Saturday, November 30, 2013


The doctine of trinity which most Protestant churches embrace as a tenet of Christianity is never in the Bible. Millions of Christians the world over assume that God is a trinity. But when asked to explain what that means most would reply that they have no clue, even the most learned theologians and preachers. Their most common reply is to 'take it by faith' or 'if I know, I would be God'  - what a response. But God would not want His true disciples to be ignorant of Who He actually is - He wants them to know Him personally. When we fail to get the correct doctrine of Who God is, our faith is built on a wrong foundation and will not stand up to scrutiny when the real tests come!

The true God of the Bible consists of the two Supreme Spirit Personality - God the Father Who is the Head of the God Family and His Son Jesus Christ. The idea of One God is that they are of one mind, united in purpose. The Apostle Paul explains this in 1 Corinthians 8:6, 'But to us there is but  one God, the Father of whom are all things, and we in him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.'  When asked to show them the Father, Christ replied that when they see Him, they see the Father.

Some may contend that it was the spirit of God that moved upon the face of the waters at creation (Geneses 1:2) and hence has to be a 'Spirit Being'.  But Jeremiah 27:5 explained that while the spirit of God originates from God, it is not a separate distinct spirit personality like the Father and Son. In that verse, it states, 'I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are upon the ground, by my great power and by my outstretched arm, and have given it unto whom it seemed meet unto me.'

In his Psalm of repentance, David begged the Lord not to take away the Holy Spirit from him - Psalm 51:11. If the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the trinity, he would have asked the spirit being directly to not leave him!

In the Old and New Testaments, there are many prophecies about the coming of Christ to earth. However, there is not a single prophecy in the Old Testament about the coming of the Holy Spirit. Although Christ told His disciples that He will send His Spirit to them after His departure to heaven, they only understood the Holy Spirit to be some kind of 'breath' that will fall upon them at Pentecost. Throughout Scriptures, the Holy Spirit is typified as the 'anointing oil', 'running water', 'wind' and 'dove' among others, never as a separate distinct personality.

Since Jesus Christ was born of the Holy Spirit, rightfully Christ should be called the Son of the Holy Spirit if the latter is a Spirit Being. Instead, Christ was named the Son of the Heavenly Father - Luke 1:32.

If the Holy Spirit is a spirit being, then it should be called 'Quadnity' and not 'Trinity'. When Christ was on earth, the Spirit of the Heavenly Father was upon Him. When He ascended to heaven the Spirit of Christ is upon all His true believers.

Throughout His ministry on earth, the Lord Jesus Christ only mentioned of the Holy Spirit shortly before His ascension to heaven, stating that He must leave for heaven before the Holy Spirit can come. In addition, He told His hearers that He and the Father are one - John 10:30, equating Himself with God. This is corroborated in John 1:1 when the Apostle John wrote that Christ was known as 'The Word' before His incarnation as Jesus Christ, and that He and the Father together form the God Head - none else!

Just before His crucifixion, Christ prayed to His Father in heaven and the Holy Spirit was never mentioned in His prayer all night (John chapter 17). This is also seen in Hebrew chapter 1, a brief record of the conversation between God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son regarding God's Master Plan for mankind!

In the Lord's prayer, Christ taught His disciples to pray to the Heavenly Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 6:9-13), there is no mention of praying to the Holy Spirit! If the Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity living in the lives of millions of believers as Trinitarians believe, then He must have been the most neglected spirit personality in all of the universe!

Almost all the epistles written by Apostle Paul begin with the greetings of  'Grace and Peace' from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no mention of the Holy Spirit - Rom 1:7; 1Cor1:3; 2Cor1:2; Gal 1:3; Eph  1:2; Phil 1:2; Col 1:2; 1Thess 1:2; 2Thess 1:2; 1 Tim 1:2; 2Tim 1:2; Tit 1:4; Philemon 1:3. Similar greetings can be found in the epistles of James (James1:1), Peter (1 Pet 1:3; 2 Pet 1:2) and John (1 Jn 1:3; 2 Jn:3) and Jude 1.

In an end-time vision recorded by prophet Daniel (Daniel 7: 13-27), the Ancient of Days (God the Father) handed the kingdom of God over to Jesus Christ to rule and reign as King of kings on earth, together with the resurrected saints (as kings) from the first resurrection, there is no mention  of the participation of the Holy Spirit.

The Book of Revelation reveals the end-time prophecies which God the Father handed to Jesus Christ Who then instructed the holy angel to reveal to the Apostle John to be written down - Rev 1:1. There is no mention of the Holy Spirit's involvement.

The moot point for many is found in Matthew 28:19 when it is stated that true disciples are to be baptised in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. This commandment is for true believers to be baptised into the Divine Family that bears the name of the Heavenly Father (Eph 3:14-15). Jesus is the Saviour who died for the sins of man and believers are saved by His life (Rom 5:8-9) when resurrected and born again as immortal spirit beings.

We are baptised in the name of the Holy Spirit because it is by the power of God's Spirit that begettal happens when resurrected saints are born again as immortal sons and daughters into the Family of God (Rom 8:16). When God's Seed - the Holy Spirit - (1 John 3:9) is implanted in a believer upon conversion, he or she is begotten but not yet born, much like human pregnancy with the church as the "Mother" feeding the new believer (Gal 4:26). The believer becomes an heir of God (Rom 8:17) awaiting to inherit God's kingdom when the time comes for Christ to return, resurrection happens and the saint is then born again (1 Cor 15:50-54).

Then again in 1 John 5:7-8, a passage that seem to support the concept of the trinity. However, a closer examination in the NKJV in the margin shows that many of these words were added by trinitarian Bible Translators! The words from verse 7 starting "in heaven" all the way to verse 8 ending "on earth" were not found in the ancient Greek manuscripts and appear in the Latin Vulgate version much later sometime in the eighth century.

The fact of the matter is that the triad deity originated from Babylon when the followers of Nimrod, his wife Semiramis and their son Adonis were being immortalised as deity. The politics of the Roman Empire in the first few centuries after the death of Christ also played a part in conceiving the doctrine of the trinity. But all the arguments for trinity are human concoction and presuppostion that has no biblical basis.

Throughout the centuries since then, different civilisation, culture and language groups have borrowed the idea and created their own triad diety known by different names throughout the history of mankind. God is dishonoured when some truth is mixed with much falsehood and judgement will come upon all who rebelled against His truth. True believers are warned to come out (Rev18:4) of the Babylonian Mystery religion (Rev 17:5) before it is too late!


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