Thursday, May 5, 2011


From the time of Christ and His first Apostles, the true Gospel and all the accompanied truth from the Holy Scriptures were preached to faithful men and women who kept them by handing the truth down through the centuries. But it wasn't easy as detractors fought tooth and nail to destroy the truth as warned by many of the early Apostles in Scriptures. After the close of the first century A.D. with the passing of the Apostle John, things took a turn for the worse. Polycarp, a trusted disciple of John had to fight to defend the true faith.

At the Mount of Olives, Jesus Christ revealed to His disciples the key events to come that will usher His Second Coming recorded in Matthew 24. The books of Daniel and Revelation record corollary accounts of events leading to Christ's return. He prophesied that deceived preachers will preach about Him (Matthew 24:5) rather than His message commissioned by God the Father (Luke 4:43) on the coming kingdom of God. The Apostle warned of this in 2 Corinthians 11: 3-4. Many have turned the Gospel of Christ into a Gospel about Christ (Galatians 1: 6-9).

According to church history, all these falsehood and lies have their roots from Simon Magus, the sorcerer recorded in Acts 8. In A.D.45, Simon founded a competing church in Rome using a mix of Babylonian pagan practices with distorted Christian principles to destroy the true church of God that denied him an apostleship. His ultimate goal was domination of the  world religion and government. The Roman emperor Constantine the Great saw Simon's brand of Christianity as a unifying force for all the squabbling peoples of Europe and proceeded to legitimize the Universal or Catholic Church.

The Universal church, with its new found status from the backing of the Roman emperor began to grow in power and stature. The true church of God became its target for martyrdom. It cast aside the Bible as insufficient and introduced extra biblical doctrines and practices, often a mixture of paganism sourced from Babylon. Such persecutions against the true church of God are prophesied in Revelation 2: 8-29; 12:6, 13, 17; Daniel 7: 23-25, where Rev 12:6 prophesied the period of 1,260 years from A.D. 325 beginning with the Council of Nicaea and ending in A.D. 1585 when Catholic dominance in England ended. Verse 13 of chapter 12 speaks of Satan's attempt to crush the true church of God and the worse that is yet to come during the Great Tribulation (verse 17).

Many left the land of their birth to escape persecution. Among the faithful are God's people known as the Lollards, Paulicians and Waldenses, to name just a few. A wealthy French merchant named Peter Waldo was converted to the true faith and began to preach the kingdom of God as taught by Jesus Christ to His close disciples. The Catholic Inquisition led by Pope Innocent 111 condemned many true church members to martyrdom by burning them alive in 1211, with 80 of Waldo's followers died at the stakes.

The Catholic church forbid the reading of Bible by laymen and made it a crime punishable by death and also made illegal the translation of the Bible into the vernacular for the common folks. After the opening of theological education starting in Oxford and Cambridge, more scholars realised  that the Catholic teachings did not harmonise with the Holy Bible.

Scholars like William Tyndale made great efforts and sacrifices to produce the Bible in the English language. His life was often in danger with threats coming from the Universal church. By the time the King James version came on the scene in 1611 with King James 1 on the throne, Europe had endured two centuries of bloody war over the translation of the Bible. But the harm of heretical teachings among the early church had infiltrated in all quarters of church life save a small remnant belonging to those who are members of the true church of God.

Many had died to give Christians the privilege to read and study the Bible in the English language. However, many are unaware that the interpretation of the Bible had been distorted through centuries of wrong indoctrination from the Universal church. In Revelation 6:2, the Bible warns us of the emergence and spread of a false faith branded in Christianity. Such deception was and still is perpetrated through a mixture of paganistic practices and unbiblical doctrines and humanistic traditions with its origin from Babylon. As warned by Christ and the New Testament writers, the deception started right after Christ's ascension to heaven and the founding of the New Testament Church.

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