There is a deep misunderstanding between the Old Covenant (also known as the Sinai Covenant) of the Old Testament and the New Covenant of the New Testament. Theological debate on these two Covenants centered along the line of law and grace - that the Old Covenant is all about the law and the New Covenant is all about grace. Many believe that the New Covenant taught by the Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles was introduced to do away with the law of the Old Testament to inaugurate a dispensation of grace. But is that the correct understanding of Scriptures?
We will attempt to examine the biblical meaning of these two covenants and their role in God's plan for mankind. But first do note that the Bible can be seen as a series of covenants that reveal the relationship God intends to establish with man who is created in His image. It is like a series of promises, but with conditions attached. Those who meet these conditions receive the blessings of God and the reverse holds true for those who refuse to abide by the requirements!
Through His servants (Deuteronomy 5:29; Jeremiah 24:7; 32:40; Hebrews 8:8-11), God revealed that He intends to give His people a new heart and mind that conforms to His plan and purpose for their lives - so that man can acquire the righteous character of Christ-likeness to live for eternity. But how is it to be done? - through believing in Jesus and His gospel message of the kingdom of God. Only then can those who are called of God be empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit to change hearts and minds to conform to His ways instead of the ways of this world ruled by Satan!
God's plan from the beginning is for all human beings to walk the path that leads to eternal life. Only Jesus Christ has ever succeeded in doing so with the rest falling short (Romans 3:23). On the night before His crucifixion, The Lord Jesus instituted the New Covenant - 'this cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you' (Luke 22:20). This New Covenant involves the detailed plan of salvation for mankind instituted by God! Hence, it is important to understand it correctly.
The central message of Jesus Christ is the gospel of the kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15). In it, God plans to transform all human beings to conform to the likeness of Christ, starting with the hearts and minds. Although the True Church that Christ built is to continue His work, only relatively few are called in this church age, with the rest of mankind to be called after the close of the Millennium Age (Revelation: 20:5). Christ first coming only begins the process, the fulfillment of God's plan for the salvation of all mankind is yet ahead!
The Sinai Covenant or Old Covenant established the ancient national kingdom of Israel, but the New Covenant promises that the Messiah Jesus Christ will establish a more inclusive kingdom that covers the whole earth (Isaiah 9:7; Matthew 25:34; Luke 22:29-30; Revelation 11:15). All who meet the terms specified in God's covenants will inherit the kingdom of God (also known as kingdom of Heaven). The Lord Jesus Christ has set an example for us to follow by meeting all the terms perfectly.
To put it succinctly, the New Covenant is all about changing the hearts and minds of believers. This can only happen through obedience when God will give them the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:32) to empower them to make the change. The Israelites under the Sinai Covenant did not obey the law of God and they were not given the Holy Spirit, apart from the few who were righteous kings and called of God to be prophets. For sin is the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4). But the time is coming - upon the return of Jesus Christ to earth - when God will put His law in their minds and write them on their hearts (Hebrews 8:8-10).
There is no indication whatsoever that God has done away with His law at the first advent of Jesus Christ. One the contrary, He has strengthened it by requiring His people (meaning all Christians) to observe not just outwardly the letter of the law but inwardly the intent and substance of it. The recipients of the promised New Covenant will have their hearts and minds engraved with the law of God.
What has been been done away with through the New Covenant is the ceremonial law of cleansing and animal sacrifice as given in the book of Hebrews chapter 10 and not the moral law of God like the Ten Commandments! This is because of a change from physical and temporary high priests (they died after some time) from the tribe of Levi to One that is Spiritual and permanent in the Person of Jesus Christ. Such change requires a change in the ritual and ceremonial law under the Old Covenant (Sinai Covenant). But Christendom portrays that all the law of God had being done away with - nailed to the cross. In truth, only the death penalty had been nailed to the cross - not the moral law of God - as no sinful man, apart from Jesus Christ, can satisfy the requirement of the law of God to put away the death penalty due to sin!
We will attempt to examine the biblical meaning of these two covenants and their role in God's plan for mankind. But first do note that the Bible can be seen as a series of covenants that reveal the relationship God intends to establish with man who is created in His image. It is like a series of promises, but with conditions attached. Those who meet these conditions receive the blessings of God and the reverse holds true for those who refuse to abide by the requirements!
Through His servants (Deuteronomy 5:29; Jeremiah 24:7; 32:40; Hebrews 8:8-11), God revealed that He intends to give His people a new heart and mind that conforms to His plan and purpose for their lives - so that man can acquire the righteous character of Christ-likeness to live for eternity. But how is it to be done? - through believing in Jesus and His gospel message of the kingdom of God. Only then can those who are called of God be empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit to change hearts and minds to conform to His ways instead of the ways of this world ruled by Satan!
God's plan from the beginning is for all human beings to walk the path that leads to eternal life. Only Jesus Christ has ever succeeded in doing so with the rest falling short (Romans 3:23). On the night before His crucifixion, The Lord Jesus instituted the New Covenant - 'this cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you' (Luke 22:20). This New Covenant involves the detailed plan of salvation for mankind instituted by God! Hence, it is important to understand it correctly.
The central message of Jesus Christ is the gospel of the kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15). In it, God plans to transform all human beings to conform to the likeness of Christ, starting with the hearts and minds. Although the True Church that Christ built is to continue His work, only relatively few are called in this church age, with the rest of mankind to be called after the close of the Millennium Age (Revelation: 20:5). Christ first coming only begins the process, the fulfillment of God's plan for the salvation of all mankind is yet ahead!
The Sinai Covenant or Old Covenant established the ancient national kingdom of Israel, but the New Covenant promises that the Messiah Jesus Christ will establish a more inclusive kingdom that covers the whole earth (Isaiah 9:7; Matthew 25:34; Luke 22:29-30; Revelation 11:15). All who meet the terms specified in God's covenants will inherit the kingdom of God (also known as kingdom of Heaven). The Lord Jesus Christ has set an example for us to follow by meeting all the terms perfectly.
To put it succinctly, the New Covenant is all about changing the hearts and minds of believers. This can only happen through obedience when God will give them the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:32) to empower them to make the change. The Israelites under the Sinai Covenant did not obey the law of God and they were not given the Holy Spirit, apart from the few who were righteous kings and called of God to be prophets. For sin is the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4). But the time is coming - upon the return of Jesus Christ to earth - when God will put His law in their minds and write them on their hearts (Hebrews 8:8-10).
There is no indication whatsoever that God has done away with His law at the first advent of Jesus Christ. One the contrary, He has strengthened it by requiring His people (meaning all Christians) to observe not just outwardly the letter of the law but inwardly the intent and substance of it. The recipients of the promised New Covenant will have their hearts and minds engraved with the law of God.
What has been been done away with through the New Covenant is the ceremonial law of cleansing and animal sacrifice as given in the book of Hebrews chapter 10 and not the moral law of God like the Ten Commandments! This is because of a change from physical and temporary high priests (they died after some time) from the tribe of Levi to One that is Spiritual and permanent in the Person of Jesus Christ. Such change requires a change in the ritual and ceremonial law under the Old Covenant (Sinai Covenant). But Christendom portrays that all the law of God had being done away with - nailed to the cross. In truth, only the death penalty had been nailed to the cross - not the moral law of God - as no sinful man, apart from Jesus Christ, can satisfy the requirement of the law of God to put away the death penalty due to sin!