In my last blog, Antiochus Epiphanes was prophesied to set up the abomination of desolation (Daniel 11: 31) directly on the altar of the Temple, and hence defiled it. But from second half of verse thirty-two onwards, the prophecy fast forward to the time of the New Testament Church. Verses thirty-two and thirty-three depict both time periods - part of the duality of prophecy. Antiochus did corrupt many Jews to follow his ways and so did many in the Church Age and will continue to do so till the time of the end.
In the last days, those from the true church will instruct many as only the wise will understand God's Grand Plan for mankind and how He is working that out on earth! Jesus Christ and His apostles fulfilled this prophecy to the letter! Christ and His apostles (except John) were martyred. The true Church of God suffered the same fate throughout the Middle Ages. And this is going to happen again for the lukewarm Christians as they will undergo the Great Tribulation (time when Satan unleashed his vengence), a time of suffering like never before!
Following from these, Daniel 11:34-35 refers to the true church under persecution from the time the New Testament was founded to the present time. Some who knew the truth also fall away, but many cling on to the truth at the cost of their lives. These are the martyrs whose 'blood cried out', symbolically, in Revelation 6:9-11 awaiting justice. Because it is still for the appointed time (Daniel 11:35). The condition of the church today is that even those who are theologically trained and supposedly with understanding have fallen victims to lies, deceptions and flatteries. The only 'help' then, comes from the few faithful and wise (Matthew 24:45) who are prepared to stand uncompromised.
The Roman Empire ruled from 31 B.C. to 476 A.D. a period slightly over five centuries. Over these periods, many Roman emperors (king of the north then) blasphemied against the Almighty God and instead, demanded their subjects to worship them as gods! (verse 36-37). The Roman Empire developed the most powerful war machine of their time and amassed gold, silver , precious stones and wealth unknown of before (verse 38 - god of fortresses). Together with verse 39, the Roman Empire ruled over many and much land for much gain. These run parallel with similar prophecies found in Revelation 17:4-5, 18:3 and 16.
Moffatt begins verse 40 by saying that 'when the end arrives', the prophecy jumps way ahead to the time we are currently living in now. That means, it runs parallel with current news and events! God says that when the end arrives, the king of the south will push at the king of the north - the Roman Empire which for the past 1,500 years has taken residence in the heart of Europe. Due to radical religious values and beliefs, the two sides will wage war, initiated by the king of the south. This southern kingdom is south of Jerusalem and could mean a large nation bend on establishing a radical Islamic Empire!
However, the military might of the European force (northern kingdom) will be too much for the southern kingdom to withstand and many nations allied to the southern kingdom shall be overthrown - verse 41. However, the Edomites, the Moabites and the Ammonites - the modern-day Jordan - will be spared. The king of the north (from a powerful nation in Europe) with powerful religious backing from Rome, will enter Jerusalem (the Glorious Land) and indeed conquer many nations including those descended from Israel (Jacob).
But verse 44 prophesied that the communist hordes of the east (China) and the north (Russia) will join forces to challenge the northern kingdom for supremacy. Verse 45 tells us these forces will gather at a place north of Jerusalem called Armageddon (Revelation 16:16) and the end of the 'beast and false prophet' which came from the northern kingdom, will be near.
Continuing on in Daniel 12:1, the archangel Michael will stand for God's people and will help deliver them to a place of safety (could Jordan be a place of safety?) during the time of the Great Tribulation. Towards the end of the Tribulation, the saints who overcame and those Laodiceans living then repented, will be resurrected (First Resurrection) - because flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 15:50) - to rule with Christ and help establish God's Government over all the earth (Daniel 2:44, 7:13-14, 18, 27 & Rev 11:15).
Such a vision, recorded by Daniel from Daniel 10:1 through 12:4 started after the death of Alexander the Great and the establishment of the kingdoms of Syria (north) and Egypt (south) some 2,300 years ago. But it has a glorious ending with the resurrection of the saints and the return of Jesus Christ to bring peace and happiness to this world. That will be a time when God's Spirit will be poured out on all flesh (Joel 2:28b), all human beings who survived the Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord and walked into the Millennial Age!
We saw how God's prophecies were fulfilled to a tee and we can be assured that all unfulfilled prophecies will surely be fulfilled as He said it would, that is having the faith of Jesus. Do you believe what God has said in His Word and take it at face value? Or would you rather buy into man-made traditions and beliefs about Christ with some sprinkling of biblical principles for added flavor? The choice is yours, but time is fast running out!
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