Thursday, August 1, 2013


The world is filled with all kinds of churches of different beliefs and persuasions. Some are named after the founder, others are affiliated together through certain doctrinal beliefs and practices. But Christ taught that He came to found a church, not churches. 'I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it' - Matthew 16:18. On the night before His crucifixion, Christ prayed to the Father that He will keep His disciples in thine own name, meaning the body of Christ is to bear the name of the church of God. The term church of God is stated a total of twelve times in the New Testament.

According to the teaching of Scripture from 1 Corinthins 12:12-13, the body of Christ is one and it is made up of many members. All its members were baptised into one body by one Spirit. Which means to say that there is one true church, named after God the Father called The Church of God. The one true church teaches the truth of God and not the doctrine and tradition of man - Matt 15:9; Mark 7:9. Only those who are not corrupted by doctrinal errors will be part of the called and chosen of God who will form the 144,000 firstfruits in the First Resurrection. These are the disciples who had not been defiled by false teachings and are 'spiritual virgins' - Rev 14:4. God will not allow His church to be defiled and mixing truth with error is disallowed - just like eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was similarly forbidden in the Garden of Eden - Genesis 2:17- even though there is some good in it.

Unknown to theologians and church leaders, the purpose of Christ establishing His church is not primarily for 'saving the souls' of the whole world in this church age. If that is so, Christ failed miserably! All whom God has called to be part of His church is not merely for salvation and eternal life, but also for learning the ways and government of God, and to develop the character of Christ during their physical life in the church age. They have to overcome the deception of Satan, the lure and temptation of society and the weakness and idiosyncracies of self to be an overcomer to inherit the kingdom of God as immortal spirit beings; and thus become members of the Royal Family of God! Those who are called and chosen in this church age will have to turn from Satan's way of life (greed, selfishness, fear etc - the get way of life) to God's way of righteousness based on His holy law (love, peace, joy etc - the give way of life).

If the church is the instrument to get all mankind to be saved, then there is no salvation for the Gentiles before the time of Christ, other than the few who were specifically called and given the Spirit of God! Only the true church knows and understand God's Master Plan of Salvation for mankind found in Leviticus 23, teaches its members to observe the Holy Days of God rather than man-made holidays.Those who are called in the church age are called for a specific purpose and specific work. These saints are in training now to be equipped for the noble and great task ahead to assist Christ in bringing the whole of humanity to salvation when Satan is being put away.

The one true church is headed by Jesus Christ and He had come as the second Adam to qualify to replace the former Lucifer as the King on the throne of the earth ruling with the government of God. Christ also came as a Prophet to proclaim the Gospel of the kingdom of God which is the good news of replacing God's government in place of Satan on the throne of the earth - 2 Cor 4:4. The way for humans to enter and inherit the kingdom of God is for Christ to die to pay the death penalty for our sins and later resurrected as eternal spirit beings. Christ first advent was also to establish the church to train and equip those who are called and chosen to rule with Him when He returns.

All other churches who are not part of the true church of God, working under the rulership of Jesus Christ will not know, understand and have the faith and power to obey the commandments of His word and instructions to become the firstfruits of the calling. They will not form part of the First Resurrection when Christ returns!


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