Who and what is the Holy Spirit is a question that few Christians fully understand. Many think that the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity. But the Bible never states so. Many simply believe what others have told them to believe, not knowing that they are simply following the belief and teachings of paganism, streaming from fables written by novelists to outright presumption!
Simply put, the Holy Spirit is the POWER that emanates from God. It is NOT a distinct supreme GOD BEING like God the Father and God the Son. There are only TWO distinct supreme Beings that form the God-Head of the universe. Genesis 1:27 tells us that God created man in His likeness -male and female - there is no third gender. Christ promised His disciples that they shall receive POWER, after the Holy Spirit is come upon them (Acts 1:8).
Jeremiah 27:5 states it clearly, 'I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are on the ground, by MY GREAT POWER and by MY OUTSTRETCHED ARM, and have given it (the Holy Spirit) to whom it seemed proper to Me ( ref: Acts 5:32)'. The Holy Spirit comes from God and is the SPIRIT of GOD, being a part of Him. When Christ was on earth, He has the Spirit of God the Father. When He returned to heaven, His disciples has the Spirit of Christ that dwells in them. Man also has a spirit (the spirit in man -Proverbs 20:27; 1 Cor 2:11). If the Spirit is another Being, then it should be Quadnity. Should that be so, then the spirit of man is also another man, since man was created in the image of God.
In Acts 8:19, Simon (Magus) the magician desired to purchase the power of God from the Apostle Peter by offering the latter money. No way can the God Being of the universe be bought by any means! Since the Holy Spirit dwells in the mind of all true disciples of Christ, then the trinitarians are implying that a God Being has to be splitted into multiple parts to indwell each of them. But the supreme God Being is a unique Person, not 'Gasper the Ghost' floating in and out of space as the movie would suggest. Those who beg to differ are not worshipping God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
There is no prophecy either in the Old Testament or the New Testament about another God Being coming down or dwelling on planet earth other than Jesus Christ. If the Holy Spirit is another God Being, then Jesus Christ should be named the Son of the Holy Spirit since He was conceived of the Holy Spirit. In Greek language, the Spirit of God is gender neutral. In the King James version in Romans 8:16, the Spirit is translated as 'itself'.
King David in Psalms 51:11 pleaded with the Lord not to take His Holy Spirit from him. This shows that the Holy Spirit is part of God and not a distinct God Being, otherwise he would have pleaded with the Holy Spirit directly not to leave him. All over the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit is being described as a type of oil, water, air and even typified as a dove. Besides, Scriptures tell us that the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon all flesh. In no way can a person be poured out onto another. To describe a human being as such is an insult, let alone a supreme God Being!
In all of Apostle Paul's epistles, he greeted God the Father and God the Son Jesus Christ, but no mention of the Holy Spirit. Similarly, Jesus Christ in His prayer to His Father on the night before His crucifixion recorded in John 17, there is no mention of one word about the Holy Spirit. Neither are we told to pray to the Holy Spirit in the Lord's prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). The conversation between the Father and the Son recorded in Hebrew chapter 1 makes no mention of the Holy Spirit as well. And Christ stated categorically thus, 'I and my Father are one' (John 10:30). Can a member of the God-Head be ignored in such important work of God?
In John 1: 1, the Apostle John assures us that the WORD was with God (the Heavenly Father) even before the creation of the angels and all material universe. Christ before His incarnation was known as the WORD, meaning the spokesman of the God-Head. The meaning of One God is One in unity and purpose in the original meaning of the Scriptures. Also, in 1 John 3:9, the Apostle John writes that one who is born of God, His seed (Holy Spirit) remains in him. This clearly tells us that the Holy Spirit is not another God Being. In fact, in the original manuscript, the root word for seed is the same word that is used for human sperm.
Those who are true disciples need to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit because it is the Spirit of God that will resurrect all who were asleep at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. To reject the Spirit of God is tantamount to rejecting God and is considered blasphemy, much like in ancient times when a subject who had rejected the emissary sent by the emperor warrants the death penalty. There are some text in 1 John 5:7-8, 'In heaven: the Father,the Word and the Holy Spirit and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth' that were added by Latin Vulgate translators probably in the 4th century A.D. but were not in the original Greek manuscript which is the true inspired Word of God!
The deity 'triad' concept has been around even before the time of Christ. Most pagan religion has this in their belief system. It all started with Nimrod and his mother-wife Semiramis and son Horus. After Nimrod's death, Semiramis decided to immortalized the three of them in a deity 'triad' worship which was subsequently copied in various forms, found even in Greek philosophy and in novels that were then popularised. They are part of the Babylonian system that God will severely judged during the coming Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord!
Simply put, the Holy Spirit is the POWER that emanates from God. It is NOT a distinct supreme GOD BEING like God the Father and God the Son. There are only TWO distinct supreme Beings that form the God-Head of the universe. Genesis 1:27 tells us that God created man in His likeness -male and female - there is no third gender. Christ promised His disciples that they shall receive POWER, after the Holy Spirit is come upon them (Acts 1:8).
Jeremiah 27:5 states it clearly, 'I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are on the ground, by MY GREAT POWER and by MY OUTSTRETCHED ARM, and have given it (the Holy Spirit) to whom it seemed proper to Me ( ref: Acts 5:32)'. The Holy Spirit comes from God and is the SPIRIT of GOD, being a part of Him. When Christ was on earth, He has the Spirit of God the Father. When He returned to heaven, His disciples has the Spirit of Christ that dwells in them. Man also has a spirit (the spirit in man -Proverbs 20:27; 1 Cor 2:11). If the Spirit is another Being, then it should be Quadnity. Should that be so, then the spirit of man is also another man, since man was created in the image of God.
In Acts 8:19, Simon (Magus) the magician desired to purchase the power of God from the Apostle Peter by offering the latter money. No way can the God Being of the universe be bought by any means! Since the Holy Spirit dwells in the mind of all true disciples of Christ, then the trinitarians are implying that a God Being has to be splitted into multiple parts to indwell each of them. But the supreme God Being is a unique Person, not 'Gasper the Ghost' floating in and out of space as the movie would suggest. Those who beg to differ are not worshipping God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
There is no prophecy either in the Old Testament or the New Testament about another God Being coming down or dwelling on planet earth other than Jesus Christ. If the Holy Spirit is another God Being, then Jesus Christ should be named the Son of the Holy Spirit since He was conceived of the Holy Spirit. In Greek language, the Spirit of God is gender neutral. In the King James version in Romans 8:16, the Spirit is translated as 'itself'.
King David in Psalms 51:11 pleaded with the Lord not to take His Holy Spirit from him. This shows that the Holy Spirit is part of God and not a distinct God Being, otherwise he would have pleaded with the Holy Spirit directly not to leave him. All over the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit is being described as a type of oil, water, air and even typified as a dove. Besides, Scriptures tell us that the Holy Spirit will be poured out upon all flesh. In no way can a person be poured out onto another. To describe a human being as such is an insult, let alone a supreme God Being!
In all of Apostle Paul's epistles, he greeted God the Father and God the Son Jesus Christ, but no mention of the Holy Spirit. Similarly, Jesus Christ in His prayer to His Father on the night before His crucifixion recorded in John 17, there is no mention of one word about the Holy Spirit. Neither are we told to pray to the Holy Spirit in the Lord's prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). The conversation between the Father and the Son recorded in Hebrew chapter 1 makes no mention of the Holy Spirit as well. And Christ stated categorically thus, 'I and my Father are one' (John 10:30). Can a member of the God-Head be ignored in such important work of God?
In John 1: 1, the Apostle John assures us that the WORD was with God (the Heavenly Father) even before the creation of the angels and all material universe. Christ before His incarnation was known as the WORD, meaning the spokesman of the God-Head. The meaning of One God is One in unity and purpose in the original meaning of the Scriptures. Also, in 1 John 3:9, the Apostle John writes that one who is born of God, His seed (Holy Spirit) remains in him. This clearly tells us that the Holy Spirit is not another God Being. In fact, in the original manuscript, the root word for seed is the same word that is used for human sperm.
Those who are true disciples need to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit because it is the Spirit of God that will resurrect all who were asleep at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. To reject the Spirit of God is tantamount to rejecting God and is considered blasphemy, much like in ancient times when a subject who had rejected the emissary sent by the emperor warrants the death penalty. There are some text in 1 John 5:7-8, 'In heaven: the Father,the Word and the Holy Spirit and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth' that were added by Latin Vulgate translators probably in the 4th century A.D. but were not in the original Greek manuscript which is the true inspired Word of God!
The deity 'triad' concept has been around even before the time of Christ. Most pagan religion has this in their belief system. It all started with Nimrod and his mother-wife Semiramis and son Horus. After Nimrod's death, Semiramis decided to immortalized the three of them in a deity 'triad' worship which was subsequently copied in various forms, found even in Greek philosophy and in novels that were then popularised. They are part of the Babylonian system that God will severely judged during the coming Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord!
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