The Gospel that Christ preached is the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of God is the government of God. In fact, the kingdom of God also encompass the Family of God, which will be made up of immortal spirit beings born into the divine Family. The true church of God will be the Bride that marries Christ to join the divine Family at His return, with God the Father as the Head of the Family.The divine Family will form the government of God with its headquarters in Jerusalem. The magnificient temple vision of prophet Ezekiel, given to us in Ezekiel chapters 40-48, is a prophecy for born again saints to hold offices and perform God's work in the millennium reign of Christ. The King of kings and Lord of lords will rule and reign with His saints from God's beautiful headquarters!
The writer of Hebrews (2:5) was unequivocal, 'For He (God the Father) has not put the WORLD TO COME of which we speak, in subjection to angels' . Hebrews 2 goes on to state that man will ultimately rule with Christ, not only during the millennial age (world to come), but throughout eternity when all things (Heb 2:10) will be brought under the dominion of the sons of God crowned with glory and honour. That in essence, is the Gospel that Jesus Christ came to preach (Luke 4:43), and commanded His disciples to do likewise (Matthew 28:20).The full Gospel has to be preached - Jesus Christ is to be preached in conjunction with the Gospel (Acts 8:12; 28:31) - and not Jesus Christ without the Gospel message. That is dishonouring God the Father (Malachi 1:6-7) as the Gospel message of the kingdom of God was commissioned by Him! The churches have defiled the altar, the very centre of God's work commisioned for them to do.
For only those who abide in His word (the Gospel message of the kingdom of God) are His true disciples (John 8:31), and know the truth that will set them free (from the clutches of Satan and his demons) - (John 8:32). Sadly, many who call Him 'Lord, Lord ' will fail to qualify as the chosen ones in the government of God. Those who overcome, Christ will make him a pillar in the temple of God during the millennium, and in the age of eternity when the New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven from God. (Rev 3:12). God the Father will also descend from heaven to dwell in the heavenly temple in the New Jerusalem in the midst of men (Rev 21:3)!
Those who obey Christ as their Master has the government of Christ over them. They will receive new revelations and understanding from the word of God. The problem this world is facing today is one of rebellion. Children rebel against parents, citizens rebel against authorities and many wives refuse to submit to their husbands just like churches refuse to submit to the headship of Christ and turn Laodicean and rebellious. The Laodiceans are breaking God's spiritual laws and refused to accept the concept of God's divine Family (Malachi 4:5-6) which Satan hates because he was never offered membership in God's divine Family (Hebrews 1:5, 13). Unless they repent, they are going to be very sorry for eternity. Christ said in John 14:2-3, In my Father's house (temple headquarters in Jerusalem) are many mansions (more correctly should be translated as many offices); if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place (positions in the kingdom of God) for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am (Christ will be on earth after His return) there you may be also.' Today they are begotten of the Father (Hebrews 1:5), but will be born sons when Christ returns (1 John 3:9).
From a spiritual standpoint, the temple in the Old Testament times is the equivalent of the New Testament church. The most holy place in the temple is the holy of holies, located in the inner court of the temple. The ark of the covenant was kept in the holy of holies, it is a symbol of God's presence at His throne - the government of God. Inside the ark are the manna, Aaron's rod that budded and the tablets of the covenant which contain the Ten Commandments. The meaning of all these is that God's people are to feed on His word, the spiritual truth, and be ruled by the law - the Ten Commandments - and Aaron' rod symbolises the government of God. It is all about God ruling man! But mankind in general choose to follow Satan which rebelled against God long before man was created. But in these last days, God is judging His true church (1 Peter 4:17). He is measuring the inner court of His temple and leaving out the outer court (Rev 11:1-2). Those in the inner court are the true disciples of Christ who will be His Bride and share His throne (Rev 3:21).
The two pillars in the temple - Jachin and Boaz (1 Kings 7:21) - represent God the Father and Jesus Christ. This is a symbolism of supreme power behind God's true church and the creation of the divine Family that form the government of God. The Laodicean church has been blinded spiritually by religious deception and has become lukewarm (Rev 3:16) as their lampstand is fast running low on oil (lacking the power of the Holy Spirit). The temple will be the focus of the world when Christ returns as people of all nations will seek the Lord in the house of God (Isaiah 2: 2-3). The prophetic Psalm of David (Psalm 23:6) put it succinctly, 'Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord (God's temple) forever'.
Before the birth of Jesus Christ, the angel Gabriel told Mary that her Son Jesus will inherit the throne of David (as promised by God to David through the Davidic covenant - 2 Samuel 7:8-16; 1 Chron 17: 10-14), and that His kingdom will never end (Luke 1:31-33). Jesus Christ was born to be King (John 18:37). Long before Satan's rebellion, God's government was already established upon earth. All the prophets of the Old Testaments and the new Testament Apostles understood that the kingdom will come with power when Christ returns to rule over real people over real nations on earth (Ps 67:4) - not some fluffy sentimental feelings embedded 'in the hearts and minds' of Christians! Enoch prophesied that Christ will return with ten thousands of His saints to execute judgment on all the ungodly and their deeds (Jude 14-15). That is why the Old Testament is filled with stories of kings and kingdoms - a reminder of the righteous King and His kingdom to come - a paradigm of the Lord's prayer, 'Thy kingdom come' (Matt 6:10). God's ultimate purpose for man is to restore the Garden of Eden on earth during the millennium age and then extend out to the whole universe for a world without end (Isaiah 9:7; Luke 1: 33)!
The writer of Hebrews (2:5) was unequivocal, 'For He (God the Father) has not put the WORLD TO COME of which we speak, in subjection to angels' . Hebrews 2 goes on to state that man will ultimately rule with Christ, not only during the millennial age (world to come), but throughout eternity when all things (Heb 2:10) will be brought under the dominion of the sons of God crowned with glory and honour. That in essence, is the Gospel that Jesus Christ came to preach (Luke 4:43), and commanded His disciples to do likewise (Matthew 28:20).The full Gospel has to be preached - Jesus Christ is to be preached in conjunction with the Gospel (Acts 8:12; 28:31) - and not Jesus Christ without the Gospel message. That is dishonouring God the Father (Malachi 1:6-7) as the Gospel message of the kingdom of God was commissioned by Him! The churches have defiled the altar, the very centre of God's work commisioned for them to do.
For only those who abide in His word (the Gospel message of the kingdom of God) are His true disciples (John 8:31), and know the truth that will set them free (from the clutches of Satan and his demons) - (John 8:32). Sadly, many who call Him 'Lord, Lord ' will fail to qualify as the chosen ones in the government of God. Those who overcome, Christ will make him a pillar in the temple of God during the millennium, and in the age of eternity when the New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven from God. (Rev 3:12). God the Father will also descend from heaven to dwell in the heavenly temple in the New Jerusalem in the midst of men (Rev 21:3)!
Those who obey Christ as their Master has the government of Christ over them. They will receive new revelations and understanding from the word of God. The problem this world is facing today is one of rebellion. Children rebel against parents, citizens rebel against authorities and many wives refuse to submit to their husbands just like churches refuse to submit to the headship of Christ and turn Laodicean and rebellious. The Laodiceans are breaking God's spiritual laws and refused to accept the concept of God's divine Family (Malachi 4:5-6) which Satan hates because he was never offered membership in God's divine Family (Hebrews 1:5, 13). Unless they repent, they are going to be very sorry for eternity. Christ said in John 14:2-3, In my Father's house (temple headquarters in Jerusalem) are many mansions (more correctly should be translated as many offices); if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place (positions in the kingdom of God) for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am (Christ will be on earth after His return) there you may be also.' Today they are begotten of the Father (Hebrews 1:5), but will be born sons when Christ returns (1 John 3:9).
From a spiritual standpoint, the temple in the Old Testament times is the equivalent of the New Testament church. The most holy place in the temple is the holy of holies, located in the inner court of the temple. The ark of the covenant was kept in the holy of holies, it is a symbol of God's presence at His throne - the government of God. Inside the ark are the manna, Aaron's rod that budded and the tablets of the covenant which contain the Ten Commandments. The meaning of all these is that God's people are to feed on His word, the spiritual truth, and be ruled by the law - the Ten Commandments - and Aaron' rod symbolises the government of God. It is all about God ruling man! But mankind in general choose to follow Satan which rebelled against God long before man was created. But in these last days, God is judging His true church (1 Peter 4:17). He is measuring the inner court of His temple and leaving out the outer court (Rev 11:1-2). Those in the inner court are the true disciples of Christ who will be His Bride and share His throne (Rev 3:21).
The two pillars in the temple - Jachin and Boaz (1 Kings 7:21) - represent God the Father and Jesus Christ. This is a symbolism of supreme power behind God's true church and the creation of the divine Family that form the government of God. The Laodicean church has been blinded spiritually by religious deception and has become lukewarm (Rev 3:16) as their lampstand is fast running low on oil (lacking the power of the Holy Spirit). The temple will be the focus of the world when Christ returns as people of all nations will seek the Lord in the house of God (Isaiah 2: 2-3). The prophetic Psalm of David (Psalm 23:6) put it succinctly, 'Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord (God's temple) forever'.
Before the birth of Jesus Christ, the angel Gabriel told Mary that her Son Jesus will inherit the throne of David (as promised by God to David through the Davidic covenant - 2 Samuel 7:8-16; 1 Chron 17: 10-14), and that His kingdom will never end (Luke 1:31-33). Jesus Christ was born to be King (John 18:37). Long before Satan's rebellion, God's government was already established upon earth. All the prophets of the Old Testaments and the new Testament Apostles understood that the kingdom will come with power when Christ returns to rule over real people over real nations on earth (Ps 67:4) - not some fluffy sentimental feelings embedded 'in the hearts and minds' of Christians! Enoch prophesied that Christ will return with ten thousands of His saints to execute judgment on all the ungodly and their deeds (Jude 14-15). That is why the Old Testament is filled with stories of kings and kingdoms - a reminder of the righteous King and His kingdom to come - a paradigm of the Lord's prayer, 'Thy kingdom come' (Matt 6:10). God's ultimate purpose for man is to restore the Garden of Eden on earth during the millennium age and then extend out to the whole universe for a world without end (Isaiah 9:7; Luke 1: 33)!
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