately bring God's government upon the whole universe - consisting of a trillion galaxies and more!

The spirit in man acts as the mold that encapsulates the character, knowledge, attitude, shape and form until the point of physical death. Man's spirit will return to God upon death (Eccl 12:7; Luke 23:46; Acts 7:59), but the human spirit is not conscious of anything by itself and God will perfect it (Hebrews 12:23) for the day of redemption. Only at the first resurrection will the true believer who is dead comes alive, born of the spirit (born again) at the next second of consciousness since his time of death! Job understood this full well (till my change comes - Job 14:14), so did David (I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness - Psalm 17:5b) and Daniel (And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake - Daniel 12:2). If mankind truly understands the true Gospel of the kingdom of God and the incredible human potential,  most of the problems and evils of this world can be resolved. For those whose mind is not indwelled with the Holy Spirit, they are more susceptible to deception from the forces of darkness as Satan is the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) who deceives the whole world (Rev 12:9).