Monday, June 27, 2011


Millions of Christians from various denominations the world over sing and worship the trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But is this the true God of the Bible, three-in-one? The fact of the matter is that the concept of trinity is never found in the Bible, it was 'invented' sometime in the fourth century A.D. by the Roman Catholic Church. Revelation 12:9 tells us that the world is being deceived by Satan who does not want human beings to know the real Creator - consist of two Supreme Spirit Beings - God the Father and God the Son, Jesus Christ. There is no  mention of a third God Being! The Holy Spirit is from God, but is not a unique Individual Person like the Father and Son who form the God-Head. Two supreme Persons but one in purpose and unity. Let's consider the facts  straight from the Bible.

1. Genesis 1:2 -The Spirit of God
The Spirit of God is the power of God, for Jeremaih 27:5 clarifies thus,' I have made the earth, the man and the beast that are on the ground, by MY GREAT POWER and by MY OUTSTRETCHED ARM, and have given it to whom it seemed proper to Me.
Similarly, Isaiah 59:1 states, 'Behold, the LORD'S HAND is not shortened, that it cannot save, nor His ear heavy that He cannot hear.'
All these show that the Holy Spirit is God's means for dealing with His creation. Perhaps, it is the Spirit of God that makes God omnipotent, omnipresence and omniscience!

2. Genesis 1:27 - Male and Female
God created human in His image with only two gender - male and female. Satan is trying hard to create a third gender to corrupt mankind. All who follow suit will face the punishment come the day of reckoning.

3. Psalm 51:11 - A Psalm of David
David repented of his sin with Bathsheba in Psalm 51. In verse 11 of the Psalm, David requested God to not take the Holy Spirit away from him. If the Holy Spirit is a third member of the trinity, he would have asked the Spirit of God directly not to leave him instead.

4. Daniel 7: 13-14 - The Coronotion of King Jesus
Daniel 7:13-14 portray the prophecy of the coming Coronation of Jesus Christ (the Son of Man) as the King of kings and Lord of lords by the Heavenly Father (Ancient of Days) in the coming kingdom of God. Even in such a magnificient occasion, there in mention of the presence or involvement of the Holy Spirit throughout the Coronation of Christ and the sons of God in the divine Family.
5. Joel 2: 28 - Pour out My Spirit on All Flesh
One cannot 'pour' a person onto another, let alone on all flesh. God is a PERSON, a supreme immortal Spirit Being and not a blob of nebulous creature like Gasper the Ghost! Those who beg to differ should read the Psalms and Ezekiel chapter 1 carefully.
6. Matthew 6:9-13 - The Lord's Prayer
In the Lord's Prayer, Christ did not teach His disciples to pray to the Holy Spirit. But always to address our prayer request to the Heavenly Father and ask it in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. In addition, when the Lord Christ was asked by His disciples when will the end of the (church) age be (Matthew 24:3), He replied, 'But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.'  Clearly, this indicates that apart from the Heavenly Father, nobody knows. But there is no mention of the Holy Spirit for such an important event!

7. John 1 - The Word
John chapter one records the very beginning even before the universe was created. In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God. He (The WORD) was in the beginning with God.
This tells us that before Jesus Christ was incarnated in the flesh, He was named the WORD - literally means the spokesman -  the WORD and GOD THE FATHER existed before everything else was created. There is no mention of a third being, let alone a supreme immortal SPIRIT GOD BEING!

8. John 17 - The Night Before Christ's Crucifixion
Christ prayed to His Father in heaven on the night before His crucifixion. Throughout the long prayer, not a single word was mentioned of the Holy Spirit in the conversation between the Father and the Son. If the Holy Spirit is a member of the trinity, surely He should be a part of the whole salvation plan of mankind!

9.Acts 8:18-19 - The power of miracles
Simon the sorcerer wished to purchased the power of God with money when he saw the miracles the Apostles Peter and John performed on the laying on of their hands to receive the Holy Spirit. Surely, Peter and John would have rebuked them for blasphemy if the Holy Spirit is a God Being. But that was not the case.

10. Ephesians 1:13-14 - The Holy Spirit is a guarantee of redemption
Romans 8:9-17 clearly spell out that only those who have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them (their mind and heart) and are led by the Spirit of God are true Christians who will be resurrected to immortal life as sons of God at the Second Coming of Christ. That is why all true believers have to be baptised by the Holy Spirit of God in order to receive resurrection!
The Holy Spirit is a seed of guarantee from God that this is His promise to all who are true believers. Nobody will use a person as a guarantee, let alone God.

11. Apostle Paul's Epistles
In all of Paul's opening epistles, he greeted the brethren with, 'Grace to you and peace from God our father and the Lord Jesus Christ.'  There is no any mention of greetings from the Holy Spirit in any of his epistles. In fact, there is no record of any dialogue between the Holy Spirit with any other being!

12. Hebrews chapter 1 - Conversation between Father and Son
Hebrews 1 records the conversation between the Heavenly Father and the Son Jesus Christ, but no mention ever of the Holy Spirit. It is about God's vision of establishing His Divine Family for the sons of God to be born into His Royal Family as immortal spirit beings. Satan was mad that he was never offered the privilege, but to mortal human beings.
The trinity is a closed family concept which Satan loves and invented to deceive humans, in an attempt to short change their full potential to become divine spirit beings. God's vision is an open family concept for Him to reproduce Himself by expanding His Family and Government which will never end (Isaiah 9: 7).

13 Passage in 1 John 5:7-8
Perhaps the most problematic passage is found in 1 John 5:7-8 where it states about the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit that bear witness as one. However, these two verses were never in the original Greek manuscript whcih was truly inspired. These were added by Latin Vulgate Translation probably sometime in the fourth century A.D. The Apostle John consistently used the words Father, Son and the Holy Spirit in his original manuscripts.

14 Revelation 1:1 - The Government of God
The beginning verse of Revelation shows the order of God's government in handling the Word of Truth. God the Father handed the scroll of Revelation to His Son Jesus Christ, and Christ in turn handed it to the angel. The latter then gave the vision to the Apostle John who recorded it down in the book of Revelation. There is no record of the involvement or presence of the Holy Spirit. The term Holy Spirit is not a name of a person, but a term used to indicate a place in ancient times!

15. Comforter and Blasphemy
Some defend that the Holy Spirit is a counsellor, comforter and one should not be blasphemed. It is worthy to note that the Holy Spirit is from God but not another God Being, unlike the Father and the Son. God works through His Spirit of power to accomplish His purpose for His church much like a surgeon works on his patient with miniature robot inside the patient's body but under the command and control of the medical expert. Like in ancient times, to reject the emissary sent from the emperor attracts the death penalty. Similarly, to reject the Spirit of truth sent by God is to reject God and that is blasphemous!

Some may ask why is it that the Holy Spirit is addressed as a 'He' in the Bible. The answer is that in the original manuscript written in the Greek language, there is no gender differentiation. The translator deemed it a 'He' but in Romans 8:16, the King James Version (The Authorised Version of the English Bible) translated as 'it'. So there is some inconsistency here in terms of translation.

The concept of trinity originated from Babylon shortly after the death of Nimrod. He was immortalised as Tammuz and together with his mother/wife Semiramis and their son Horus formed the first triad deity. Subsequent religious practises throughout the centuries also uses the triad deity concept in many Western and Eastern religions which the Bible condemns.

Revelation prophesied that God will judge every individual who practices such idolatry when Christ returns to set up the kingdom of God on earth (Rev 11:15), ' MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS, AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.'  (Rev 17:5). Will you take heed and be kept from the day of trial which will come upon the whole earth? Only those who do not bear the mark of the beast will ultimately be born again as immortal sons of God in the Royal Family to rule and reign with Christ the whole earth and after the Millennial Age, the universe!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

THE 144,000 SEALED

The 144,000 mentioned in Revelation chapters 7:4-8 and 14:1-5 are the firstfruits called throughout the 6,000 years of man's history who will be born into God's Family as the sons of God. These saints of the first  resurrection (Rev 20:6) will reign with Christ in the kingdom of God when He returns to establish His rule on earth. They have not been defiled by false doctrine (woman represents false church) as they understood and practiced the purity of the truth (religious virgins) as commanded in Scriptures (Rev 14:4; John 4:24).

Noted that the 144,000 were sealed by the Holy Spirit (Rev 7:4; Eph 1:13). They also have the name of the Father written on their forehead (Rev 14:1), much like what Christ prayed to His Father on the night before His crucifixion (John 17:11), and the Apostle Paul who adds, 'I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named' (Eph 3:14-15). The 144,000 do not represent physical Israel but rather spiritual Israel - true Christians - who will be assigned to rule over the twelve physical tribes of Israel under Christ's twelve Apostles during the Millennial kingdom!

These 144,000 saints were from all ages past including those martyrs who died at the hands of the false church mentioned in Rev 17:6. Figuratively, the martyrs who 'cried' out to God for justice were told to wait for the number to be fulfilled (Rev 6:9-11). There are some who will fall away and new members added to the tally to make up the final 144,000 before the close of the church age. Christ warned His true disciples to 'hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.' (Rev 3:11). Paul affirmed this point in Romans that, 'blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in' . And so all Israel will be saved. (Romans 11:25-26).

It is worthy to note that the sealing of the servants of God happened just before the Great Tribulation when the angel cried out to the four angels not to harm the earth until the servants of God were selaed on their foreheads (Rev 7:1-3). The forehead represent the mental faculty of man where decisions are made, and that is what differentiate man from animals. It is in the heart and mind that the Spirit of God resides. These are the 'ten thousands of His saints' who will be in the first resurrection (Hebrews 11:35 - better resurrection).

The word 'seal' is mentioned in many passages in the Bible. Jesus Christ first mentioned this in John 6:27 when He said, 'Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him.' The Apostle Paul affirmed this truth in Ephesians 1:13, 4:30 and again in 2 Cor 1:21-22 where it states, 'God has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.'

Christ has said that His church is a little flock (Luke 12:32) and the 144,000 are the firstfruits of salvation (James 1:18; Rev 14: 4). Jesus Christ is the firstborn among them all (Rom8:29). Subsequent harvests will come during the Millennial Age with Christ on the throne as the King of kings and Lord of lords. As firstborn means God's choice, the 144,000 saints from all ethnic background and nationalities are the called and the chosen (Matthew 20:16)  who were predestined (Eph 1:4-5) to become immortal spirit beings as members of His Family. There is no doubt that the firstfruits are members of the true church of God who are called by His name (John 17:11).