Thursday, August 27, 2009


As a young believer in the faith, I often hear of Christians sharing in their testimonies about being called of God to go into full-time Christian Ministry. Their testimonies are often revolved around some events or incidents that happened in their lives where they take it by faith that God is calling them into full-time Christian service. The truth is, a call from God is a process where it all begins with a journey and end with the ultimate transformation - eternal life when mortal flesh is changed (born again) into immortal spirit God being ('you are gods' - Psalm 82:6; John 10:34) to dwell in eternity.

Nobody comes to God the Father in this church age unless He calls those whom He has predestined to become the sons of God (John 6:44-45; Romans 8:29-30; Eph 1:4-5). However, only those who are willing to pay the price of obedience will ultimately be chosen to be born again as sons of God in the first resurrection when Christ returns to set up His kingdom on earth. Indeed, many are called but few are chosen (Matthew 20:16,22:14), because most will pay lip service with all the nice cliches but lack the faith and will to believe and obey the commandments of God.

A person called of God will begin to experience a deeper and broader understanding of Scriptures like never before. His/her mind will begin to understand and wise up to the things of God because it has been given to those who are called to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven (God) - Matthew 13:11. God only calls a small group of people in this age to form the true church (the firstfruits) to prepare and equip them for the great work of salvation and equipping of the masses yet ahead during the millennial age when most of mankind living then and resurrected to flesh and blood in the second resurrection will be given the truth and offer of salvation!

Those whom God calls, He expects them to change - in their attitude, mindset and behavior. This is the stage of repentance where those who are called begins to understand the nature and evil of sin manifested in every strata of life and society. They realise that the prince of the power of the air is at work to draw man to darkness (Eph 2:2). But God is drawing them out of darkness into His marvellous light (1 Peter 2:9). True repentance is changing the mindset, attitude and actions to conform to the image and mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5). Psalm 51 is a good example of king David's repentance after he committed adultery and murder.The Lord Jesus' remarks in Mark 7:20-23 about the conditions of man's heart bear stern warning to all of us. Similar truths are found in Jeremiah 17:9-10 and Isaiah 55:7. We know that because of man's fallen nature, repentance calls for radical change. In short, we need to be transformed inside out and nothing short of a 'spiritual heart transplant' will suffice!

Acts 2:38 commanded all those who repented to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. This is for two main purposes - the forgiveness of past sins and to receive the gift of God's Holy Spirit. Some think that water baptism is only a Christian ritual. Nothing is further from the truth. Water baptism has deep spiritual significance - it is an outward symbolism of a deeper inner transformation. The Apostle Paul in Romans 6 teaches us the true meaning and significance of water baptism. It signifies death, burial and resurrection to a new life!

The step of going through the water baptism shows the convert's understanding and acceptance of the shed blood of Christ's death on the cross for his/her sins, and the baptismal grave as his/her former life. This is also an acceptance of the truth that the believer will one day be resurrected to eternal life like the Lord Jesus Christ. This is to be followed by prayer through the laying on of hands by a pastor or elder to receive the gift of God's Spirit for empowerment to walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4)- a life of obedience and righteousness and not of slavery to sin (Romans 6:16-18). The baptism is a symbol of being buried with Christ in the old self of sin and shame to live a new life free from slavery to sin.

Through water baptism, the believer is cleansed of his/her past sins. Going forward, God gives us the gift of His Holy Spirit to empower us to live a life worthy of His calling. The impartation of the gift of God's Spirit after baptism through the laying on of hands is taught in Acts 8:17&19, 19:6 and 2 Timothy 1:6. The purpose is to set apart the believer as a child of God to grow in the knowledge and understanding of the truth so as to set him/her free from the grip of Satan and demonic stronghold. And also to replace the human nature of the get way of life with the divine nature of the give way of life. This is made possible with the Holy Spirit leading and guiding the believer (Rom 8:14).The role of the church is to properly teach and guide the young believer into understanding and obedience of the Word of God. When all the right doctrines and teachings are put into practice by the disciple, he/she is on the way to become a member of the God Family with a potential that is out of this world! When persevere to the end (overcomer - Revelation 3:12), the disciple will inherit eternal life as a son of God in His coming kingdom to rule and reign with Christ.

The Apostle Paul chided some believers for being ignorant of God's truth and ways - what a shame(1 Cor 15:34). If a believer would not spend time and effort to study the Scriptures, how can he/she knows the will of God (Romans 12:2), let alone do His will (2 Tim 3:17)? Little wonder that many are always learning (like hopping from one seminar to another) and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Tim 3:7). Those who proclaim to be ministers of God but are leading the flock in the wrong direction are in grave spiritual danger (2 Cor 11:13-15)- their very own salvation is hanging by the skin of their teeth!

Since only God the Father and Jesus Christ have life inherent in them, only they can impart life, for life comes from life. We can only receive eternal life through the LIFE of Christ (Rom 5:10). It is in the future tense ('shall be saved')for we are NOT YET SAVED, only forgiven. Salvation is yet of the future when Christ returns and resurrection occurs. Even the patriarchs Abraham and David are still in 'deep slumber' up till now (Acts 2:29,34; 13:36). All the saints who died in their faith are not in heaven playing the harp or riding the clouds in everlasting bliss - at least not yet. The soon coming millennial age will have lots of hard work for the resurrected saints to do to help Christ restore all things (Acts 3:21)that has been lost to the kingdom of darkness since humanity began. That is why only those who have being transformed from the inside out in character, attitude and mindset (the only sure things that survive physical death)will be qualified to share the throne as joint heirs with Christ - nothing else matters!

It is worthy to note that God will only give His Spirit to whom He calls (Acts 2:39)and to those who obey Him (Acts 5:32). Repentance is toward God since all sin is against God, but faith is toward Christ because of His sacrificial death on the cross (Acts 20:21). Many may say that it is too hard to obey all the commandments of God. Humanly speaking, this is true. But with God all things are possible (Matt 19:26). What this means is that all believers have to depend on the power of God's Spirit to help them overcome all obstacles in his/her journey of faith toward spiritual maturity. For Christ says that only those who endures to the end will be saved (Matt 10:22, 24:13). Hence, the Christian faith is a test of endurance. For only those who persevered to the end are ultimately transformed to become an immortal spirit God being to inherit everything that only eternal life can offer! There is simply no comparison, not even if you are a trillionaire in British pound sterling or Euro currency. The joy and glory, bliss and fulfillment that eternity awaits is simply beyond description!

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