Friday, September 30, 2011


The world's churches are divided as to what is the Great Commission, some think it is to spread the gospel of salvation through the cleansing Blood of Jesus Christ. as their Lord and Saviour. For others it is to make disciples of Christ. Yet some churches feel that mercy relief and good works is the way to reach the world for Jesus Christ. While many will disagree on the focus, most agree that they are doing the will of God by bringing many into the kingdom of God. Sincere as they all are, none of these is the Great Commission commanded by Christ for the true church of God!

God will only use the church that truly understand, teach and obey all His truth to do His work under His government, with Christ as the Head of the Church. All those who are not led by His Holy Spirit fall outside His inner court are doing all kinds of "church work" on their own efforts - without His presence! The spirit of error (1 John 4:6) has entered all kinds of churches. God is doing a short work (Romans 9:28a) through those whom He has called in these last days to warn His people of the coming Great Tribulation (Matt 24:21).

Christ prophesied that "This gospel of the kingdom of God (also called kingdom of heaven - not kingdom in heaven) will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come (Matt 24:14)". The gospel of the kingdom of God is NOT the gospel of salvation as Christ has not walked the road to calvary then. In fact, one of the purposes for His first advent was to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God (Luke 4:43) and to establish the church to continue His work after His ascent to heaven. Christ commissioned His disciples to do likewise (Matt 10:7; Luke 9:2). Even after His death and resurrection, the Apostles Philip and Paul preached the gospel of the kingdom of God, clearly showing that the Person of Christ is different from the kingdom of God (Acts 8:12; 28:31). Many wrongly assume that the kingdom of God is synonymous with the gospel of grace, the church or the Person of Christ.

The kingdom of God refers to the government of God, with God the Father as the Head of the divine Family and Christ as the Head of the church. As disciples of Christ, we are called to continue His work of preaching the gospel of the coming government of God on earth. But most traditional churches are calling the followers to be busy doing everything else except preaching the very gospel Christ's disciples are called to do. Such disobedience will automatically disqualify them from being members of the true church which Christ is heading. If Christ is not leading them, they are none of His (Romans 8:9). Whatever they may say or do, they are not members of His body but assume they are. Hence, the proliferation of splinter groups, confusion and disagreement over theology and even apostasy within the Christian fraternity

Not only are the churches not feeding the flock with the truth as commanded by Christ (1 Pet 5:2) , they are confusing many with erroneous teachings and weird practices not found in Scriptures but contorted by men. King David in Psalms 22:28 and again in 67:4 clearly prophesied that Christ will return to rule in His kingdom on earth. There can be no other gospel, and Christ came as a Saviour and Prophet to proclaim the gospel and by His death (the means of the gospel), sinful men can enter the kingdom of God as immortal spirit beings (the end of the gospel). But rebellious men are out to reject His rule over them (Luke 19:27).

The Great Commission commanded by Christ is to make disciples that will do the work of God  and these include preaching the gospel of the coming kingdom of God (Matt 24:14; Mark16:15), feeding the church with the truth (1Peter 5:2-4; Matt 24:45-47) and warn the lukewarm church to repent in time before the coming Great Tribulation (Ezekiel 33: 5-11; Rev 3: 14-21). However, most churches are simply busy doing all kinds of things except the work of God. They simply believe in Jesus - believing that Christ is the Son of God - which is well and good but not good enough for even the demons believe too and tremble (James 2:19)! But true disciples are the ones who believe Jesus - His very words, commandments and practices - and do them (James 1:22)

Sadly, many churches are on the great omission rather than fulfilling The Great Commission. Those who are not being called in this Church Age will have their chance of salvation in the Millennial Age after Christ returns to set up the kingdom of God on earth (Rev 11:15), with its Headquarters in Jerusalem. All who are called into His church (John 6:44; 1 Cor 12:18) are true disciples who do the work of God (Acts 5:32) will be born again as immortal spirit beings in the Family of God (1 Cor 15:53-54) to teach and rule with Christ in His coming kingdom (1 Pet 2:9; Rev 3:21).

Sunday, September 18, 2011


When my paternal grandfather died in 1965, I was devastated. As a kid, I had no clue what life and death hold, and where my grandfather was heading to. I had no idea what life was all about, although I had always wonder why humans have to be born, live and then died. Thank God, I have found the answer to the mystery of life.

The Creator God, has a Master Plan for human being. You and I are all part of that grand Master Plan, whether we know or acknowledge it or not. Atheists may deny the existence of God, cynics will scoff at all truth and things divine, but we cannot escape the reality of what God wants to accomplish in and through us. Just like the Pacific salmon has a purpose for their life - to return to their birthplace to spawn before it dies - human has a purpose for being.

When the first man Adam and his wife Eve disobeyed God, they chose to be self reliant instead of
God reliant. As a result, salvation was cut off from man when God sealed off the tree of life in the Garden of Eden (Gen:3:24). Throughout the millennia, only a small handful of mankind was called to become sons of God and given the Holy Spirit to lead them into eternal life and inherit the kingdom of God (Luke 12:32). God the Father has predestined those He knew and called them with His offer of sonship (Eph 1:4-5). Sadly, because of sin and the lure of this world, only a small group will ultimately bear fruit (Matt13:23) and be chosen for sonship (Matt 20:16b; 22:14).

Evolutionists are attempting to discover the purpose of life through evolution and chance, with humans at the top of the pyramid chain. Religionists are trying to explain life's cause and effect through karma and reincarnation. Only a correct understanding of the Bible explains it  all. In Genesis 1:26, it is recorded that God specifically made man in His own image and likeness - meaning to say that man is made to be the God kind. This differentiate man from all other form of animals. Hence, the human mind is far more complex and superior than animal instinct. The evolutionists simply cannot understand that all human being has a God given spirit which none of the species in the animal kingdom possess. When the human spirit is united with God's Holy Spirit, it could beget the person with eternal life.

God is omnipotent. But there is one thing He cannot do - and that is He cannot transform mortal human to have godly character like Christ through fiat by means of a magic wand. This is because man is created as a free agent to have free will and free choice. The only way man can develop lasting godly Christ-like character is through trials and tribulation of life. However, God has given His Holy Spirit to all those He has called as sons of God to assist in the development process. Only those true disciples who seek after Him and are wise to understand His ways will ultimately make it as born again spirit being in the coming kingdom of God. For God only give His Spirit to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32).

Every man has to be tested in the physical life in order to qualify for eternal life. This is because once a person is born again as a spirit being, he/she is like an angel endowed with immortal life that will never die (1 Cor 15:54). Before a person can qualify to that stage, God has to ensure that the person has learned the lessons of life to ensure that he/she has the right quality to become members of  His divine family in His kingdom - which is the government of God tasked to rule and reign the whole earth during the Millennial Age and then the universe throughout eternity.

It is worthy to note that the kingdom of God or kingdom of heaven is not referring to citizenship in heaven itself, otherwise it should be named kingdom in heaven. The kingdom of God or kingdom of heaven will be headquartered in Jerusalem on planet earth, to rule the world when Christ return. That is why Christ taught that, 'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth' (Matt 5:5). God has given man 6,000 years of  self government, but man has repeatedly failed to govern  the people and  the land according to His laws, and hence the mounting problems the world is facing, inspite of all technological and economic advancement. It is God's ultimate plan to save all mankind, but man has to be tested to qualify for eternal life. Otherwise, countless billions of demonic beings will set to inherit the universe for all of eternity. That would be the mother of all tragedies!

The Apostle Paul was unequivocal and repeatedly states that those with undesirable characters will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6:9-11; Gal 5:19-21; Eph 5:3-5), whatever man may say about them. In other words, such people will not be born again as sons of God, for only sons born of God will be in the first resurrection to become kings and royal priesthood when Christ returns to claim His kingdom (Luke 19:15). Unless repented in time before His imminent return, they will be in the second resurrection to become reconstituted human beings again as the rest of humanity towards the close of the Millennial Age. Then, they will be given ample opportunity to repent when all truth will be made known with Satan and his demons incarcerated for a thousand years. Those who choose God's way will be given eternal life while those who refuse will end up in the lake of fire, totally annihilated ("second death'' - Rev 20:6) as if they were never born (Malachi 4:1). A merciful God will put them out of their misery.