The Gospel Jesus proclaimed (The Kingdom of God) revolves around The God Family Vision as God's supreme plan is to expand His ruling Family with man as His sons. Satan is not happy with this plan as he and his angels were never offered this privilege and thus inspire the trinity doctrine which is not in the bible. In fact, the idea came from the worship of Nimrod and his family ( Nimrod, his wife and son). The Holy Spirit is God's power and agent to get the Work of God accomplished on earth, and not a separate God Being like Jesus Christ. That is why in the prayer of Jesus Christ to God the Father in John 17, there is no mention of the Holy Spirit. In the opening epistles of the Apostle Paul, he greets both God the Father and the Son Jesus Christ but not the Holy Spirit. In our prayers, we pray to God the Father through Jesus Christ, and no mention of the Holy Spirit. In Psalm 51:11 David asked the Lord not to take away His Holy Spirit away from him instead of pleading with the Spirit of God directly as he would if the Holy Spirit is a separate God Being. At this juncture, I would like to clarify that the Holy Spirit is from God (Spirit of God) but that the Spirit is NOT A SEPARATE GOD BEING. Just like the spirit of Adrian is one and the same person being with me. When Simon the sorcerer tried to use money to buy the power of God's Spirit, Peter rejected it (Acts 8:18-20). The Holy Spirit is always represented as water, oil, wind and dove - a kind of power and agent of the Living God. That is why man is created in the image of God - male and female - two separate beings representing two separate God Beings. If the Holy Spirit is a a member of the God Head and lives in us, all Christians would die physically the moment they sin, period. The Trinitarians failed to understand the person of God and destroyed God's Vision of an open and expanding Family!
When Adam and Eve fell, God activated plan B to beget the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14). Jesus Christ divested Himself of His glory He shared with God to be begotten as a Man. After Jesus Christ's begettal, God became His Father. The God Family Vision was born! All true disciples can become members of the household of God (Ephesians 2:19). Marriage becomes the channel through which God can accomplish His Vision. If we can fully grasp this Vision, all marriage problems can be easily resolved. Chapter 5 of Ephesians makes this relationships clear.
The Hebrew word for 'God' is Elohim - a plural word which can mean 'Family, Church'. The word 'son' is used over 420 times and the word 'Father' over 350 times in the New Testament. Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected from the dead to become the Son of God (Romans 1:4) and indeed,' the firstborn (Son) among many brethren' (Rom 8:29; Colossians 1:15). Christ was first and many brethren will follow after Him. All true disciples of Jesus Christ who are overcomers like the Philadelphians (Rev 3:7-12) will be resurrected as spirit beings to become sons in the Family of God to rule in the Kingdom of God, beginning with the earth in the Millennial Age and then the universe into eternity!
Genesis 1:25 tells us that God made animals after their kind, then He made man in His image - basically the God-kind. We are like 'God', for 1 John 3:2 says when Christ is revealed (Second Coming), 'we shall be like Him'. Since the Lord Jesus told Philip that 'He who has seen Me has seen the Father' (John 14:9), we look like God, waiting to be born into His Family (overcomers who passed the tests of trials and tribulations) at the time of resurrection. In this life, the Holy Spirit is God's Seed in us as a deposit for our inheritance until redemption (Ephesians 1:13-14).
Paul in Ephesians 2:19-22 writes about the God Family (household of God) which is built on the 'foundation of the apostles and the prophets'. He went on to write about ' Jesus as the chief cornerstone and the whole building grows into a holy temple in the Lord' (verse 20-21). This is consistent with Ezekiel's temple vision in chapter 40-48 (more about that in later blogs) and John's vision in Rev 11:1-2. Going on in Ephesians chapter 3, Paul reveals this mystery which was hidden from the beginning of the ages before it was made known to him (obviously by the Lord Jesus Christ) of 'whom the WHOLE FAMILY in heaven and earth is named ' (3:15). As Paul had to undergo great trials to preach this message, all the true disciples of Jesus Christ who obey His commission to do likewise can expect the same.
The question is, 'Are you willing to pay the price to complete the Work of God in these last days?' Do not let Satan deceive you of the truth and keep you in limbo. I can say with confidence from the bottom of my heart, 'I am willing'. For when you truly grasp God's Family Vision for mankind in general and for you in particular, nothing else matters. Amen.
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