Thursday, January 20, 2011


The seventh seal is all the seven trumpets (Rev 8:1-2) and not the seven trumpets follow the seventh seal. The first four trumpets were events that caused great destruction on the earth, the trees, the rivers and the seas. It caused havoc on the climate as a third of the sun, a third of the moon and a third of the stars were darkened. The next three trumpets - the fifth, sixth and seventh trumpets - are the three woes (Rev 8:13), with the fifth and sixth trumpets depicting war in two stages. Together these seven trumpet plagues are punishment from God for those who are unrepentant in refusing to submit to the laws and government of God!

Revelation 9:11 describes the first woe (fifth trumpet) as some great power that comes out of the bottomless pit. This beast power (Rev 17:8) that came forth is the seventh and last revival of the Roman Empire system led by Satan himself. This final revival of the Roman system will occur just prior to the Return of Jesus Christ to set up God's government over all the earth. The second woe (sixth trumpet) describes the 200 million strong army coming from the eastern hordes (9:16) that will triumph over the dictator beast propagating the Babylonian System (Rev 17:5).

The third woe (seventh trumpet) is synonymous with the seven last plagues (Rev 11:15-19). In verse 15 it reads, 'The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever'. Bible verses from Matthew 24:31, 1Cor 15:52 and 1 Thess 4:16 all speak of this last and seventh trumpet sound. This will be the greatest moment in all of man's history when all the earthly kingdoms will be crushed and blown away as prophesied by prophet Daniel in Daniel 2 verses 35 and 44 to become the kingdom of God which will stand forever. The unrepentant Laodiceans who refuse to accept God's plan and purpose for His creation (lukewarm - without power and Christ as the Head since outside of God's laws and government and hence not doing the Work of God) will be spew out of His mouth (without God's protection - Rev 3:16) and into the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord (unimaginable sufferings)!

Revelation 16 describes the seven last plagues, some of them mirrored those suffered by the Egyptians during the time of Moses like the sea turned to blood (second last plague). The last generation before Christ's Return will be so evil like in the days before the Flood (Matthew 24:37-39). The sixth of these last plagues set the stage for the forces of the king of the north and the king of the east to do battle with the Lord Christ. The charismatic False Prophet has Satanic power backing him and he will perform miracles to deceive the masses. Most who are ignorant will be deceived as they are already indoctrinated with false teachings and lies and align themselves with the beast power thinking they are on God's side to prepare for war against the true Christ! They are a huge bunch of confused people who cannot distinguish truth from falsehood  and are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6; Isaiah 5:13)(The word 'Babylon' means confusion). 2 Thessalonians 2 warns of the son of perdition (verse 3)  and the mystery of lawlessness (verse 7) as these are in high position of power and influence right within the church!

The seventh of the seven last plagues is often referred as the Battle of Armageddon. However, Armageddon is the name of the place where armies are gathered. The correct name should be 'the battle of that great day of God Almighty '(Rev 16:14).  Most of those who are deceived thinking that the true Christ is the anti-christ and will unite with the forces from the opposing camp to fight the Lord Jesus Christ and His resurrected saints, but they will be totally routed and destroyed!

God had to send the Archangels Michael and Gabriel to battle Satan (who tried to block it) for the prophetic truths to be delivered to Daniel. The fiery furnace and the lions had no power over Daniel because God wanted His faithful servant to record His words which are closed up and sealed till the time of the end (Dan 12:9) - the times we are living in right now. Make no mistake, the spiritual warfare now is the battle for God's truth! If the church fails to do the Work of God in delivering these prophetic truth, Daniel would have lived his life in vain and many will end up in the fiery furnace (lake of fire). Satan wants them in but God wants to keep them out of the fire. The moral of all these prophecies is to warn the church and wake the members out of their stupor!

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