Saturday, May 29, 2010


Most people have a vague idea of who God is, even those who claimed to be Christian. Studies have shown that when university dons were interviewed on who God is, most could not provide a definitive answer. The person of God and His Word - His truth - has long been suppressed by the intellectuals of this world (Romans 1:18). Instead, they have substituted evolution as the answer for their being and removed God from the equation.

Modern science and education have placed emphasis on what is material and things that can be seen and observed. The spiritual dimension is almost totally ignored. However, most of the world's problems and evils are spirtual in nature where human eyes do not see and human ears do not hear.

Traditional Christianity believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, but this is not found in the Bible. The Scripture is clear that there are only two God Beings in the universe. God the Father and the Word - the latter became God's begotten Son Jesus Christ when He incarnates as a man to save mankind from their sins. John 1:1-14 tell us what happened even before the angels and the universe were created. God the Father and the Word - the Head and Spokesman of the Divine Family respectively - were the only Supreme Spirit God Beings of the whole universe.

God the Father is the Supreme Creator. His profession is creation of something 'out of nothing' for which no other beings can perform. He is the great Planner and Designer and the Word (before He became Jesus Christ) was the One who spoke them into existence through the power of the Holy Spirit! The analogy of the Holy Spirit is like a tiny robot created by a skillful surgeon using nano technology to perform surgery in the body of his patients. Is the tiny 'intelligent' robot the surgeon? The answer is no. But is the 'intelligent' robot controlled by the surgeon, capable of performing the medical purpose for which it has been deployed? The answer is absolutely as it is the power tool at the hands of the skillful surgeon!

The Godhead of two Supreme Spiritual Beings is an open concept for God to grow His Family. The Trinity doctrine teaches a 'closed'  family concept conceived from pagan practices which originates from the worship of Nimrod, his wife Semiramis and son Adonai! If the Holy Spirit is a member of the Godhead than Christ must have ignored Him in His prayer to the Father in John17 and also in the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. Besides, once a believer becomes a Christian, the Holy Spirit dwells within him. If the Holy Spirit is a unique God Being, He would have to be splitted into countless multiple parts. Some theologians and preachers may be schizophrenic, but God is not! Clearly, Satan's objective of using the false Trinity doctrine is to limit God and deny man from knowing God's Master Plan in reproducing Himself through the Divine Family.

The Trinity doctrine was the creation of the Roman Emperor Constantine. In A.D.325, the Council at Nicene approved the doctrine and Constantine passes it into Law. Since he was the political ruler then, he has full power to squash any dissent coming from the true church of God. Those who failed to accept the concept and other false doctrines were fiercely persecuted and martyred!

Ephesians 3:9 tells us unequivocably that God the Father created all things (the universe) through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Word and He spoke and it was done (Psalms 33:9). God the Heavenly Father tells Jesus what to do (John 8:28-29), Jesus speaks and the Holy Spirit is the power that responds to Christ's every command. Jeremaih 27:5 teaches that the Spirit of God is the power behind all His creation on earth, including man and all beasts of the earth. Similarly, God gives the power of His Holy Spirit to whom He sees fit and who obey Him (Jeremiah 27:5b; Acts 5:32).

Throughout Scriptures, God is revealed as a person who has hands, legs, eyes, ears and hair on His head. Man looks like God for we are all created in His image (Gen 1:26). Christ told Philip, 'He who has seen me has seen the Father' - John 14:9 - is a reference to the fact that we look like God the Father in shape and form. The main difference that man differs from his Creator is that God the Father and Jesus Christ have perfect holy character, righeousness and love that man can never attain in his mortal lifetime. They live by the perfect and righteous law that governs the whole universe in perfect harmony!

There is one passage in 1 John 5:7-8 that was added by the editors of the Latin Vulgate translation, probably in the fourth century AD that was not in the original bible manuscripts. It reads, 'For there are three that bear witnesses in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth; the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one.'  The Apostle John in his inspired writing always speaks of the Father and the Son and never as the Father and the Word except in the uninspired passage quoted herein in 1 John 5:7-8.

The Holy Spirit is like water that can be poured out, so said the Apostle Peter who quoted prophet Joel in Acts 2: 18. Can you pour out a person from one to another, like the Charismatics who claim in their Holy Ghost meetings? If the Holy Spirit is a person as what traditional Christianity claims, then it is highly disrespectful to associate Him as water, oil, wind and dove! If the Holy Spirit is a God Being like the Father and the Son, then David would not have pleaded with God to not take away the Holy Spirit from him, when he could have ask the Spirit not to leave him! (Psalms 51: 11). Rather, it is the Spirit of God that emanates from the God Beings that makes them omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.

Many people think that the Godhead consists of a one Person God is a misnomer. The truth of the matter is that the Godhead consists of Two Supreme Personage but in total agreement with one vision, purpose and mission in all that they are and do. That is the true meaning of One God. God's Law is the Law of Righteousness and Love that keeps the universe in perfect harmony until Lucifer and his demons rebelled against the government of God and cause havoc throughout the whole universe. Man is destined to be born again as immortal spirit members into God's divine Family to restore all that has been lost! (Rom 8:19-23).

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