The doctrine of the trinity has never been in the Bible. It is a concoction of men gathered at Nicaea in 325 AD to frame the doctrine for Christianity that will unite dissenting groups of followers of the Christian faith. The group that hinges on heresy and supported by the then popular Roman Emperor Constantine won against those who opposed the doctrine of trinity as it was never taught in Scriptures and certainly not by Jesus Christ and His first Apostles. So where did the doctrine come from? Right even before the time of Christ, the triad deity was already long in existence. The idea was probably first practised by the Babylonians. Semiramis, the mother-wife of Nimrod, believed that Horus was reincarnated from Nimrod and intended to immortalised the three of them to be worshipped. In Egypt, the family was worshipped as Osiris (Nimrod), Isis (Semiramis) and son Horus some three centuries after the great Flood of Noah's time.
In Babylon, the triad deity was known as Ninas, Ishtar and Tammuz. In Rome, it was Jupiter, Fortuna and Mercury. Most ancient pagan religions had their own triad deity, albeit using different names, but basically rooted in philosophy and metaphysics copied from the migrants that came out of the Tower of Babel - another root of idolatry from Mystery Babylon! The Hindu god comes in the form of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and so do many Eastern religions. The famous Greek philosopher Plato and early theologians like Philo, Clement of Alexandria and Origen greatly influenced early Christianity that follows Gnosticism and Greek philosophy that deviate from the true teachings of Christ and His chosen Apostles.
Reliable sources of church history tell us that right into the second century AD, heresy had already entered the church just as Christ and His Apostles had warned. The Gnostics had use allegory to explain away the truth and in its place came Greek philosophy and man's concoction of heretical ideas to explain Scriptures instead of letting the Bible interprets the Bible. Most believe that there is one God in personage when Christ clearly states that He and the Father are one in unity and purpose (John 17:11). Hence, the doctrine of the trinity is a mystery that nobody understands. Lest it be misunderstood, Christ and God the Father are two God Beings and the Holy Spirit is the power that exudes out from these two Supreme Beings of the Godhead. Christ said that 'I and My Father are one' - John 10:30, and there is no mention of any other person. The Apostle Paul reinforces this teaching when he wrote, ' yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live' - 1 Cor 8:6. Similarly, for all of Paul's epistles, there is no greetings of the Holy Spirit, but only God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. Even in the Lord's prayer, we are taught to pray to God the Father in the name of the Son Jesus Christ, period. If the Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity, then why is there no mention of his presence?
The prophet Jeremiah had rightly quoted the Lord of hosts thus, ' I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are on the ground, by My great power (referring to the Holy Spirit ) and by My outstretched arm, and have given it to whom it seemed proper to Me' - Jeremiah 27:5. This verse is rightly collaborated with Acts 5:32 where it states that God will only gives His Holy Spirit to those who obey Him. Besides, if the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, then Jesus Christ should be called ' the Son of the Holy Spirit' since He was conceived of the Holy Spirit! In the long prayer between the Father and the Son (John 17) there was no mention of the Holy Spirit and neither in the Lord's prayer are Christians commanded to pray to the Holy Spirit. Yet misguided preachers are doing so to showcase their ignorance, or their disobedience!
Note that in Daniel 7:13-14, the prophet Daniel recorded the vision of the inauguration of the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) by the Ancient of Days (God the Father) when the throne of Satan is finally ceded to Christ. There is no record of the presence of the Holy Spirit in such an important event in the whole universe! Similarly, the dialogue between the Father and Son recorded in Hebrew chapter 1 clearly shows two Persons of the Godhead talking over their Master Plan to offer man membership in the Divine Family, to the exclusion of angels - and this makes Satan furious with envy (1:5, 13). Those who overcome will be offered membership in God's Divine Family to rule the world with Christ and even to judge angels (1 Cor 6: 2-3).
The Persons of God the Father and God the Son each has different unique names, but the term 'Holy Spirit' is not a name of a person - let alone a God Being. Many references were made of the Holy Spirit in symbolic terms like water, wind, olive oil and dove. These are not normally use to refer to a human being, what more a God Being! Most trinitarians forget that God is a Person and not some nebulous blob of spirit floating around like 'Gasper the Ghost' - popularised through Hollywood movies. God rule from His throne in Heaven, and Christ is now seated on His right hand interceding for His saints. The Holy Spirit is given as a 'deposit' to seal those whom God has called and choose to obey Him (Acts 5:32) for the day of redemption (Eph 1:13-14).
The prophet Joel prophesied that God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh (Joel 2:36), and this prophesy is yet of the future - to happen when Christ has returned to establish His kingdom on earth. Since no one can 'pour' one person onto another, the Holy Spirit cannot be a person for this to happen. Some suggests that the pronoun 'He' is used to suggest that the Holy Spirit is a person, but that was not in the original text as it was added by bible translators. The King James Version in Romans 8:16 uses the pronoun 'it' to describe the Holy Spirit - the Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit. Remember, only the original Bible manuscripts are inspired - the rest are but translations carried out by men. Still not convinced? Just consider the prophetic book of Revelation - the first two verses reveal that the book originated from God the Father who gave it to Jesus Christ. Christ then sent it to an angel who hand it to John to narrate it as Scriptures. There is no mention of any third person of the trinity involved.
Then there are others who argue that since the Scriptures mention that one must not blaspheme the Holy Spirit, it has to be a person of some sort. But first know that if the Holy Spirit is a Supreme God Being living inside of us, every time we sin, we will die. Since the Holy Spirit is a source of power that exudes out of God (Act 8:19), any denial of its presence and leading is tatamount to rejecting God - just like rejecting an emissary sent from a King or an Emperor is considered blasphemous and could attract capital punishment in ancient times!
Satan is out to deceive the masses - if more people believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, then they will never get to understand their incredible potential. The trinity is a closed concept devised by Satan to deny humans from being a member of God's Divine Family. God's plan is to expand His Family and government throughout the universe in eternity (Isaiah 9:7) Only those who understand and accept the truth will be granted membership in God's eternal Family - for the truth will make you free (John 8:32) - free from sin and death. Make no mistake, only membership into God's Royal Family - those called at this time to be a Bride of Christ - will be entitled to enter the kingdom of God (Matt 22:11-13) with rewards to rule and reign with Christ for all of eternity. This is the greatest deal and highest calling ever - but the window of opportunity is fast closing in as Christ's return becomes imminent!
In Babylon, the triad deity was known as Ninas, Ishtar and Tammuz. In Rome, it was Jupiter, Fortuna and Mercury. Most ancient pagan religions had their own triad deity, albeit using different names, but basically rooted in philosophy and metaphysics copied from the migrants that came out of the Tower of Babel - another root of idolatry from Mystery Babylon! The Hindu god comes in the form of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and so do many Eastern religions. The famous Greek philosopher Plato and early theologians like Philo, Clement of Alexandria and Origen greatly influenced early Christianity that follows Gnosticism and Greek philosophy that deviate from the true teachings of Christ and His chosen Apostles.
Reliable sources of church history tell us that right into the second century AD, heresy had already entered the church just as Christ and His Apostles had warned. The Gnostics had use allegory to explain away the truth and in its place came Greek philosophy and man's concoction of heretical ideas to explain Scriptures instead of letting the Bible interprets the Bible. Most believe that there is one God in personage when Christ clearly states that He and the Father are one in unity and purpose (John 17:11). Hence, the doctrine of the trinity is a mystery that nobody understands. Lest it be misunderstood, Christ and God the Father are two God Beings and the Holy Spirit is the power that exudes out from these two Supreme Beings of the Godhead. Christ said that 'I and My Father are one' - John 10:30, and there is no mention of any other person. The Apostle Paul reinforces this teaching when he wrote, ' yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live' - 1 Cor 8:6. Similarly, for all of Paul's epistles, there is no greetings of the Holy Spirit, but only God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. Even in the Lord's prayer, we are taught to pray to God the Father in the name of the Son Jesus Christ, period. If the Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity, then why is there no mention of his presence?
The prophet Jeremiah had rightly quoted the Lord of hosts thus, ' I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are on the ground, by My great power (referring to the Holy Spirit ) and by My outstretched arm, and have given it to whom it seemed proper to Me' - Jeremiah 27:5. This verse is rightly collaborated with Acts 5:32 where it states that God will only gives His Holy Spirit to those who obey Him. Besides, if the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, then Jesus Christ should be called ' the Son of the Holy Spirit' since He was conceived of the Holy Spirit! In the long prayer between the Father and the Son (John 17) there was no mention of the Holy Spirit and neither in the Lord's prayer are Christians commanded to pray to the Holy Spirit. Yet misguided preachers are doing so to showcase their ignorance, or their disobedience!
Note that in Daniel 7:13-14, the prophet Daniel recorded the vision of the inauguration of the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) by the Ancient of Days (God the Father) when the throne of Satan is finally ceded to Christ. There is no record of the presence of the Holy Spirit in such an important event in the whole universe! Similarly, the dialogue between the Father and Son recorded in Hebrew chapter 1 clearly shows two Persons of the Godhead talking over their Master Plan to offer man membership in the Divine Family, to the exclusion of angels - and this makes Satan furious with envy (1:5, 13). Those who overcome will be offered membership in God's Divine Family to rule the world with Christ and even to judge angels (1 Cor 6: 2-3).
The Persons of God the Father and God the Son each has different unique names, but the term 'Holy Spirit' is not a name of a person - let alone a God Being. Many references were made of the Holy Spirit in symbolic terms like water, wind, olive oil and dove. These are not normally use to refer to a human being, what more a God Being! Most trinitarians forget that God is a Person and not some nebulous blob of spirit floating around like 'Gasper the Ghost' - popularised through Hollywood movies. God rule from His throne in Heaven, and Christ is now seated on His right hand interceding for His saints. The Holy Spirit is given as a 'deposit' to seal those whom God has called and choose to obey Him (Acts 5:32) for the day of redemption (Eph 1:13-14).
The prophet Joel prophesied that God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh (Joel 2:36), and this prophesy is yet of the future - to happen when Christ has returned to establish His kingdom on earth. Since no one can 'pour' one person onto another, the Holy Spirit cannot be a person for this to happen. Some suggests that the pronoun 'He' is used to suggest that the Holy Spirit is a person, but that was not in the original text as it was added by bible translators. The King James Version in Romans 8:16 uses the pronoun 'it' to describe the Holy Spirit - the Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit. Remember, only the original Bible manuscripts are inspired - the rest are but translations carried out by men. Still not convinced? Just consider the prophetic book of Revelation - the first two verses reveal that the book originated from God the Father who gave it to Jesus Christ. Christ then sent it to an angel who hand it to John to narrate it as Scriptures. There is no mention of any third person of the trinity involved.
Then there are others who argue that since the Scriptures mention that one must not blaspheme the Holy Spirit, it has to be a person of some sort. But first know that if the Holy Spirit is a Supreme God Being living inside of us, every time we sin, we will die. Since the Holy Spirit is a source of power that exudes out of God (Act 8:19), any denial of its presence and leading is tatamount to rejecting God - just like rejecting an emissary sent from a King or an Emperor is considered blasphemous and could attract capital punishment in ancient times!
Satan is out to deceive the masses - if more people believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, then they will never get to understand their incredible potential. The trinity is a closed concept devised by Satan to deny humans from being a member of God's Divine Family. God's plan is to expand His Family and government throughout the universe in eternity (Isaiah 9:7) Only those who understand and accept the truth will be granted membership in God's eternal Family - for the truth will make you free (John 8:32) - free from sin and death. Make no mistake, only membership into God's Royal Family - those called at this time to be a Bride of Christ - will be entitled to enter the kingdom of God (Matt 22:11-13) with rewards to rule and reign with Christ for all of eternity. This is the greatest deal and highest calling ever - but the window of opportunity is fast closing in as Christ's return becomes imminent!