The Lord Jesus Christ first gave a clue about the abomination of desolation in Luke 21:20 thus, 'And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.' When Jerusalem is surrounded by enemy forces, the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet (Dan 11: 31; 12: 11) will be near (nigh), but not yet occur. In Matthew 24:15, it was recorded that the abomination of desolution was standing in the holy place - meaning that this had already happened at a later point in time than that stated in Luke 21:20 - and it is God's intention that those who read this prophecy understand its meaning (whoso readeth, let him understand). Similar statement was recorded in Mark 13:14 for emphasis - thus indicating its importance. Once the abomination of desolution is in the holy place - the holy temple in Jerusalem - that is the signal for God's people to flee from the imminent Great Tribulation to a place of safety!
History bores out that there was a former type of the abomination of desolation that took place during the time of Antiochus IV - the king of the north prophesied in Daniel 8:11 which is a type of an end-time civil ruler that embodies the Beast system. In 167 B.C. the evil Antiochus Epiphanes destroyed the holy temple in Jerusalem, took away the daily sacrifice of the Jewish people and even poured swine's blood on the altar, defiling the holy place. As Bible prophecy is dual, a latter type of such end-time civil ruler will appear on the world's stage at the close of the church age (Dan 11:31). The true church of God has been warned to watch and pray as events begin to unfold (Luke 21:36).
The man used by Satan that started the deception was Simon Magus - the sorcerer mentioned in Acts chapter 8. This Samaritan was a formidable magician who founded the sect known as Simonians and deceived the multitudes. A statue was erected in the Tiber River to honor him as god. To many of his followers, he was also known as Jupiter. Such is the Babylon Mystery Religion (Rev 17:5) that God condemns.
Some time ago, it was reported that a bronze statue of the pagan god Jupiter reappeared in Rome, apparently recast as one of Christ's chosen disciples. It could well happened again that another statue could resemble the end-time civil ruler who will challenge the religious system of the Jews in Jerusalem. That could well be the abomination of desolation prophesied to appear in the holy temple in Jerusalem. While a rebuilt physical Jewish temple may not be necessary, something of the old religious order may have to be restarted for the abomination to take place.
The False Prophet together with the Beast will deceive millions of worshippers into submitting to their control, possibly even with signs and wonders invoked from the evil powers that be. God told the prophet Ezekiel to prophesy of the False Prophet who wanted to take the place of Him thus, 'Son of man, say unto the prince of Ty'rus, because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas, yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God.' - Ezekiel 28:2. The masses who are so ignorant of the true teachings of the Bible will be deceived to even follow their command to fight the true Christ when He returns!
History bores out that there was a former type of the abomination of desolation that took place during the time of Antiochus IV - the king of the north prophesied in Daniel 8:11 which is a type of an end-time civil ruler that embodies the Beast system. In 167 B.C. the evil Antiochus Epiphanes destroyed the holy temple in Jerusalem, took away the daily sacrifice of the Jewish people and even poured swine's blood on the altar, defiling the holy place. As Bible prophecy is dual, a latter type of such end-time civil ruler will appear on the world's stage at the close of the church age (Dan 11:31). The true church of God has been warned to watch and pray as events begin to unfold (Luke 21:36).
The man used by Satan that started the deception was Simon Magus - the sorcerer mentioned in Acts chapter 8. This Samaritan was a formidable magician who founded the sect known as Simonians and deceived the multitudes. A statue was erected in the Tiber River to honor him as god. To many of his followers, he was also known as Jupiter. Such is the Babylon Mystery Religion (Rev 17:5) that God condemns.
Some time ago, it was reported that a bronze statue of the pagan god Jupiter reappeared in Rome, apparently recast as one of Christ's chosen disciples. It could well happened again that another statue could resemble the end-time civil ruler who will challenge the religious system of the Jews in Jerusalem. That could well be the abomination of desolation prophesied to appear in the holy temple in Jerusalem. While a rebuilt physical Jewish temple may not be necessary, something of the old religious order may have to be restarted for the abomination to take place.
The False Prophet together with the Beast will deceive millions of worshippers into submitting to their control, possibly even with signs and wonders invoked from the evil powers that be. God told the prophet Ezekiel to prophesy of the False Prophet who wanted to take the place of Him thus, 'Son of man, say unto the prince of Ty'rus, because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas, yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God.' - Ezekiel 28:2. The masses who are so ignorant of the true teachings of the Bible will be deceived to even follow their command to fight the true Christ when He returns!