Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Most of Christendom today preach a gospel of salvation, a gospel of grace, prosperity gospel, social gospel or a mixture of these variation. The preaching invariably centres on the Person of Christ -the gospel about Christ rather than the Gospel of Christ. However, the Bible is clear in stating the only Gospel that was preached by the prophets of the Old Testament and the same Gospel preached by Christ and His Apostles was the Gospel of the kingdom of God. In the Gospel of Matthew, the phrase kingdom of heaven was used and in others, only the word kingdom was used. These terms are used interchangeably and they mean the same thing - the Gospel that Christ was sent by God the Father to preach to mankind. From the New Testament alone, the term kingdom, kingdom of heaven and kingdom of God was used a total of 136 times.

The Gospel is about the government of God that was lost at the Garden of Eden and need to be restored, among other things - restitution of all things (Acts 3:21). Christ came and qualified through the temptations at the wilderness to dethrone Satan - who is currently the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4) - and become King when He returns. But religious people misunderstood the signs thinking that His first advent was to overthrow the Roman authorities. Fearing for their own safety on guilt of treason and vested interest under Roman rule (the religious figures are kind of civil servants under Roman government) the religious rulers hatch a plan to get Christ crucified! Subsequently, the Roman emperors beginning with Constantine, refused to accept the Gospel of the kingdom of God for fear of being overthrown by 'higher authorities' from above. The gospel message OF Christ was changed to become the gospel ABOUT Christ - the Gospel message (the Good News) of the kingdom was switched to become the Gospel about the Messenger!

Moses prophesied of the coming Prophet (Christ) and we are told to listen to Him - that is, His Gospel message of the kingdom of God (Deut 18:15). Malachi also did prophesy of the same in Malachi 3:1 - the Messenger of the covenant. The Messenger (Christ) is one who brings a message - in this case, the Gospel message from God the Father (Luke 4:43) - and not about the Messenger Himself per se! Christ Himself affirms this when He said, 'Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.'  - John 14:10.

After Christ successfully overcame Satan in the wilderness, He began to preach the Gospel of the kingdom of God (Mark 1:14) saying, 'The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel' - Mark 1:15. The Lord Christ also commisioned His disciples to do likewise, 'And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven (God) is at hand' - Matt 10:7. One must believe the Gospel of the kingdom of God to be saved! The Apostle Peter preached the Gospel, differentiating between the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 8:12) showing that the kingdom of God and Jesus Christ and His church are separate matters. Similarly, the Apostle Paul went to the synagogue and preached about the kingdom of God (Acts 19:8; 20:25) and faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21). Paul too made a distinction between the Gospel and the Person of Jesus Christ as recorded in Acts 28:31. If the gospel is about the Person of Jesus Christ, why is there a need for Paul to distinguish between 'another Jesus' and 'different gospel' (2 Cor 11:4) as two separate set of false doctrine?

For over nineteen centuries, the true Gospel of the kingdom of God was not being preached to the world. But in this last days, it will be preached and then the end will come (Matt 24:14). Had the true Gospel been preached faithfully for all these preceding centuries, the end of the age would have come for this verse to be fulfilled! It was Herbert W Armstrong who first proclaimed the true Gospel of the kingdom of God to the world since the early twentieth century - even to kings, queens and political leaders of the world at that time. Unfortunately, many mistaken him and his teachings to be a kind of cultic and ignore them completely to their own loss.

But the time will come when Christ returns, the governments of the world will be dissolved to make way for the government of God, with Christ as the Head of it all - the King of kings and Lord of lords. Christ instructed the Apostle John to record thus, 'The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever' - Rev 11:15. This was long prophesied by prophet Daniel, ' And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom (kingdom of God), which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms (nations of the world), and shall stand for ever' - Daniel 2:44.

However, does it mean that Christ's role as Saviour of the world is denied? - absolutely not. Although Christ is not the gospel, He is to be preached in conjunction with the gospel (Acts 8:12; 28:31). His death and resurrection provide the means to the kingdom of God for which all true believers must seek to enter and inherit (Matt 6:33). There is no other goal higher than this calling - for all true believers must seek to be born again as immortal spirit beings into the eternal Family of God (Romans 8:29-30) with Christ as the firstborn from the dead (Colossians 1:18)-  with many more to follow at the First Resurrection!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


Unknown to billions of people the world over, the origin of Christmas is not about celebrating the birth of Christ. In fact, it predates the birth of Christ and has it roots in paganism going back to the time of Nimrod - the builder of theTower of Babel! To give it some form of credibility, it has the stamp of  'Christianity' imprinted on it. Christ was NOT born on December 25th, more likely in the fall of September when the 'country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night ' -  Luke 2:8. For how could the shepherds walked their sheep in the cold winter night if it was December and probably rainy too? The fact is, December 25th was meant for the celebration of the Roman Saturnalia - the sun god pagans worship in ancient times for the planting and harvesting seasons as the sun provides the sunlight for a good harvest.

The mood of the Christmas season will bring cheer to merry-makers and businesses, especially those who cater to customers shopping for Christmas gifts, indulge in fine wine, dining and partying till the wee hours of the morning. But God is not impressed, and neither is our Lord Jesus Christ. There are calls from some Christian fraternity to being Christ back to Christmas - but in truth He was never there to begin with. People like to follow the crowd as there are safety in numbers - but they are sincerely wrong in thinking that celebrating Christmas is honoring Christ. Most of the practices of the Christmas festival originates from Roman custom and religion when the sun was worshipped in place of the Son. It is a time to honor the sun god of sowing for bringing in the winter solstice. Such idolatry is  a direct violation of God's first commandment when Christians are commanded, 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me' - Exodus 20:3.

The Bible does not state the exact date of Christ's birth as it is probably not God's intention to reveal it to mankind for celebration. It is not God's commandment for mankind to celebrate Christmas, but purely the tradition of man. The festival of Saturnalia was a time to celebrate Saturn - the fire god of ancient times. Most ancient civilizations have a fire god. The planet Saturn was named after him because the bright color rings encircling the planet best represent rings of fire! Such practice was derived from Nimrod, the progenitor of all Babylonian gods whose worshippers offer child sacrifices to appease the gods of Molech and Baal among other names and is an abomination to the Lord (Jer 32:35). In Babylonian culture, Tammuz (another name for Nimrod) was the fire god.They are under the deception of Satan to believe that fire purifies their souls and the belief in purgatory to cleanse them of their sins arise from such practices.

The name Santa Claus is derived from the name Saint Nick. It is the Nicolaitanes that God hates for their evil deeds (Rev 2: 6,15). In fact, Santa is another name for Nimrod. All these have their roots not just in paganism but in evil doctrines and practices which Christ will return to destroy the MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Rev 17:5). The lighting up of the Christmas tree is actually a picture of the dead Nimrod returning to life with glory and honor. In Jeremiah 10:2-4, the prophet denounced the practice of putting up Christmas tree, '...Learn not he ways of the heathen...For the customs of the people are vain; for one cutteth a tree out of the forest...They deck it with silver and with gold, they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.' All these goes to show that the practices of Christmas festivities were never God's idea, but merely the imagination of man. In modern times, it is propagated primarily for commercial reasons.

Syncretism is the term used to denote the worship of a true God mixed with pagan customs and practices. Serious judgment will befall the Israelites for those who disobey (Lev 18:29-30). Such is the spirit of the Christmas festivities when revelry and excesses were pushed to the limits in wine and spirits - albeit of the wrong kind! But many pagan practices are found in churches today and many church leaders even encourage their members to practice them almost without restraints. The Scripture is clear that God does not want His people to mix truth with falsehood, even if it is a very tiny portion of it - what more if it is substantially paganistic, and hence idolatrious in doctrines and practices. Christ is warning His called and chosen ones through the Apostle John to come out of her (Rev 18:4) - will you heed the Lord's warnings?


Thursday, November 15, 2012


Millions of people the world over are plagued with sicknesses and diseases. Hospitals and clinics are often swarmed with patients - many in the prime of their lives - usually beyond what the medical profession can cope. The Bible teaches that it is not God's intention for us to be sick, 'Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.' (3 John 2). Christ suffered that we may be healed of all physical infirmities - '...with His stripes we are healed' (Isaiah 53:5). Human doctors can only diagnose and treat the symptoms with medication rather than treat the root causes of the problems. It is only God Who can heal our sicknesses and diseases, not men - however well respected the medical profession. The primary reason why men do not enjoy robust health is ignorance of God's physical and spiritual laws that govern health and physcial wellness.

While He was on earth, Christ performed many miracles of healing including casting out evil spirits and even raising the dead to life. Some of His chosen Apostles did likewise - in the footstep of the Master Healer. A point worthy of note is that wherever they went, they preached the Gospel of the kingdom of God and miraculous healing followed. For those who had not heard the Gospel, simple (human) faith in Christ resulted in healing. In the case of the two blind men recorded for us in Matthew 9:27-29, they received restoration of their sight by simply trusting in Christ's ability to heal them. Another instance of a woman with an issue of blood for twelve years was healed by Christ  to whom He later commented, 'Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague (Mark 5:34).

In today's modern context with advancement in science and medicine, most people will not believe the word of God regarding healing. They would choose to consult the doctors and medical specialists than believe God for healing, even for most Christians. In these last days, this is more so when Christ cautioned with a rhetorical question, ' Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?' (Luke 18:8). The Lord knew in advance that most people simply will not trust God and take His word at face value - they may mouth with perfunctory cliche, but in their hearts they simply will not believe and many are ignorant of the truth! Having said that, it need be stressed here that seeking healing through faith healing convention and similar public ministry is not God's way and could result in misrepresenting the word and promises of God. The biblical way is to seek the church elder through prayer and anointing of oil (James 5:14 - 16).

But what is real faith? Is it some kind of feel good experience, positive thinking or some charismatic church leaders that many were duped to believe? It has nothing to do with the five senses. Simply put, real faith is believing on the promises of God by taking His word at face value even though one cannot see it - yet believe - because God cannot lie (Heb 6:18). It has to grow from human faith to the faith of Christ (Rom 1: 17 - 'from faith to faith'). Unbelievers and a new believer can only have human faith, but it takes spiritual maturity to grow to acquire the faith of Christ. That is, to have the faith of Jesus (Rev 14:12) when He performed all the miracles and endured all the sufferings while He was on earth. Habakkuk 2:4 rings clearly on this point, 'But the just shall live by his faith' - a similar statement was also quoted by the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:7. It is a tall order that takes time, effort and experience to acquire.

While faith is one key issue that keeps many believers from receiving healing from God, obedience to the laws of God is another prerequisite. This is another key to answered prayer - 'And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight' (1John 3:22).When a young man asked Christ how to be saved, the answer - 'keep the commandments' - Matthew 19:17. From a human standpoint, that may be impossible, but with the help of the Holy Spirit dwelling within you (Christ in you) that is possible. That does not mean we are perfect to keep all the spiritual laws of God in order to be healed, but it does mean we ought to be working towards it and seek forgiveness where we fall short. Understanding the cause and effect of health and sickness is crucial to receive healing from God. When we break God's spiritual and physical laws, the result is predictable, unless we repent and turn away from it. Note that God only give His Holy Spirit to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32).

The ministry of Christ was basically twofold - preaching the Gospel of the kingdom of God (Luke 4:43) and healing the sick and casting out of demons (Luke 4:18; 7:22); and many of His first Apostles did likewise. For those who are Christ true disciples, we ought to follow in His footstep. A point to note here is that I am not against seeking medical treatment for sicknesses and diseases. I believe there is a role for the medical profession (especially the specialists) before God ushers in His kingdom here on earth. The point is that we ought to seek God first for our medical condition before rushing to the doctors at the slightest sign of cough and cold. Besides, not all have attained the level of faith and spiritual maturity to seek healing from God, and we must not judge a weaker brother or sister on that score.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012


The Lord Jesus Christ first gave a clue about the abomination of desolation in Luke 21:20 thus, 'And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.' When Jerusalem is surrounded by enemy forces, the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet (Dan 11: 31; 12: 11) will be near (nigh), but not yet occur. In Matthew 24:15, it was recorded that the abomination of desolution was standing in the holy place - meaning that this had already happened at a later point in time than that stated in Luke 21:20 - and it is God's intention that those who read this prophecy understand its meaning (whoso readeth, let him understand). Similar statement was recorded in Mark 13:14 for emphasis - thus indicating its importance. Once the abomination of desolution is in the holy place - the holy temple in Jerusalem - that is the signal for God's people to flee from the imminent Great Tribulation to a place of safety!

History bores out that there was a former type of the abomination of desolation that took place during the time of Antiochus IV - the king of the north prophesied in Daniel 8:11 which is a type of an end-time civil ruler that embodies the Beast system. In 167 B.C. the evil Antiochus Epiphanes destroyed the holy temple in Jerusalem, took away the daily sacrifice of the Jewish people and even poured swine's blood on the altar, defiling the holy place. As Bible prophecy is dual, a latter type of such end-time civil ruler will appear on the world's stage at the close of the church age (Dan 11:31). The true church of God has been warned to watch and pray as events begin to unfold (Luke 21:36).

The man used by Satan that started the deception was Simon Magus - the sorcerer mentioned in Acts chapter 8. This Samaritan was a formidable magician who founded the sect known as Simonians and deceived the multitudes. A statue was erected in the Tiber River to honor him as god. To many of his followers, he was also known as Jupiter. Such is the Babylon Mystery Religion  (Rev 17:5) that God condemns.

Some time ago, it was reported that a bronze statue of the pagan god Jupiter reappeared in Rome, apparently recast as one of Christ's chosen disciples. It could well happened again that another statue could resemble the end-time civil ruler who will challenge the religious system of the Jews in Jerusalem. That could well be the abomination of desolation prophesied to appear in the holy temple in Jerusalem. While a rebuilt physical Jewish temple may not be necessary, something of the old religious order may have to be restarted for the abomination to take place.

The False Prophet together with the Beast will deceive millions of worshippers into submitting to their control, possibly even with signs and wonders invoked from the evil powers that be. God told the prophet Ezekiel to prophesy of the False Prophet who wanted to take the place of Him thus, 'Son of man, say unto the prince of Ty'rus, because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas, yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God.' - Ezekiel 28:2. The masses who are so ignorant of the true teachings of the Bible will be deceived to even follow their command to fight the true Christ when He returns!


Sunday, October 14, 2012


Most Christians were taught in Sunday School about the concept of hell and hell fire, believing that all unbelievers will go to hell and be burning there for all eternity. But Scripture is clear that the wages of sin is death, not eternal life of torment in hell fire. If that is so, the Bible will be unequivocal in what it says and says what it means. This is another man-made doctrine and idea that has its root from paganism - most notably from Greek philosopher like Plato and Roman poet Virgil. In fact, the concept of hell and eternal torment in hell was popularised by a Christian writer and poet named Dante Alighieri (1265-1321 AD) in his work titled Divine Comedy.

The concept of hell and eternal torment in hell is derived from the wrong concept that all human being has an immortal soul. Accordingly, when a sinner dies, his or her immortal soul will live on in hell to experience eternal torment forever. But the Bible teaches no such thing. What the Bible actually teaches is that man does not possess an immortal soul - for man is an immortal soul. Genesis 2:7 states thus, ' And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.'  This verse does not state that men possess souls, but that men are souls! Following on in verse 17, ' But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.'  The prophet Ezekiel wrote the death of soul thus, 'The soul that sinneth, it shall die.' - 18:4,20. This means that the soul can die, and will die due to sin - not an immortal soul as countless millions were made to believe!

Lest the readers be quick to conclude that these are Old Testament concepts, the Lord Christ affirmed the same in Matthew 10:28 thus, 'And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.'  Christ was stating that the physical body is destroyed at death - no matter what the cause, whether natural, through accident or even if blown to smithereens - but only God can destroy the soul in hell at death. The Apostle Peter also reinforced this truth in Acts 2: 29 and 34 stating that 'David...is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day...For David did not ascend into the heavens'

Solomon penned Ecclesiastes with this clear understanding that when men and animals die, they return to the dust of the earth without any life or consciousness of anything (Eccl 3:19-20; 9:5). Similarly, David addressed this in his Psalms, 'For in death there is no rememberance of thee:in the grave who shall give thee thanks?' - Psalms 6:5. ' The dead praise not the Lord, neither any that go down into silence.' - Psalms 115:17. 'His breath goeth forth, he returned to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.' - Psalms 146:4.

Chew on what the Lord Christ instructed His disciples about this subject, 'Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming in the which ALL that are at the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.' - John 5:28-29. The Lord Christ was instructing His disciples not to marvel at the truth that all who were dead are 'resting in the graves - rest in peace (RIP)'.  Many then, as of now, will find it hard to believe the very words of Christ when told the truth that only resurrection will bring all the dead to life! Till then when Christ returns, all the dead - including all the patriarchs and matriarchs of faith - were and are still resting in the graves awaiting resurrection. They have yet to receive the promise and hope of eternal life (Hebrews 11:13).That is why Christ instructed His disciples to watch and pray for when the time of His return looms near, their redemption draws near too (Luke 21:28).

Many Christians can quote verbatim John 3:16, but only few understands what it really means. 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' Those who receive salvation will not perish but have eternal life. If the lost are destined for eternal torture, they too have eternal life in hell, but nowhere does the Bible teaches such thing! The Apostle Paul instructs in 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 that all true believers (he used the term 'we') 'shall be changed' from mortal to immortality through the resurrection. If all men already possess an immortal soul, then why is there a need to change from mortality to immortality, when death is swallowed up in victory?

The word hell is translated from 'sheol' in Old Testament and 'hades ' in the New Testament. Simply stated, it refers to the grave where all the dead goes, irrespective of religious affiliation. Only in 2 Peter 2:4 is the word hell refers to 'tartaros' - a place of restraint reserved for some of the fallen angels. Many are troubled by Christ's teaching in Mark 9:43-48 about the term 'hell', when He was referring to Gehenna - a deep gorge on the outskirt of Jerusalem which acts as a large refuse dump that burnt up everything thrown into it, including human corpses. Those corpses that fail to make its way down to the burining furnace, but lodged on the ledge of the gorge will be consumed by maggots.

In Matthew 5:22, the Lord Christ refers to 'hell fire' - meaning the lake of fire which is the ultimate furnace where everything wicked and evil will be burnt to ashes (Malachi 4:1). It symbolises the final place of punishment, not punishing. John the Baptist introduced Christ as the One who will come to baptise the true disciples ('you') with the Holy Spirit and the wicked with hell fire ( Matthew 3:11) - at the lake of fire. A loving and merciful God will put the wicked out of their misery at the lake of fire to be totally annihilated with no possibility of resurrection - the second death (Rev 20:14-15)!


Friday, September 28, 2012


The traditional churches believe that their main mission is to convert everyone to Christianity in this church age. They go to great length to 'preach the Gospel' to every tribes and nations even at the cost of the lives of the missionaries and their loved ones. But if that is the will of God to save every soul under heaven in this age, then Satan must have the upper hand, since the large majority of mankind on planet earth had never heard the Gospel message, let alone understand and believe the truth!  If those who had never heard the Gospel and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are going to eternal hellfire, then God is a respecter of persons when He chose the Jews to be the bearer of the truth.

Two millennia ago, Jesus Christ came to earth to qualify Himself as the King of the coming kingdom of God - the world government of Almighty God that will rule over all the earth. He did this by overcoming the temptations of Satan and all who are called into the one true church of God will have to overcome the temptations of this world - as Satan is the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4; Gal 1:4) - in order to become kings in the kingdom of God. Empowered with the Spirit of Christ, all of Christ's true disciples who are called and obeyed His commandments will do the Works of God. There are basically two great commissions for the church of God to do in this age - to preach the Gospel of the kingdom of God and to equip the saints with God's truth so that they can develop the character of Christ and qualify to become members of God's Family when born again as spirit beings at the first resurrection.

In this age, God is calling only a small group of people to form the firstfruits, with Christ as the firstborn among many brethren (meaning the first to resurrect among the firstfruits who are the called of this age) - Rom 8:29. 'For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called' - 1 Cor 1:26. Christ made this clear when He said, 'No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him, and I will raise him up at the last day - John 6:44.  The Lord was referring to the end of the church age when those who are called and chosen will be in the first resurrection at the last trumpet call. That is why Christ spoke to His called and chosen disciples in parables so that those who are not called in this time will not understand His teaching - ' Because it is given unto you (the called) to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven (God), but to them (those not called) it is not given.' -Matt 13:11. The calling is something given unto those who are being called. The church is the firstfruits (James 1:18), and there will be subsequent fruits from subsequent harvests yet of the future.

Many people wrongly assumed that if they are given a wonderful opportunity too good to be true or are having some kind of unexplained emotional feeling, then God has 'called' them into some kind of ministry or some missionary work in a foreign land. But this is not what the Bible is talking about. Simply put, a calling is when a person begins to understand the truth of God  like never before when he reads, sees or hears them. Things begin to make sense and not be deceived by false doctrine and sway by all kinds of man-made teachings and practices. The question is - do you begin to understand the Bible like never before and all its teachings like the Gospel of the kingdom of God, God's Plan for mankind, Bible prophecy and the one true church begin to make sense to you? If it does, God is calling you. Those who are not called will find it almost imposible to understand and make sense of what the Bible is teaching despite reading it umpteen times!

Does it mean that those who are not called in this age are being discriminated upon? The answer is NO. The vast majority of mankind who has ever lived  are neither saved nor lost as they are not being called now but their time for salvation is yet future when the whole truth will be made known to them at God's timing. Those who are called in this age will be given the task to teach and minister to the countless billions who will be resurrected in the second resurrection to come towards the end of the Millennial Age. They will be given the whole truth and opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and hence eternal life (Acts 4:12). The true church of God is like the advance party called to be trained to help reap the great harvest yet to come during the Millennial Age.

The Apostle Paul stated this clearly in Romans 8:29-30, 'For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he (Christ) might be the firstborn among many brethren. Morever whom he did predestinate, them he also called, and whom he called, them he also justified, and whom he justified, them he also glorified.'  The meaning of these two verses are impregnated with the truth of God's Plan for those whom He called at this time - before the Second Coming of Christ. God knows the motivation and make-up of each of those whom He intends to call before they were even born - from the time they were in their mother's womb - foreknow. Next, God helps them to chart the course of their life to know and understand the truth of God so that they might be set apart from Satan's worldview and value system - predestinate. They would then be sealed and empowered with the Holy Spirit to be overcomers and conform to the image of Christ to have the Christ-like character essential for membership into the Royal Family of God when borm again into immortality - justified. Lastly, those called with be in the first resurrection on the last trumpet call (1 Cor 15:52) at the Second Coming of Christ - glorified!

However, many churches are still part of the Babylon's system of this world and God's will for them is to come out of her (Rev 18:4)  so that they will not be partakers of her sins. Are you being called, and if so, will you obey the call of God and be counted worthy to be in the first resurrection - a better resurrection (Hebrews 11:35). The choice is yours to make.


Saturday, September 15, 2012


For years, I have been sold to the doctrine of pre-tribulation rapture where all who trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour will be raptured away to heaven just before the seven-year Great Tribulation is prophesied to occur towards the end of this church age. How wrong I was! What the Scripture really teaches is not any rapture but a place of safety on earth for the true church of Jesus Christ during the period of the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord - a total of three-and-a-half years or 1,260 days. The rapture doctrine was birthed as a result of the Council of Trent in 1545 based on the theory of futurism conceived by a Jesuit priest named Francisco Ribera to counter Catholic doctrines and traditions. An Anglican preacher named John Nelson Darby later refined it and the doctrines of dispensationalism and rapturism were conceived. It was never taught by Christ or any of His appointed Apostles and certainly not mentioned anywhere in the Bible! It is purely a product of human ideas and invention.

Since God is not the Author of confusion (1 Cor 14:33), the rapture doctrine cannot hold any ground as it leads to mass confusion and hayhem with innocent lives lost when Christians would be raptured away from planet earth with classrooms, airplanes in flight, moving vehicles and many others left unattended and in jeopardy! What the Bible teaches is that there is a designated place of safety on earth (not in heaven) for all true believers for a period of three-and-a half years (Rev 12:14; Psalms 91) - shielded from all the cataclysmic events unleashed upon planet earth. That is why Christ warned His elect to watch and pray always so as to be counted worthy to escape all these things (Luke 21:36) - there is a personal responsibility involved right up to the very end. Sadly, few would take His word seriously!

Christ says that no one has ascended to heaven except Himself who came down from heaven (John 3:13) and He also told His audience that 'Where I go (heaven) you cannot come' - John 8:21, 13:33. The rewards of all true saints are the kingdom of God which will come on planet earth ( Daniel 7:27; Matt 5:5; Rev 2:26; Rev 11:15). Many preachers have misunderstood the words of Christ in John 14:1-3 to mean the saved will have 'mansions in heaven' awaiting them upon physical death. The correct translation for this should be 'rooms' to indicate different positions of authority of temple priests. In like manner, Christ will dispense to the true saints different positions of authority as rewards, depending on their faith and obedience, when He returns to earth. Christ's teachings on the parable of the pounds found in Luke 19: 11-27 is a clear reference to this truth about rewards in the kingdom of God.

The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:50-54 put it succintly, 'That flesh and bood cannot inherit the kingdom of God... We shall not all sleep (physical death), but we shall all be changed...At the last trumpet...the dead will be raised incorruptible...and this mortal has put on immortality...Death is swallow up in victory.' If all the dead in Christ have gone to heaven, all these verses make no sense! Besides, there is no indication of a rapture in any variation whatsoever. This proves that the dead in Christ are 'sleeping in the grave' awaiting the sounding of the last trumpet (Rev 11:15) to be resurrected to immortality - to be born again as a spirit being (1 John 3:9) as compared to our physical birth as a human being. The dead in Christ will meet Him in the air (clouds) and return to earth when Christ will then descend on the Mount of Olives (Zech 14:4-5) to begin His rule on the kingdom of God with the headquarters in Jerusalem.

The Bible clearly states that Christ will come back to earth and every eye will see Him (Rev 1:7) - not the saints going to heaven to be with Him! Christ will then begin His rule on earth (kingdom of God) together with His saints for the next one thousand years (Millennial Age) - Rev 20:4. That is an undisputable fact despite what theologians and preachers may teach and preach. Those who hold contrarian views are sincerely wrong and deceived! For those who are called and obey His word, they will be counted worthy to escape all these global calamities just before Christ Return which God has promised to protect them (Luke 21:36) that are prophesied to come upon the whole earth like a snare (Luke 21:34-35).

To the era of the Church in Philadelphia, Christ promised all His true disciples (those who believe and obey His word) that He will keep them from the hour of temptation - meaning the Tribulation (Rev 3:10). He also promised to come to reward those who are faithful and exercise good stewardship on all that were entrusted them (3:11). To the true New Testament church ('woman'), God will provide a physical place of safety for three-and-a-half year, or 1,260 days (Rev 12:6) to shelter them from the global calamities. Daniel 12:11-12 indicates a period of 1,290 and 1,335 days, a countdown to the Return of Christ. From 1,335 days to 1,290 days, a period of 45 days is for the true church to finish its work of warning the nations and make preparation to flee to Judea, and the period of 30 days from 1,290 to 1,260 days (period of God's protection) is for the journey from the gathering place to the place of safety.

Simple faith by 'just believing in Jesus alone' may fall short of God's standard and expectations from those who will be protected during the coming Great Tribulation. They have been misled to believe that Christ will take care of everything once they believe in Him, and disregard personal responsibility. The truth is that one has to have the right belief coupled with obedience to be counted 'worthy to escape all these things'. Those who have ears let them hear!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012


The seventh seal is the seven trumpets and the first trumpet heralds The Day of the Lord, which is a one year period (based on a day for a year principle found in Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6) of God's wrath to punish the gentile nations that have rebelled against God's law. This comes after the Great Tribulation which is actually Satan's wrath unleashed upon the lukewarm church of the last days. In between these two events is the sixth seal of the Heavenly signs when thousands of meteors will fall from the heavens and a great earthquake will come upon planet earth. The book of Joel, Zephaniah and Matthew prophesied these events that are yet to be fulfilled. The way to understand all these prophecies is to let the Bible interprets the Bible. But those who remain faithful and obedient to the truth of His word will be found worthy to escape all these things (Luke 21:36).

The Day of the Lord will culminate in the Return of Jesus Christ to rule and reign over all the nations of the earth. But before the good news (Gospel of the kingdom of God) is to materialise, the people of the world will have to undergo untold sufferings such as the world had never seen or experienced before. But for the elect's sake, these sufferings will be shortened (Matt 24:22). Over thirty prophecies - mainly from the Old Testament - foretold of such terrible events, for God will ' punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity' (Isaiah 26:21), ' for they have sinned against the Lord' (Zephaniah 1:17). The book of Zephaniah records it succinctly - 'The great day of the Lord is near; It is near and hastens quickly. The noise of the day of the Lord is bitter; There the mighty men shall cry out. That day is a day of wrath, A day of trouble and distress, A day of devastation and desolation, A day of darkness and gloominess, A day of clouds and thick darkness' (Zeph 1:14-15). The prophet Joel penned the cosmic blackout just before the Second Coming of Christ thus, ' The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord' (Joel 2:31) - which is the sixth seal recorded by the Apostle John in Revelation 6:12-17.

There are four trumpets (Rev 8) and three woes (Rev 9:1-21 records the first two woes) that make up the seventh seal and the third woe (Rev 16:2-21) is made up of the seven last plagues. The first angel sounded the first trumpet and a third of the trees and all the green grass were burned up (8:6-7). The second angel sounded the second trumpet and a third of the sea became blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died and a third of the ships were destroyed (8:8-9). The third angel sounded the third trumpet and a great star (Wormword) fell from heaven that contaminates the rivers and drinking water turns bitter (8:10-11). When the fourth angel sounded the trumpet, a third of the sun, a third of the moon and a third of the stars became darkened and so will the days and nights on earth (8:12).

Following from the four trumpets judgment are the three woes (woe, woe, woe - Rev 8:13). Revelation 9 describes the fifth and sixth trumpets as the first and second woe respectively. The power that be from the 'bottomless pit' (9:2) refers to the seventh and last revival of the Roman Empire to be led by the beast power. The last (sixth) revival of the Roman Empire was led by Italy's Mussolini together with Adolf Hitler of Germany. The seventh and last revival of the beast power before the return of Jesus Christ will set to attack the 'king of the south' and the Holy Land - that is the first woe. They will overwhelm the 'king of the south' and set to control the Holy Land. Next the 'king of the east' will do a counter-attack with some two hundred million military force against the 'king of the north' - the beast power. Revelation 9:16 records the gathering of this mighty army set to wage war with the beast power that will emerge in due course according to God's timeline.

The third woe is all the seven last plagues that will inflict untold sufferings on planet earth that collectively, the three woes will kill a third of all mankind at that time (Rev 9:18). This reflect God's judgment upon the Babylonian system that had plagued all mankind in one form or another for millennia. The first plague will strike all those who had the mark of the beast and worship his image (16:2). The second plague is similar to the one performed in Egypt during the time of Moses when the sea turn to blood and all living sea creatures died (16:3). The third plague turns rivers and spring waters to blood (16:4) and the fourth plague turns on the sun's heat and scorch men with fire and men began to blasphem the name of God (16:8-9). The seat of the beast's government and power were attacked by the fifth plague and his kingdom became full of darkness and pain (16:10-11). On the sixth plague, the Euphrates River will be dried up for the armies from the kings of the east to cross over to the Holy Land to gather at Armageddon (16:12, 16) - which is north of Jerusalem. The seventh plague rounded up with a great earthquake and hailstorm (16:17-21).

The beast is end-time civil ruler influenced by Satan and the false prophet is the end-time religious leader associated with the end-time civil ruler. Together this unholy triad will form Babylon the great that God called them as the abominations of the earth (Rev 17:5). In these last days, they will perform signs to the kings of the earth and the whole world to deceive the multitudes that will untimately wage war with the Lord Jesus Christ at the battle of that great day of God Almighty (Rev 16:14) upon His return. Unwilling to submit to the Lordship of Christ and the government of God, they will form an alliance to wage war with Christ and all will be destroyed (17:14). Revelation 18 goes on to describe the destruction of the Babylonian system that had deceived all mankind since the time of ancient civilisation.

But the good news is that the kingdom of God will appear soon after all these cataclysmic events ended. It will be a wonderful world of peace, happiness and prosperity operating on God's law of the give way of life.


Sunday, August 12, 2012


Many Christians presumed that the Lord's Day mentioned in Revelation 1:10 as the day of worship, for most of them it is Sunday. They are wrong on two counts. One, the day of worship is the seventh day of the week, which is Saturday and not Sunday - the latter is the day of pagan worship of the sun! Second, the Lord's Day mentions in Revelation 1:10 refers to the great and terrible day of the Lord prophesied in Joel 2:1-3 and Zephaniah 1:7-10; 14-17. It is a time of the Lord's wrath (Zeph 1:18). But before the one-year period of God's judgment (Lord's Day) is prophesied to happen on planet earth, it will be preceded by a two-and -a half year period of the Great Tribulation of Satan's wrath unleashed on mankind just before he yielded his throne to the coming Lord Jesus Christ. There cannot be any case of mistaken identity as over thirty prophecies in the Old Testament refer to this period as the great and terrible day of the Lord!

According to Christ, The Great Tribulation will be the worst time in world history that mankind will have to face, ever (Matt 24:21). This period corresponds to the opening of the fifth seal mentioned in Revelation 6:9-11. This period of worldwide suffering is prophesied to happen for all mankind living then except for the small group of called and chosen ones who will be taken to a place of safety (Rev 12:14). Christ categorically warned that all true disciples of His must 'Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things (The Great Tribulation) that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.' - Luke 21:36.

Those who were martyred will have to wait till the numbers of all those who were predestined to enter the kingdom of God will have died for their faith are complete. It is not a reference to those martyrs who had died in the Middle Ages and are now in heaven crying out to the Lord, it is just symbolic of what must follow for martyrs of the latter period to complete the plan of God. If the martyrs who died centuries before are now in heaven, they would not have to clamour for revenge! The martyrs of the last days are lukewarm Christians who have fallen away or are being deceived into deception by false teachings and the value system of this world! Even then, only half of them are expected to be saved (Matt 25:1-12). The 'souls under the altar' (Rev 6:9) is a reference to future martyrs of the Laodicean era (the last era of the Church age - the present time) who will suffer the same fate as martyrs in the Middle Ages.

Only those who believe and obey the word of Christ and His teachings including the gospel message of the kingdom of God will be found ' worthy to escape to all these things (the Great Tribulation) and to stand before the Son of Man (as resurrected immortal spirit beings born of God).' All the rest of mankind who escape physical death during the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord will enter the Millennial Age as flesh and blood humans to be ruled by resurrected spirit beings. The rest of mankind who have ever lived will be resurrected as reconstituted flesh and blood humans towards the end of the Millennial Age and be given the whole truth at judgment day (Matt 11:21-24; Luke 11:31-32). Their decision for repentance and acceptance of salvation or  rejection with wilful rebellion will determine their eternal destiny!

After the cataclysmic events comes the good news (gospel) of the kingdom of God - the rule of Christ as King over the whole earth to end all wars, strife, sicknesses, diseases, calamities and even death! It will be the wonderful world to come not just for the Millennial Age, but for all of eternity. It is God's will for man to spread the laws and government of God and beautify all of His creation, stretching into the far corners of the universe. That is what you and I were created and placed on planet earth for!

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Incredible as it may seem, the Gospel of Jesus Christ was 'lost' for over nineteen centuries not only to the world but to the entire Christendom as a whole. In its place, the churches of the world preach a Gospel about the Person of Christ. In essence, the Gospel of Christ is the message that Christ was sent by God the Father to preach to the world - the message of the kingdom of God. Some twenty to thirty year after the founding of the New Testament church in AD 31, controversy began to emerge as to what is the true Gospel. After a period of almost one century - known as the lost century of the Christian church - the Gospel centred around the Person of Christ began to gain momentum, in place of the Gospel about the kingdom of God.

Christ first came as a Prophet was prophesied by Moses, 'The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your midst, from your brethren. Him you shall hear' - Deut 18:15. Malachi affirmed that Christ will come as a Messenger of the (new) covenant to bring good news from God the Father about the coming kingdom that will dethrone Satan who is presently the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4) who deceived the whole world (Rev 12:9). Jesus Christ came preaching the Gospel of the kingdom of God.The Gospel of the kingdom is to be preached in conjunction with Christ's role in it, and not preaching about Christ apart from the Gospel. Yet all who claimed to be Christ's disciples are totally ignorant of the very work they are commissioned to do! The world's churches of different persuasion preached a different gospel of grace, salvation, social issues and prosperity which the Apostle Paul warned with a 'double curse' - for perverting the Gospel of Christ (Gal 1:7-9).

Many preachers proclaim that 'the kingdom of God is within you' - presumably in you heart, mind and soul - quoting Luke 17:21. But little did they realise that this is mistranslation - when it should mean 'in the midst of you' - meaning that Christ as the King of the future kingdom of God, was in their midst. As the context was Christ speaking to the Pharisees, obviously Christ was not referring to them having inherited the kingdom of God! Because man has rejected the true Gospel, they have supplanted something else - another gospel ( 2 Cor 11:4) - to replace it. That is why the world - like the Titanic - is heading towards the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord but yet totally oblivious to the cataclysmic events prophesied to unfold!

The writer of Mark 1:1 states, 'The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God' - and following down in verse 14-15, he states, 'Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God'  and saying, 'The time is fulfilled and the kingom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.'  IT IS NECESSARY TO BELIEVE THE GOSPEL MESSAGE OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD TO BE SAVED! But how can one believe unless he/she understands what the gospel of the kingdom of God is. That is the very Gospel message that God the Father sent Christ to proclaim  (Luke 4:43) and we are commanded to hear Him. For over nineteen centuries, the world was ignorant of the true Gospel as they only understand a gospel about Christ and not the Gospel of Christ. While on earth, Christ sent His twelve disciples to preach the Gospel of the kingdom of God (Matt 10: 5-7; Luke 9:1-2). After His resurrection but before His ascension to heaven, Christ taught His disciples about the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3).

The purpose of the church is to prepare those whom God has called to teach and rule in the kingdom of God. The purpose of king Nebuchadnezzar's dream (Daniel 2:28) was to reveal God's government (2:44) - the quintessence of the kingdom of God. It is referring to a literal kingdom on earth that bear rule on real people over the whole world, as Christ taught in the Sermon on the Mount  - Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth (Matt 5:5). Christ was born to be King, and when He returns all the governments of the world will be dissolved (Rev 11:15). In its place will be the kingdom of God ruled by Christ assisted by born again immortal spirit beings who will form the Family of God. The divine Family of God will rule over all mortal humans of the world but they will not be in the kingdom of God, though they will be ruled by it. Then Christ will be King over all the earth (John 18:37) in the world to come (Heb 2:5).

Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ stated this categorically in John 8:30-32 thus, 'As He spoke these words, many believed in Him (people believed that Christ was sent from the  Heavenly Father to proclaim the Gospel message of hope for mankind). Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in my word (the Gospel message of the kingdom of God), you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and truth shall make you free." Christ was telling the Jews that it was not enough just believing in Him that He is the Son of God sent from heaven above (the demons beleive so and tremble), but that they must also believe His word - the message of the kingdom of God - so that they can be set free from sin and death through resurrection (when Christ return) and be born again into immortal life as a spirit being. Sadly, because of unbelief, only a small minority during the church age will get to inherit the kingdom of God ('little flock' - Luke 12:32) as it remains a mystery even to the large majority of church goers the world over. For many are called but few are chosen (Matt 20:16; 22:14) - to become the sons of God in the divine Family who will rule and reign with Christ in the coming kingdom. Make no mistake, only those who are born again as immortals into the Family of God will rule as masters of the universe!

But one of the conditions to earn the reward from Christ is to - 'Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him' (1 John 2:15).This present evil age (Gal 1:4) is Satan's world and the large majority of the people are being deceived to follow the Babylonian system of idolatry rooted in false doctrines and practices. True Christians who are called are warned to 'Come out of her' or else they become partakers in her sins. (Rev 18:4). Those who fail to heed the warning of Christ may not receive a full reward (2 John 8).

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Many evangelical Protestant churches believe that the church is to function as a saving lighthouse for 'lost souls'. But if that is the case, then how about all human beings who lived before the birth of the New Testament Church in  31 A.D. They would all be doomed without hope of salvation and that would make God a respecter of persons, which is contrary to His nature and Scripture! In New Testament Greek, the Church is called ekklesia which means the called-out ones - the congregation of people that forms the Church. The name should be called "Church of God" which is used twelve times in the New Testament.

According to Herbert W. Armstrong whom God called to restore many biblical truth lost since the first century, the word church first appears in Matthew 16:18 when Jesus said, 'I will build My church, and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it.' In plain language, it simply means - according to Herbert W Armstrong - "I will call out of Satan's world disciples, to grow into the altogether new and different world, which will be God's kingdom". Jesus Christ is the Founder and the living Head of the Church (Eph 5:23). Notice that Christ came to establish His Church and not churches. So there is only one true Church of God with one set of doctrinal teachings based solely on the Bible and not teaching as doctrines the commandments of men! (Mark7:7).

Jesus Christ did not come to earth in His first advent to save Satan's world while Satan still rules the world (2 Cor4:4). He will save the world in His Second Coming when Satan shall be restrained. Christ came some 2,000 years ago to qualify as the second Adam to replace Satan as King on the throne of the earth, ruling with the Government of God. He also came to proclaim the Gospel of the kingdom of God (Luke 4: 43) as a Messenger sent from God the Father (Deut 18:15; Malachi 3:1c). Christ also died for the sin of all humanity and He established the Church to train all true believers whom the Father had called and chosen (John 6:44; 15:16,19) to be the Bride of Christ and be members of the Family of God.

Water baptism is an initiatory rite to be born of the Spirit of God. The kingdom of God will not be composed of mortal human beings for flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 15:50). The first Adam became a living being. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit (1 Cor 15:45). God is reproducing Himself in His saints whom He has called and obeyed Him! For God to restore His Government on planet earth (and the whole universe in the age of eternity), He would require a group of trained and qualified God Beings who have rejected Satan's way of life and obeyed the righteous laws of God.. The Church will eventually be His instrument to bring salvation to all of humanity who have ever lived when they are all resurrected toward the end of the millennium age. The Church is the firstfruits (Heb 12:23; James 1:18), a chosen generation and a royal priesthood (1 Pet 2:9) who will teach the multiple billions of resurrected flesh and blood human beings since Adam the whole truth. All true Christians are drafted (predestined) and there is no volunteer!

That is why Christ spoke in parables often so that only His true disciples will understand and not the masses who were not called (Matt 13:10-11; Mark 4:10-11). God's plan of salvation for mankind is working one step at a time, and the time is not yet to reveal the whole truth to the world. This plan of salvation is contained in Leviticus 23 where the seven annual festivals is to be observed forever for all spiritual descendants of Abraham, including the Church. The Passover pictures the sacrificial death of Christ on the cross as payment for the sin of mankind. The seven days of Unleavened Bread pictures the Church coming out of sin just as the ancient Israelites came out of Egypt. The Day of Pentcost - originally called the Feast of Firstfruits - pictures the Church as the first begotten and born as children of God. The Feast of Trumpets pictures the Second Coming of Christ to rule over all nations and governments of the world. The Day of Atonement pictures the putting away of Satan at the beginning of the millennium. The Feast of Tabernacles pictures the thousand-year reign of Christ with the spirit born-again saints. The Final Great Day pictures the final judgement of all humans who have ever lived.

When God closed the tree of life after Adam sinned, the Holy Spirit and salvation was cut off from humanity except for a chosen few whom God had called for a specific purpose.  The Church was called not just for salvation and eternal life, but to develop the spiritual character of Christ and be trained to help Christ administer God's Government and redemption for the whole world when Christ returns (Rev 2: 26-27; 3:21). Those who are called are not saved by the blood of Christ but by His life (Rom 5:10)  - by the resurrection - which will happen when Christ returns to rule as King of kings and Lord of lords. Since Christ overcame Satan in the wilderness (Matt 4: 3-11) the Church must now overcome in the church age in order to rule with Him (1 Pet 4:17). The Church is required to overcome Satan, the lust of the flesh and the temptations of the world to qualify as kings and priests in the wonderful world to come. However, the rest of humanity will not be required to so overcome to obtain salvation when Satan has been restrained.

When a person is called of God and obeyed, he/she becomes a spiritual embryo and the church is to provide the spiritual food as nourishment for growth to maturity (Eph 4:11-13). The Church is the  Jerusalem above, the mother of us all (Gal 4:26). The Church has the dual responsibility to proclaim the Gospel of the kingdom of God, and Christ is to be preached in conjunction with the Gospel. In addition, it has to shepherd the flock of God (1 Pet 5:2). It behooves, therefore, that God's true ministers should protect and guard the spiritually begotten but yet unborn saints from false doctrine and deception!

Friday, June 29, 2012


The doctrine of the trinity has never been in the Bible. It is a concoction of men gathered at Nicaea in 325 AD to frame the doctrine for Christianity that will unite dissenting groups of followers of the Christian faith. The group that hinges on heresy and supported by the then popular Roman Emperor Constantine won against those who opposed the doctrine of trinity as it was never taught in Scriptures and certainly not by Jesus Christ and His first Apostles. So where did the doctrine come from? Right even before the time of Christ, the triad deity was already long in existence. The idea was probably first practised by the Babylonians. Semiramis, the mother-wife of Nimrod, believed that Horus was reincarnated from Nimrod and intended to immortalised the three of them to be worshipped. In Egypt, the family was worshipped as Osiris (Nimrod), Isis (Semiramis) and son Horus some three centuries after the great Flood of Noah's time.

In Babylon, the triad deity was known as Ninas, Ishtar and Tammuz. In Rome, it was Jupiter, Fortuna and Mercury. Most ancient pagan religions had their own triad deity, albeit using different names, but basically rooted in philosophy and metaphysics copied from the migrants that came out of the Tower of Babel - another root of idolatry from Mystery Babylon! The Hindu god comes in the form of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and so do many Eastern religions. The famous Greek philosopher Plato and early theologians like Philo, Clement of Alexandria and Origen greatly influenced early Christianity that follows Gnosticism and Greek philosophy that deviate from the true teachings of Christ and His chosen Apostles.

Reliable sources of church history tell us that right into the second century AD, heresy had already entered the church just as Christ and His Apostles had warned. The Gnostics had use allegory to explain away the truth and in its place came Greek philosophy and man's concoction of heretical ideas to explain Scriptures instead of letting the Bible interprets the Bible. Most believe that there is one God in personage when Christ clearly states that He and the Father are one in unity and purpose (John 17:11). Hence, the doctrine of the trinity is a mystery that nobody understands. Lest it be misunderstood, Christ and God the Father are two God Beings and the Holy Spirit is the power that exudes out from these two Supreme Beings of the Godhead. Christ said that 'I and My Father are one' - John 10:30, and there is no mention of any other person. The Apostle Paul reinforces this teaching when he wrote, ' yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live' - 1 Cor 8:6. Similarly, for all of Paul's epistles, there is no greetings of the Holy Spirit, but only God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son. Even in the Lord's prayer, we are taught to pray to God the Father in the name of the Son Jesus Christ, period. If the Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity, then why is there no mention of his presence?

The prophet Jeremiah had rightly quoted the Lord of hosts thus, ' I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are on the ground, by My great power (referring to the Holy Spirit ) and by My outstretched arm, and have given it to whom it seemed proper to Me' - Jeremiah 27:5. This verse is rightly collaborated with Acts 5:32 where it states that God will only gives His Holy Spirit to those who obey Him. Besides, if the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, then Jesus Christ should be called ' the Son of the Holy Spirit'  since He was conceived of the Holy Spirit! In the long prayer between the Father and the Son (John 17) there was no mention of the Holy Spirit and neither in the Lord's prayer are Christians commanded to pray to the Holy Spirit. Yet misguided preachers are doing so to showcase their ignorance, or their disobedience!

Note that in Daniel 7:13-14, the prophet Daniel recorded the vision of the inauguration of the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) by the Ancient of Days (God the Father) when the throne of Satan is finally ceded to Christ. There is no record of the presence of the Holy Spirit in such an important event in the whole universe! Similarly, the dialogue between the Father and Son recorded in Hebrew chapter 1 clearly shows two Persons of the Godhead talking over their Master Plan to offer man membership in the Divine Family, to the exclusion of angels - and this makes Satan furious with envy (1:5, 13). Those who overcome will be offered membership in God's Divine Family to rule the world with Christ and even to judge angels (1 Cor 6: 2-3).

The Persons of God the Father and God the Son each has different unique names, but the term 'Holy Spirit' is not a name of a person - let alone a God Being. Many references were made of the Holy Spirit in symbolic terms like water, wind, olive oil and dove. These are not normally use to refer to a human being, what more a God Being! Most trinitarians forget that God is a Person and not some nebulous blob of spirit floating around like 'Gasper the Ghost' - popularised through Hollywood movies. God rule from His throne in Heaven, and Christ is now seated on His right hand interceding for His saints. The Holy Spirit is given as a 'deposit' to seal those whom God has called and choose to obey Him (Acts 5:32) for the day of redemption (Eph 1:13-14).

The prophet Joel prophesied that God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh (Joel 2:36), and this prophesy is yet of the future - to happen when Christ has returned to establish His kingdom on earth. Since no one can 'pour' one person onto another, the Holy Spirit cannot be a person for this to happen. Some suggests that the pronoun 'He' is used to suggest that the Holy Spirit is a person, but that was not in the original text as it was added by bible translators. The King James Version in Romans 8:16 uses the pronoun 'it' to describe the Holy Spirit - the Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit. Remember, only the original Bible manuscripts are inspired - the rest are but translations  carried out by men. Still not convinced? Just consider the prophetic book of Revelation - the first two verses reveal that the book originated from God the Father who gave it to Jesus Christ. Christ then sent it to an angel who hand it to John to narrate it as Scriptures. There is no mention of any third person of the trinity involved.

Then there are others who argue that since the Scriptures mention that one must not blaspheme the Holy Spirit, it has to be a person of some sort. But first know that if the Holy Spirit is a Supreme God Being living inside of us, every time we sin, we will die. Since the Holy Spirit is a source of power that exudes out of God (Act 8:19), any denial of its presence and leading is tatamount to rejecting God - just like rejecting an emissary sent from a King or an Emperor is considered blasphemous and could attract capital punishment in ancient times!

Satan is out to deceive the masses - if more people believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, then they will never get to understand their incredible potential. The trinity is a closed concept devised by Satan to deny humans from being a member of God's Divine Family. God's plan is to expand His Family and government throughout the universe in eternity (Isaiah 9:7) Only those who understand and accept the truth will be granted membership in God's eternal Family - for the truth will make you free (John 8:32) - free from sin and death. Make no mistake, only membership into God's Royal Family  - those called at this time to be a Bride of Christ - will be entitled to enter the kingdom of God (Matt 22:11-13) with rewards to rule and reign with Christ for all of eternity. This is the greatest deal and highest calling ever - but the window of opportunity is fast closing in as Christ's return becomes imminent!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


This world is facing mounting problems - from natural disasters to human calamities. Hardly a day goes by without bad news being reported in the daily press. The world's financial system is on the verge of collapse. Wars and threats of wars are ongoing in many countries around the globe. Crimes and drugs are ravaging human lives that even many sovereign governments are powerless to handle. Injustice and cruelty to humanity are so pervasive that even the authorities are no longer blameless. The list of bad effects on a world's system that is built upon the wrong foundation has been around for some 6,000 years of man's rulership is soon coming to an end. In its place, God will supernaturally intervene in the affairs of man with the establishment of His government on earth (Rev 11:15) - forcefully at the initial start as the power that be tried to resist (Isaiah 11:4)!

But the coming utopian world will result when Christ returns to rule the world as the King of kings - the kings being the resurrected spirit born members of God's Divine Family (Isaiah 32:1).Wars will be a thing of the past as nations will learn to live in peace and harmony - swords and implements of wars will be turned into useful tools for productive work (Isaiah 2:4). Deserts and wasteland will blossom like a garden, the blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dumb will speak and the lame will leap like a deer (35:5-7). Man may talk and dream about a one world government, but it is never going to work as the formation of the United Nations has shown that things will only get worse before it gets better - and only upon the return of Jesus Christ setting up a supergovernment on planet earth!

The main thrust of the Gospel message is the coming world government with Jesus Christ reigning on the throne. Shortly after Christ's victory over Satan in the wilderness (Matt 4:1-11), He began to proclaim the Gospel of the kingdom of God (Matt 4:17). The defeat of Satan entitles Christ to qualify for the throne that will be consummated upon His return. Man may have invented the spaceship that travels into space and high tech gizmos that make life more comfortable, but only the Almighty God has the power and capacity to solve all the problems mankind is facing - from looming diseases, drugs and crimes, to severe pollution and threats of nuclear holocaust. By some estimates, the earth could become inhabitable by 2050 due mainly to shortage of food and fresh water, key natural resources and all kinds of pollutions that threaten life.

The world today is plagued by lawlessness of all forms - literally from the bedroom to the boardroom. Serious character flaws are no longer a barrier to hold public office and be in positions of power and authority. Christ warns that lawlessness will abound, and the love of many will grow cold (Matt 24:12) in the last days preceding His return - But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be (24:37). Supporters are quick to brush aside lawlessness and character flaws on people of stature as personal indiscretions. People with severe criminal records are often let loose to commit more crimes, much to the agony of innocent victims and heavy social cost to society. All these injustices will be restituted on the Day of Reckoning and never ever to happen again in the utopian world to come (Heb 2:5).

The Millennium Age will see an explosion of creativity, invention and development that the past six thousand years of human achievements look like kindergarden. Imagine what life will be like when Satan is bound and man is able to develop the right education system that unlock one hundred percent of his potential instead of just a meagre ten percent. The Apostle Paul understood what it means when he quoted Isaiah, 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered the heart of man - the things which God has prepared for those who love Him' (I Cor 2:9; Isaiah 64:4). What this verse means is that man has yet to discover many wonderful things even the mightest microscope and telescope have been unable to do so and human ears have yet to hear of music far superior than what is being offered even through Mozart, Beethoven and Bach. What God has offered is a mind patterned like His with unlimited creative potential that is literally out of this world!

Sin has robbed the human race of all the riches that God has planned for us. But all these will change when the spirit of man will be unleashed to experience that which no man has ever seen or experience before in all of human history. Even the animal kingdom will be transformed as prophesied in Isaiah thus, 'The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and the little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. The nursing child shall play by the cobra's hole, and the weaned child shall put his hand in the viper's den. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain' (Isaiah 11:6-9). For the Word of God shall go forth in all the earth as the waters cover the sea.

God has a plan to destroy all forms of evil and death with Satan restrained, during the times of restoration of all things (Acts 3:21). A new form of government with a new standard of moral law to govern all human behaviour that will be administered by Christ with the assistance of His saints, who will be resurrected to become spirit beings born of God (born again). All peoples and nations that conform to the new order of worship and obedience will be blessed. Although the Millennium Age will be earth's brightest period, the short years preceding it will be the darkest the world will ever know. For darkness will precede dawn with the Great Tribulation looming as Satan unleashed his wrath just before yielding his earthly throne to the Lord Jesus Christ upon His imminent return (Rev 11:15)!

The prophet Isaiah posed the question, 'Who would receive our report?- Isaiah 53:1 - meaning who would believe what was written about the coming utopia (the kingdom of God) in the prophetic book that bears his name. Sadly, the same is true even today. Jeremiah is spot on when he asked, 'can a leopard change its spot?' - Jeremiah 13:23 - the rebellious naysayers simply will not believe God. Only when the spirit of man is changed through the power of Christ and his saints will hope of lasting peace and prosperity engulf the whole world and turn it into a paradise!

Thursday, May 31, 2012


I came from a Baptist church where divine healing is hardly talk about. The pastor and church leaders were sceptical about supernatural healing. But the Bible is unequivocally clear that God's will is for His people to be healed - And by His (Jesus Christ) stripes, we are healed (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24). The Apostle John affirmed this truth in 3 John 2, ' Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.'  In many accounts recorded in the four Gospel, Christ go about healing the sick and diseased- Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people (Matt 9:35). It is worthy to note that the healing is accompanied by the preaching of the Gospel of the kingdom of God!

Healing and forgiveness of sins go hand-in-hand, and since no man can forgive sin, no physician can heal any person. What he or she does is only prescribing medicine which often deals with the symptoms rather than getting into the root cause of the sickness or disease. Since only God can forgive sin, God is the One who can truly heals. Most Christians will go see a doctor at the first sign that something is amiss physically. But God should be our first and last line of defense against sickness and diseases. The correct approach is to come before the Heavenly Father for healing the root cause of our sickness and diseases.

However, divine healing in this church age is meant primarily for the true believers who have the faith of Christ (James 5:14-15). While it takes human faith at the outset to believe that Christ came to die for his/her sin to receive salvation, the believer must move from human faith to the faith of Jesus - from faith to faith (Rom 1:17) - in order to appropriate the promises of God. But what is faith? Hebrews 11:1 states that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hence, real faith is something hoped for, and when you hope for something, that thing has yet to be received. The evidence of which is not seen means that there is no physical evidence to substantiate it, unlike in a human court of law. This implies that a true Christian will believe the word of Christ and take the promises of God at face value that it will come to pass. The belief itself is the evidence.

Human faith is unstable and tends to waver when confronted with challenges (Js 1:6-8). But the faith of Jesus is steady and the true disciples who exercise it will develop patience and await the promises of God (Rev 14:12). Many are drawn to believe that all they need to do is to believe that Jesus died for their sins and all is well, quoting Romans 10:9. But that is quoting Scriptures out of context. Further down in the same chapter verse 17, it states But they have not all obeyed the gospel - for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified (Rom 2:13). The promises of God come with conditions - obedience - and if the laws of God are nullified, then there is no longer any sin for sin is lawlessness (1 John 3:4a). One who turns away his ear from hearing the law (of God), even his prayer is an abomination - strong words - Proverbs 28:9.

Christ's ministry is dual - preaching the Gospel of the kingdom of God and healing the sick (Luke 4:18; 7:22). His disciples are commissioned to do likewise - Matt 10:7-8. But many public healing services are conducted in the name of Christ with people falling backward. Scriptures show that all believers who confront the divine will tend to fall face forward - Gen 17:3,17; 2 Chron 20:18. Those who are demon possessed tend to fall backward - John 18:6. This goes to show that divine healing is meant for disciples who have the faith to believe God for his promises and obey his laws. For there must be repentance of sin and forgiveness from God before healing takes place. When Christ walks the earth and healed the unconverted, human faith was exercised. But in the church age, God expects His church to exercise the faith of Christ.

Sickness and disease come about because of sin and also due to the law of cause and effect. Wrong choice of food and drink, lack of exercise, rest and a poor mental state of mind will result in bad effect - sickness and diseases. But in the world to come (Heb 2:5), the Lord will reign as Judge and Lawgiver to forgive all iniquities - sickness and diseases will be a thing of the past (Isaiah 33: 22-24) when people obey God's law. Modern medicine and drugs as we know it will largely be unnecessary when Christ returns to reign with His saints. What a wonderful world that will be - the hope of mankind!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


The Gospel that Christ preached is the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of God is the government of God. In fact, the kingdom of God also encompass the Family of God, which will be made up of immortal spirit beings born into the divine Family. The true church of God will be the Bride that marries Christ to join the divine Family at His return, with God the Father as the Head of the Family.The divine Family will form the government of God with its headquarters in Jerusalem. The magnificient temple vision of prophet Ezekiel, given to us in Ezekiel chapters 40-48, is a prophecy for born again saints to hold offices and perform God's work in the millennium reign of Christ. The King of kings and Lord of lords will rule and reign with His saints from God's beautiful headquarters!

The writer of Hebrews (2:5) was unequivocal, 'For He (God the Father) has not put the WORLD TO COME of which we speak, in subjection to angels' . Hebrews 2 goes on to state that man will ultimately rule with Christ, not only during the millennial age (world to come), but throughout eternity when all things (Heb 2:10) will be brought under the dominion of the sons of God crowned with glory and honour. That in essence, is the Gospel that Jesus Christ came to preach (Luke 4:43), and commanded His disciples to do likewise (Matthew 28:20).The full Gospel has to be preached - Jesus Christ is to be preached in conjunction with the Gospel (Acts 8:12; 28:31) - and not Jesus Christ without the Gospel message. That is dishonouring God the Father (Malachi 1:6-7) as the Gospel message of the kingdom of God was commissioned by Him! The churches have defiled the altar, the very centre of God's work commisioned for them to do.

 For only those who abide in His word (the Gospel message of the kingdom of God) are His true disciples (John 8:31), and know the truth that will set them free (from the clutches of Satan and his demons) - (John 8:32). Sadly, many who call Him 'Lord, Lord ' will fail to qualify as the chosen ones in the government of God. Those who overcome, Christ will make him a pillar in the temple of God during the millennium, and in the age of eternity when the New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven from God. (Rev 3:12). God the Father will also descend from heaven to dwell in the heavenly temple in the New Jerusalem in the midst of men (Rev 21:3)!

Those who obey Christ as their Master has the government of Christ over them. They will receive new revelations and understanding from the word of God. The problem this world is facing today is one of rebellion. Children rebel against parents, citizens rebel against authorities and many wives refuse to submit to their husbands just like churches refuse to submit to the headship of Christ and turn Laodicean and rebellious. The Laodiceans are breaking God's spiritual laws and refused to accept the concept of God's divine Family (Malachi 4:5-6) which Satan hates because he was never offered membership in God's divine Family (Hebrews 1:5, 13). Unless they repent, they are going to be very sorry for eternity. Christ said in John 14:2-3, In my Father's house (temple headquarters in Jerusalem) are many mansions (more correctly should be translated as many offices); if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place  (positions in the kingdom of God) for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am (Christ will be on earth after His return) there you may be also.' Today they are begotten of the Father (Hebrews 1:5), but will be born sons when Christ returns (1 John 3:9).

From a spiritual standpoint, the temple in the Old Testament times is the equivalent of the New Testament church. The most holy place in the temple is the holy of holies, located in the inner court of the temple. The ark of the covenant was kept in the holy of holies, it is a symbol of God's presence at His throne - the government of God. Inside the ark are the manna, Aaron's rod that budded and the tablets of the covenant which contain the Ten Commandments. The meaning of all these is that God's people are to feed on His word, the spiritual truth, and be ruled by the law - the Ten Commandments - and Aaron' rod symbolises the government of God. It is all about God ruling man! But mankind in general choose to follow Satan which rebelled against God long before man was created. But in these last days, God is judging His true church (1 Peter 4:17). He is measuring the inner court of His temple and leaving out the outer court (Rev 11:1-2). Those in the inner court are the true disciples of Christ who will be His Bride and share His throne (Rev 3:21).

The two pillars in the temple - Jachin and Boaz (1 Kings 7:21) - represent God the Father and Jesus Christ. This is a symbolism of supreme power behind God's true church and the creation of the divine Family that form the government of God. The Laodicean church has been blinded spiritually by religious deception and has become lukewarm (Rev 3:16) as their lampstand is fast running low on oil (lacking the power of the Holy Spirit). The temple will be the focus of the world when Christ returns as people of all nations will seek the Lord in the house of God (Isaiah 2: 2-3). The prophetic Psalm of David  (Psalm 23:6) put it succinctly, 'Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord (God's temple) forever'.

Before the birth of Jesus Christ, the angel Gabriel told Mary that her Son Jesus will inherit the throne of David (as promised by God to David through the Davidic covenant - 2 Samuel 7:8-16; 1 Chron 17: 10-14), and that His kingdom will never end (Luke 1:31-33). Jesus Christ was born to be  King (John 18:37). Long before Satan's rebellion, God's government was already established upon earth. All the prophets of the Old Testaments and the new Testament Apostles understood that the kingdom will come with power when Christ returns to rule over real people over real nations on earth (Ps 67:4) - not some fluffy sentimental feelings embedded 'in the hearts and minds' of Christians! Enoch prophesied that Christ will return with ten thousands of His saints to execute judgment on all the ungodly and their deeds (Jude 14-15). That is why the Old Testament is filled with stories of kings and kingdoms - a reminder of the righteous King and His kingdom to come - a paradigm of the Lord's prayer, 'Thy kingdom come' (Matt 6:10). God's ultimate purpose for man is to restore the Garden of Eden on earth during the millennium age and then extend out to the whole universe for a world without end (Isaiah 9:7; Luke 1: 33)!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


The level of religious deception in the whole wide world is so pervasive and deep that many prophetic warnings reverberating across Scriptures are exactly spot on for time such as this. God warns through Hosea that My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (ignorance because they are being deceived)- Hosea 4:6 & Isaiah 5:13. The Lord Christ pointed out categorically in the Olivet prophecy to His close disciples (Matt 24:4-5) to 'Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, "I am the Christ", and will deceive many.'

Throughout the centuries since then, many have misrepresented God in His work and Christ in His teachings and Gospel message carved out for the true church to do. Many leaders have flippantly misuse God's name to do this and that without biblical basis. The book of Jeremiah is filled with prophecies for the end time as we are now undergoing with strong rebuke for the corrupt religious leaders guilty of deceiving the people of God for working out their own agendas by misusing the name of Christ (Jer 5:31). They have simply worshipped the works of their own hands (Jer 1:16) but using the name of Christainity to lend credibility to deceive the masses! Unless they repent before their physical death or the coming Great Tribulation, whichever comes first, such religious leaders will face a bleak eternal future that includes weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt 24:51).

Many are unaware that Rev 6:1-2 reveals a counterfeit Christianity representing a man with a bow sitting on a white horse, going out conquering and to conquer. The true Jesus Christ (reveals in Rev 19:11-15) is One sitting on a white horse wearing many crowns (not just a crown) with a sharp sword out of His mouth (not a bow in his hand)) Who will return to rule (and not just conquering). The true church of Jesus Christ is represented in the Bible as a woman (Rev 12:1). The symbol of a bow has a subtle reference to Nimrod, who was  a great hunter out conquering, and founded the ancient city Babylon and the Babylonian Empire which was the seat of the Babylonian Mystery religion (Rev 17:5). The rider in Revelation 6 and the One in Revelation 19 are two opposing individuals showing two distinct spectrum of time. Revelation 6 shows a false Christ (another Christ) with a false gospel (different gospel)- 2 Cor 11:4 - while Revelation 19 reveals the true Jesus Christ with the true gospel, founded and leading the true church in all its power and glory until He returns.

To be authentic, the false Christ and gospel have to look real, just like a counterfeit US dollar or a Rolex watch to deceive the unwary. In the last days, these false ministers and prophets are so prevalent that they are everywhere as Christ rightly warned in Matthew 24: 24-26, 'For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I HAVE TOLD YOU BEFOREHAND. Therefore, if they say to you, "Look, He is in the desert!", do not go out, or "Look, He is in the inner rooms!" do not believe it.' Here Christ is warning His people that many false ministers and prophets will attempt to work miracles to lure the gullible - do not fall into their trap. Although the counterfeit Christianity system has been fairly entrenched since the third and fourth century, it will be greater in power and intensity at the close of the church age - as Satan had been cast out of the domain of heaven (Rev 12:9-10) and is upping his ante before relinquishing his throne to the Lord Jesus Christ (Rev 11:15)!

The Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 3:1,13 warns, ' But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come...evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.'  It seems to me that there will be different kinds and levels of deception - that even deceivers themselves are being deceived by higher level of deception that it will be impossible for most to make any sense of what is going on. Church history shows that after the death of all the first Apostles (the last being Apostle John) and men like Polycarp and Polycrates, much of the truth of the Bible were rejected as 'Judaizing' and taken over by false teachers and replaced with man's practices to appease the majority. Hence, the overwhelming majority of the teachings in traditional Christianity today are variations of the Babylonian Mystery Religion adopted by religious leaders throughout the early centuries and formalised as 'biblical truth'! Much of the writings of the early church leaders like Justin Martyr and Jerome were ideas adopted from Simon Magus (Acts 8:18-20), a magician who founded a heretical movement that influenced the doctrine of most false churches today!

The famous Roman general Constantine, who later became the emperor, subsequently convened the ecumenial Council in Nicea in 325 AD also outlaw true Christianity for political and selfish reasons to consolidate his power in the Roman Empire. For purpose of unity and compromise to rally different groups together, the truth of Scriptures were booted out and many false doctrines were introduced. Teachings like Sunday worship to replace the true Sabbath on Saturday (he was an avid sun worshipper) and the preaching of the gospel about the person of Christ, instead of the true gospel of the kingdom of God that He was sent by God the Father to proclaim to mankind, were made mandatory. Pagan holidays were introduced as part of Christian festivities and 'holy days'. The false doctrine of the trinity was also introduced to conceal God's plan of expanding His divine Family forever (Isaiah 9:6-7). Those who refused to conform were forced into exile and many leaders of the true church were captured, tortured and martyred - just as Christ prophesied in Matthew 24:9. As much of prophecy is a duality, what had happened is a typology of events yet to come - in the coming Great Tribulation!

When Martin Luther came onto the scene in the 1500s, he saw the corruption and brutality of the counterfeit church system. The Protestant Reformation was birth then and now the Babylonian Religious system has 'many daughters' born out of that system. Today, there are thousands of denominations and sects calling themselves Protestants churches. But things are coming full circle with the ecumenical movement gaining grounds on the Charismatic platform, moving towards unity and 'coming home' to the mother church. The false religious system is spreading through false conversion and false hope all propagated by men in the name of Christ! The anti-Christ and false prophet will arise from the Beast with 'bow and arrows' to unleash war and bloodshed to fight Christ on His imminent return! Only those who understand and believe the truth will watch and pray... and be counted worthy to escape all these things (Luke 21:36)!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


The true Church of Jesus Christ bears the name of  'The Church of God' - which is mentioned twelve times in the New Testament (Acts 20:28; 1 Cor 1:2, 10:32, 11:16, 11:22, 15:9; 2 Cor 1:1; Gal 1:13; 1 Tim 3:5, 3:15; 1 Thess 2:14; 2 Thess 1:4). Jesus Christ Himself promised that he will build His church and it could never be destroyed (Matt 16:18). It is worthy to note that He did not say 'churches' - meaning to say that there is only one true church, and by definition, to the exclusion of all others who are outside the rule and government of God. The word 'churches' is used only to identify one from another within the same body with the same doctrine and purpose - not those of differing denominations and doctrinal persuasions, often conflicting ones!

According to the Bible and authenticated through church history, there are seven church eras, namely Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodiceans (Rev chapters 2 & 3) in that order of time. These seven cities were located on a mail route in Asia Minor, now western Turkey. They reflect the time of the founding of the Church by Christ in AD 31 to His Second Coming. Apart from the eras of Smyrna and Philadelphia, all the other five eras have their unique set of doctrinal and spiritual problems that eventually led to their downfall. However, each time when that happened, God has raised up a leader for the Church to enter the subsequent era. We are now in the final era of the Laodiceans - the lukewarm Church which will be spitted out of the mouth of Christ to face the Great Tribulation!

Due to apostasy, division and egoistic leaders, the Church has failed to proclaim the Gospel according to Jesus Christ for some nineteen centuries since about AD 50 to AD 1953, until God raised up Herbert W. Armstrong to proclaim the true Gospel of the kingdom of God. What has been preached all along is the Gospel about the person of Christ, and most churches wrongly assumed it is the same as the kingdom of God. The Gospel of the kingdom has been preached by the prophets in the Old Testament and by Christ even before His crucifixion. As the Apostle Paul rightly expected before it happened, 'But even if our gospel is veiled (hidden), it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.' (2 Cor 4:3-4)

The purpose of the Church is NOT to convert all unbelievers into Christianity in this age. While Christ was on earth, there was no attempt by Him to invite people to believe in Him. He simply drafted twelve men to be His disciples - all called by God the Father (John 6:44). If the Church is the instrument of God to save the world, then all humanity outside of Israel before the time of Christ were doomed! The word ekklesia in the New Testament Greek means the called-out ones - an assembly, a congregation, a gathering or a group. In the Old Testament Church, it was a 'congregation of Israel'. However, the true Church has the sanctity of the name Church of God - used twelve times in the New Testament. Simply put, when Christ said in Matthew 16:18 - I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it - He was saying that He will call out of Satan's world disciples, to grow into an altogether new and different world, which will be God's kingdom. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church (Eph 5:23).

The Church was created for the divine purpose of saving the whole of humanity, but in accordance to God's Master Plan and time order.Those who are called out of this world and into His church now are being called for a specific purpose and for a specific work (1 Cor 12:18). The specific purpose and work is to be trained in the government of God to prepare for the time when all of humanity will be converted to God's way of righteousness. The time will come for the salvation of mankind when Satan is removed from his throne (Rev 20:1-3) and Christ installed as King and the born again saints made immortal as kings to rule and reign on earth (Rev 11:15). Christ will be the King of kings and Lord of lords - Rev 19:16 - (kings - those who are called to form the true Church in this age and lords - those who will be converted in the Millennial age to come).

Jesus did not come to save Satan's world while Satan is still on his throne (2 Cor 4:4). The time for the salvation of all humanity is yet ahead. So why did Jesus Christ come some two thousand years ago to earth. He came for the following reasons:

1. To qualify to rule where the first Adam failed, and to replace Satan on the throne at His Second Coming.
2. To proclaim the Gospel of the kingdom of God - the future establishment of God's government on earth to be ruled by His divine Family.
3. To die for the sins of mankind so that we all can have eternal life with God in eternity through His resurrection.
4. To establish the Church of God to be trained to rule and reign under Christ.

Satan's world is filled with deception, strife and violence, envy and coveteousness, vanity and self-centredness - all contrary to the righteous laws of God's government. Since then, mankind has been on collision course with God. Despite all the mounting problems and disasters mankind is facing, man is unrepentant and like a Titanic heading toward the coming Great Tribulation (the wrath of Satan) and the Day of the Lord (God's wrath). The Good News is after all that, there will be a new world dawning with God intervening in the affairs of man, with Christ and His immortal saints ruling and reigning on earth. The true Church (firstfruits) is the Bride who will eventually marry the Lord Jesus Christ at His Return (Rev 19:7-9) to become His 'help meet' (Genesis 2:18). God the Father, God the Son and His Bride will form the divine Family that will rule the universe for all eternity. The Apostle Paul put it succinctly in Romans 8:19, 'For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God'.