Throughout the history of mankind, people and nations from all over the world are plagued by evil and problems that very often can be traced to the issue 0f government - whether it is a family dispute, an organisational mismanagement, a church split or political corruption , greed or manipulation. Due to lobbying of rights group for freedom and democracy, government of all affiliations are finding it harder to govern now than ever before. This is made worse because of corruption and abuse of power by people in authority. But all these are going to change when Christ return to intervene directly in the affairs of man. His Government will be just and righteous with the law of God fully implemented in all strata of society with the Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, Spirit of counsel and might and the Spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord be upon Him (Isaiah 11:2).
Like a huge jigsaw puzzle, much of biblical prophecies are coded that most bible students cannot make sense of it. Proverbs 25:2 reads, 'It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings (sons of God) is to search out a matter'. For example, consider the following verses in the Scriptures; Psalm 82:1 and 6 , 'God stands in the congregation of the mighty, He judges among the gods.' ; I said, 'You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High'. This ties in with Micah 4:5 which reads, 'For all people walk each in the name of his god, but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever'. The Lord Jesus Christ affirms these in John 10;34 when He answered the Jews, "Is it not written in your law, I said, 'You are gods'. The meaning of all these become clear when you understand the God Family Vision stated in my previous blog. All the firstborn sons of God will be in the First Resurrection to be born again as spirit God-like beings. In Micah 4:5, these born again saints will rule over the human beings who survived the Great Tribulation (two-and-half year) and the Day of the Lord (last one year). These saints who qualified to rule as king-priest under King Jesus will teach humans the real truth throughout the Millennial Kingdom and the 'earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea' (Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14).
The Government of God is central to the gospel of the Kingdom of God. It is God's government that had been taken away at the Garden of Eden. That is the primary reason for all the crisis of this world - the upside down world must be put right side up! God's primary purpose in creating man on earth is to reproduce HIMSELF in man to form the God Family with His nature and character to rule and reign the earth and the whole of the universe! Jesus Christ first advent is to proclaim His Father's message, qualify Himself to rule and called out a church from Satan's world so that upon His Second Coming He will restore the Government of God back to the Father with the Family (sons of God) assisting Him!
Satan does not want the Christians of this world to understand the truth and be led by Christ. He is fighting tooth and nail to deceive the church of this Laodicean Era and blinded them spiritually with his ministers (Rev 3:17) so as to remain on the throne as god of this world. The churches of this world are outside of Christ's Government (outer court -Rev 11:2) and are therefore powerless to overcome the forces of darkness. Little wonder that many theologians and ministers of the Word are still sucking on the milk doctrine and not knowing what is happening to their flock!
Many ignorant church menbers and ministers simply assume that because of their 'long and faithful service' in the church membership roll, they are 'heaven bound' for eternity. Many will be shocked when they awake from the second resurrection (towards the end of the Millennial Age) into human beings from where they last left off (before their physical death) to find that they are being misled! What a tragedy that will be.
The Apostle Peter states in Acts 3:19-21 that Christ is now in heaven awaiting 'the times of restoration of all things'. His return will not only restore the Government of the Church, but the Government of the whole wide world. Christ will be KING over all the nations. Under Him will be the resurrected David (Jeremiah 30:9; Ezekiel 37:24-25). According to Christ, His twelve disciples will be ruling over the twelve tribes of Israel under David (Matthew 19:28). Those who qualify for the First Resurrection will inherit the Kingdom of God which God had will for them (Ephesians 1:3-4,9-11,17-22). The patriarchs and matriarchs of Old like Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah ,Jacob and Rachel together with Noah, Job, Daniel and many others will be there (Matthew 8:11; Hebrews chapter 11). Make no mistake, all in the Church of God today are in final training and final exams to qualify for the positions in the Kingdom of God (Luke 19:12-27; 1Peter 4:17; Rev 3:21).
One of Satan's main goal is to destroy the Government of God (John 10:10). This is because the Government of God exists in this age to accomplish the Work of God through His Church - primarily to preach the gospel of the Kingdom and to warn the nations of Israel and the Laodicean church of the coming Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord. Christ has to be leading the Work of God as the Head of the Church in order for this to be effective. God's Government serves those who obey God's law. If one has not learn to submit to His authority in the age, one cannot inherit the Kingdom of God in the age to come. Luke 22:28-30 tells us that Christ's servants will sit with the Father as a Family to eat and drink at His table in His Kingdom. The Apostle Paul warns us in Colossians 2:18-19 'to hold fast to the Head (Christ) ' or else our reward is at stake!
The Government of God is a Family affair. Hence, they ought to be united to be one as the Father and the Son are One (John 10:30). If one church is to prophesy (Amos 3:7-8) and another does not want to prophesy (Amos 2:11-12), there is division and disunity (Amos 3:3). Anyway, the command in these last days is to prophesy again (Rev 10:11). We must love God and His people enough to carry on the Work of God by making known His meassage and warning to this dying world which will soon experience the cataclysmic events like never before!
God's Government is based on His law. The Kingdom of God has it's law, territory (earth) and subjects (human beings who survived the Great Tribulation). Christ is the King of all kings (the resurrected born again saints who are sons of God). The demons know that if they can destroy God's Government, they can destroy God's Work in this age. That is why Paul warned the Laodiceans in Colossians to hold fast to Christ who is the Head of the Church. Satan attacks the Church by attacking first the leadership - representing the Government. If he can deceive the leader, the flock is fair game to his scheme of things.
God's Word prophesied that He will restore the spiritual and physical family upon those who repent and turn to Christ to lead them (Malachi 4:5-6). Mr Herbert Armstrong of the Philadelphian Era came as the Elijah to restore God's truth back to the Church before the Second Coming of Christ just like John the Baptist did for His first advent (Matthew 17: 11-13). The window of opportunity is open and is up to us to response positively to His leadership and Government in obedience to His will. The ironical thing is that the gospel of the Kingdom of God is about the good news of God's Family administering God's Government in the wonderful world to come, with Christ as the Head. The world who preach 'another gospel' is putting Christ as the gospel message and reject His Headship! No wonder the Laodicean church of this last era and the world are in deep crisis!
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