Jesus Christ came two millennia ago as a Prophet to declare God the Father and the Father's message of the coming Kingdom of God (God's Family Government) to be established on earth. This was prophesied by Moses in Deuteronomy 18:15 , "The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your midst, from your brethren Him you shall hear." A prophet's role is as a messenger to declare a message(s) for someone higher than himself, and never to declare about himself. The Church is to hear the MESSAGE that Jesus Christ came to declare. He proclaimed the message of the Kingdom of God immediately after He overcame Satan in the wilderness (Matthew 4:17). Modern Christianity is so confused that the Messenger became the message. They proclaimed about the person of Jesus Christ but ignore the message of Christ. No wonder, many Christians are spiritually blind and deceived with little or no clue what the real truth is all about!
In John 1:1 it reads,"In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God." The Apostle John - one of the sons of thunder (Mark 3:17) - gave a thunderous introduction about the person of Jesus Christ before His incarnation. Jesus Christ was known as the WORD, the Spokesman (derived from the Greek word 'Logos') for the God Family. That was why He came to bring the message of the Kingdom of God from the Father and to declare the Father's Royal Family Vision for mankind. Which means that only those who qualified as 'sons of God' when they are born again into spirit beings upon resurrection will be in God's Family to rule as 'kings' under Jesus Christ as the King of kings. They form the Royal Family of God to rule and reign in God's Government! These chosen ones have a primary role in the headquarter of God's Government as the 'Royal Priesthood' (1 Peter 2:9).
John 1:1 precedes Genesis 1:1 in chronological terms because the WORD and God the Father exist before there were angels, creation and the beginning of the ages (Ephesians 3:9). When Lucifer (later known as Satan) rebelled against God's Government, the earth and probably some other planets around were left in a trail of destruction (Genesis 1:2)! God as the Master Creator (God's profession is to create things that no man can accomplished like the stars and galaxies) created the universe intended for the angels to develop and beautify it. However, after Lucifer with one-third of the angels fell, God created man as spirit beings in His likeness (the God kind) to expand His Family and extend His Government over all of His creation (Genesis 1:26-27). When Adam and Eve fell, the second Adam in the person of Jesus Christ, becomes the incarnate Son of God to save mankind from eternal death (John 316; Acts 4:12). A member of the Godhead (the WORD) had to die for God the Father's Royal Family Vision to be made possible! If only the Church truly grasp and understand this awesome truth, countless millions of lives will be transformed. Hebrews chapter 1 tells us that no angels were offered the privilege to become the sons of the Almighty God; and Satan was fuming mad. Hence, his scheme of deceptions to deceive the world (Revelation 12:9).
How did Jesus stay sinless? He obeyed the Father in every aspects of His Work and life. Similarly, we must obeyed God's law and commandments through His Son Jesus Christ, including the message of the Kingdom of God which came from God the Father as Head of the God Family! In 1 John 1:1, the Apostle John again mentions the Word of Life, who was Jesus Christ before His incarnation. The early Christians had heard and seen what Jesus had done, yet they rebelled against His teachings. It seems that these warnings are once again suited for our times of this lukewarm Laodicean era. Proverbs 29:18 rightly warns, 'Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.' (KJV).
While Genesis 1:1 is about physical creation, John 1:1 is about spiritual creation. God wants us to have this same mindset as Christ had (Philippians 2:5) when He walked the road to calvary. To be in God's Royal Family, we must have the spiritual qualities ( Christ-likeness , gifts and fruits of the Spirit) to become the Bride of Christ. Then we can qualify to be His 'helpmeet' to rule and reign with Him at His throne. Marriage and physical family is God's channel to expand His Royal Family and Government ('Of the increase of His government and peace, there will be no end' - Isaiah 9:7).
That is why when a newborn was birthed into a family, there is much rejoicing because a potential God-like being has come onboard.
The prophet Amos prophesied about God's spiritual family, which is applicable to the church in these last days . God raised up ministers and prophets to teach and prophesy, but some refused to prohesy (Amos 2:11-12). Hence, there are divisions within the Church when some of the ministers refused to do as God instructed (Amos 3:3). The result is punishment from God (3:2), as the renegades will be disciplined through refiner's fire for these 'sons of Levi' (Malachi 3:3). For those whom God called (John 6:44; 1 Corinthians 12:18), He expects them to do His Work - one of which is to prophesy about His plan and vision for mankind (Rev 10:11). Simply put, this is God's will for our lives, but most Christians searched for God's will in the wrong places and directions. God's true Church is the wife of Christ who fully understands the truth. She submits to the Husband Jesus Christ. One of the works of Christ's Spirit is to teach the Church God's Family Government - there is God the Father, Husband (Jesus Christ), wife (Bride of Christ who are the firstfruits) and children (born after the firstfruits had been gathered). As true disciples of Christ we must learn to honor God the Father (Malachi 1:6-7) who is the Head of the God Family by helping to proclaim His message of the Kingdom of God (more urgently so in these last days -Matthew 24:14) just like Jesus and the early Apostles did. The Father and Son theme is mentioned in John 17 and Hebrews 1. God's plan is to rewards all His sons, by letting them eventually rule the universe!
Sadly, the Laodicean church today refused to prophesy God's Word and rebelled against His Family Government. This was prophesied in the parable of the Minas in Luke 19:27, Revelation 3:14-20, Amos 2:12 and in the book of Malachi. Those who proclaim God's Royal Family Government shall be protected against disasters (Malachi 3:16-17). Are you among those who will obey His will? Stop searching, there is no higher calling in the whole of the universe. But you must response positively in order to be chosen. For many are called (prompting from the Spirit of Christ - Rev 3:20) but few are chosen (Matthew 20:16b; 22:14) to be in God's Family Government Headquarter!
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