Saturday, January 12, 2008

Escape All These Things

The main purpose of bible prophecy is twofold- to impress upon humankind that the Government of God is in control and not the powers and wisdom of man; secondly, it serves to warn His people of future crises that will inevitably happen according to His prophetic Word.

The Lord Jesus, in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, spoke to His disciples about the signs and events of end times which will unfold just before His return. Some of these are earthquakes, famines and pestilences. But some very serious warnings were also spoken of by the Lord - false prophets (and prophecies) will arise to deceive His people, even His elect! As he sat on the Mount of Olives, he issued out this warning THREE TIMES (Matt 24:2-4, 11, 24). So be sure you know what you are believing! There will be betrayal, defection, martyrdom and many will grow cold in the things of God. So when you see these things, know that the Kingdom of God (His Government on earth) is drawing near (Luke 21:31).

Man by his sinful nature is rebellious. He does not want to be ruled by any governmental authority, not least from the throne of God. That is why crime is a big problem in almost every society on planet earth. Can you imagine what will happen if there is no law and order? - there will be mayhem for sure! Similarly, Satan as the father of all evil and deceptions does not want to be ruled under God's authority. So, all those who are his followers will not want to have God's Kingdom come upon earth as that would mean the end of satanic rule and influence. Such forces are coming to steal (take away the truth from you and substitute with heresy, half-truth and falsehood), kill and destroy (cause persecutions, confusion and division like church split etc.) (John 10:10). Can you see why the forces of darkness are working overtime to prevent you from knowing the truth, especially the truth about the coming Kingdom of God?

The present church era is one of Laodicean - mostly lukewarm (Rev 3: 15-16), ignorant (Hosea 4:6) and in love with the world but seemingly unaware that they need to anoint their eyes with eye salve in order to see the truth of reality(Rev 3:17-18). Most Laodicean Christians think they are all right (rich and wealthy -Rev 3:17), and probably never realised that the greatest goal of being a disciple of Jesus Christ is to develop characters that will ultimately receive God's approval so that they can inherit the Kingdom of God. What tremendous riches, glory and honour await those faithful servants of God that all the wealth, power and status one can accumulate in this life are nothing but trinkets by comparison!

Note that Rev 3:18 warns the Laodiceans to clothe themselves with white garments to avoid exposing their loins of nakedness (see also Eph 6:14 -KJV).
What this means is that a disciple should study the Word of God (2 Tim 2:15), so that he will be approved of God and not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, so that the Spirit of truth will guide him into right thinking, right understanding which leads to right living. And right living will lead to righteous works approved of God at the Judgment Seat of Christ (1 Cor 3:12-13). Only with the real truth will we have purity of heart- gold refined in fire, without mixture - for they are the blessed ones who will see God (Matt 5:8). It is now obvious that Christ is offering this rebuke to Laodiceans seeking for their repentance and correction while there is still time (Rev 3: 19-20).

Psalm 51 depicts David's repentance and seeking for God's mercy after his adultery with Bathsheba and murder of her husband Uriah. The Spirit of God was waning in his life and he asked the Lord not to take the Holy Spirit away from him (verse 11). David asked the Lord to wash and cleanse him from his sins (verse 2). Similarly, we can ask the Lord to do so through His Word (John 15:3; John 17:17; Eph 5: 25-26). Only Jesus Christ can do this supernatural act of spiritual surgery of purifying the soul, if only we allow Him.

Remember, that in the coming Great Tribulation, only faithful and overcoming disciples of Jesus Christ will escape the cataclysm that will surely befall upon the earth. Will you stand up and be counted as among the faithful and obedient disciples who will escape all these things (Luke 21:36c)? If you make the right choices now, when all is over and the chips are cast with the books open, you will sit down with the Lord in His Kingdom ruling and reigning with Him (Rev 3:21; 2 Tim 2:12a). What a wonderful world awaits your destiny!

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